Cover: A Student's Companion to Hacker Handbooks with 2021 MLA Update, 2nd Edition by Bedford/St. Martin's

A Student's Companion to Hacker Handbooks with 2021 MLA Update

Second Edition  ©2021 Bedford/St. Martin's Formats: E-book


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    Established in 1981, Bedford/St. Martin’s is the largest college publisher of textbooks for English composition courses. They publish best-selling textbooks like A Writer’s Reference, The St. Martin’s Guide to College Writing, and Patterns for College Writing.

Table of Contents

PART 1 Succeeding in College
1 Becoming a college writer
2 Building your confidence
3 Time management
4 College ethics and personal responsibility
5 College etiquette

PART 2 Succeeding in Your Writing Course
6 Developing active reading strategies
7 Strengthening peer review and collaboration skills
8 Outlining and planning your writing
9 Writing for an audience
10 Graphic organizers for common types of writing
11 Graphic organizers for common types of paragraphs
12 Using sentence guides to develop academic writing skills
13 Integrating sources: Quotation sandwiching (MLA style)
14 Revising paragraphs and essays

PART 3 Practicing Reading, Writing, and Research Skills
15 Reading exercises
16 Thesis statement exercises
17 Topic sentence exercises
18 MLA research exercises
19 Plagiarism exercises
20 Paraphrase and summary exercises

PART 4 Practicing Sentence-Level Skills
21 Active verbs
22 Parallelism
23 Misplaced and dangling modifiers
24 Sentence variety
25 Sentence fragments
26 Run-on sentences
27 Subject-verb agreement
28 Pronoun reference
29 Pronoun and noun case
30 Verbs
31 Articles
32 Commas and unnecessary commas
33 Apostrophes
34 Quotation marks

Product Updates

The ebook has been updated to give your students the latest guidance on documenting sources in MLA style and follows the guidelines set forth in the MLA Handbook, 9th edition (April 2021).

Includes even more practice exercises for sentence skills. Every chapter in Part 4 includes three exercises and combines paragraph-style and sentence-style items.

A new smaller, handier size makes the print version of the text even more portable.

A new chapter, “Building Your Confidence,” guides students in reflecting on their strengths and setting goals.

Conquer the Comp Course

The ebook has been updated to give your students the latest guidance on documenting sources in MLA style and follows the guidelines set forth in the MLA Handbook, 9th edition (April 2021).

Writers develop over time. And the fact is, some writers need more time and more practice to develop the skills and habits that help them meet the challenges of the first-year writing course. For those students enrolled in paired, co-requisite, or ALP sections, A Student’s Companion to Hacker Handbooks offers practical support that will help them get up to speed and perform on-level.

The first half of the workbook offers instruction, opportunities for reflection, and graphic organizers for many kinds of writing. It also includes important college success strategies including time management and planning. The second half offers more than 65 exercises that students can complete right in the workbook—exercises covering a wide range of topics from thesis statements, unity, plagiarism, and paraphrasing to fragments, run-ons, commas, and verb tenses. Substantial coverage of reading strategies—along with a variety of reading activities—help reinforce the link between reading and writing performance at the college level.

Available as a print workbook, as an e-book, or as online content within select Achieve products,  A Student’s Companion to Hacker Handbooks builds skills, promotes good habits, and reinforces the instruction found in all of the Hacker/Sommers handbooks.


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