Cover: Vector Calculus, 6th Edition by Jerrold E. Marsden; Anthony Tromba

Vector Calculus

Sixth Edition  ©2013 Jerrold E. Marsden; Anthony Tromba Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Jerrold E. Marsden

    Jerrold E. Marsden

  • Headshot of Anthony Tromba

    Anthony Tromba

    Anthony Tromba is Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He received his B.S. from Cornell University, and his M.A. and Ph.D, from Princeton University. His research interests are in the applications of ideas in global nonlinear analysis to various problems in analysis and topology. His research has been honored by an invitation to address The International Congress of Mathematicians. Professor Tromba has been Ordinarius Professor at The Ludwigs Maximillians University, Munich, A Visiting Member of The Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, and A Research Group Leader at The Max Planck Institute, Bonn.
    He has authored, or co-authored over nine books, two of which, including Vector Calculus, have been translated into multiple languages.

Table of Contents

Product Updates

The Sixth Edition was completely redesigned, but retains and improves on the balance between theory, applications, optional material, and historical notes that was present in earlier editions.

Content changes include:
Trimming some of the historical material, making it more relevant to the mathematics under discussion. Moving some of the more difficult discussions in the Ffth Edition to the Book Companion Web Site (including Conservation Laws, the derivation of Euler’s Equation of a Perfect Fluid, and a discussion of the Heat Equation).

Revision highlights:
New Design
The modern redesign emphasizes the pedagogical features, making the text more concise, student-friendly, and accessible.

More Exercises
The new edition adds 15-20% new easy-to-moderate exercises graded from less difficult to more difficult, providing extra practice for students to master key concepts.

New Examples
The new examples were shaped by feedback from reviewers and UC-Santa Cruz teaching assistants teaching the course.

Enhanced Three Dimensional Figures
The quality of the artwork has been significantly improved, with crucial three-dimensional figures better reflecting key concepts to students.

Definitions/Theorems/Proofs/Corollaries/Key Concepts
These pedagogical features these are now more clearly boxed to better highlight them for students and differentiate from the main text.

This bestselling vector calculus text helps students gain a solid, intuitive understanding of this important subject. The books careful contemporary balance between theory, application, and historical development, provides readers with insights into how mathematics progresses and is in turn influenced by the natural world. The new edition offers a contemporary design, an increased number of practice exercises, and content changes based on reviewer feedback, giving this classic text a modern appeal.

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