Cover: Achieve All-in-One for Hillis, Principles of Life Digital Update 3e with Lab Simulations 2.0 (1-Term Acess), 3rd Edition by David M. Hillis; Mary V. Price; Richard W. Hill; David W. Hall; Marta J. Laskowski

Achieve All-in-One for Hillis, Principles of Life Digital Update 3e with Lab Simulations 2.0 (1-Term Acess)

Third Edition  ©2024 David M. Hillis; Mary V. Price; Richard W. Hill; David W. Hall; Marta J. Laskowski Formats: Achieve


  • Headshot of David M. Hillis

    David M. Hillis

    David M. Hillis is the Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor in Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin, where he also has directed the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, the Biodiversity Center, and the School of Biological Sciences. Dr. Hillis has taught courses in introductory biology, genetics, evolution, systematics, and biodiversity. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was awarded a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship, and has served as President of the Society for the Study of Evolution and of the Society of Systematic Biologists. He served on the National Research Council committee that wrote the report BIO 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education for Research Biologists, and currently serves on the Executive Committee of the National Academies Scientific Teaching Alliance.

  • Headshot of Mary V. Price

    Mary V. Price

    Mary V. Price is Professor of Biology, Emerita, at the University of California, Riverside, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona. In “retirement” she continues to teach, investigate, and publish. Dr. Price has taught, mentored, and published with students at all levels, and particularly enjoys leading field classes in the arid regions of North America and Australia, and the tropical forests of Central America, Africa, and Madagascar. Her research focuses on understanding not only the ecology of North American deserts and mountains, but also on how science really works.

  • Headshot of Richard W. Hill

    Richard W. Hill

    Richard W. Hill is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University and a frequent Guest Investigator at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He is the senior author of the leading textbook on animal physiology. Among the awards he has received are the Outstanding Faculty Award, Meritorious Faculty Award, and election as Fellow of the AAAS. His research interests include: temperature regulation and energetics in birds and mammals, especially neonates; and environmental physiology of marine tertiary sulfonium and quaternary ammonium compounds.

  • Headshot of David W. Hall

    David W. Hall

    David W. Hall taught a variety of classes at Wake Forest University, the University of Texas, and the University of Georgia during his academic career. He especially enjoyed teaching introductory biology and genetics to undergraduates and received several teaching awards for his efforts in the classroom. Ever since high school, he has been captivated by the living world but was initially overwhelmed by the enormous diversity of life. However, he soon realized that there are fundamental principles that unite all organisms, which greatly facilitates the study of biology. Helping students learn these principles was the foundation of his biological teaching.

  • Headshot of Marta J. Laskowski

    Marta J. Laskowski

    Marta J. Laskowski is a Professor in the Biology Department at Oberlin College. Dr. Laskowski has mentored undergraduate students in research and has taught introductory biology, skills-based first year seminars (Feeding the World), plant physiology, and plant development. She heads an effort at Oberlin, funded by the HHMI Inclusive Excellence program, to enhance the climate for and success of a diverse student population in STEM. One of her numerous journal articles resulted in a Guinness World Record for the fastest opening flower (Cornus canadensis; bunchberry). A college class in developmental biology so captivated her that she decided to focus her research on discovering the intricate sub-cellular interactions that establish the plant root system.

  • Headshot of Macmillan Learning

    Macmillan Learning

Table of Contents

Contents of  Hillis et al, Principles of Life:
1 Principles of Life
2 Life’s Chemistry and the Importance of Water
3 Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes
4 Cell Structure and Membranes
5 Cell Metabolism: Synthesis and Degradation of Biological Molecules
6 Cell Signals and Responses
7 The Cell Cycle and Cell Division
8 Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes
9 DNA and Its Role in Heredity
10 From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression
11 Regulation of Gene Expression
12 Genomes
13 Processes of Evolution
14 Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies
15* Evolution of Genes and Genomes
16 Speciation
17 The History of Life on Earth
18 Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses
19 The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes
20 The Evolution of Plants
21 The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi
22 Animal Origins and Diversity
23 The Plant Body
24 Plant Nutrition and Transport
25 Plant Growth and Development
26 Reproduction of Flowering Plants
27 Plants in the Environment
28 Temperature, Energy, Matter, and Homeostasis
29 Animals in Their Environments
30 Breathing and Circulation
31 Neurons, Sense Organs, and Nervous Systems
32 Control by the Endocrine and Nervous Systems
33 Muscle and Movement
34 Animal Reproduction
35 Animal Development
36 Immunology
37 Animal Behavior
38 Ecological Systems in Time and Space
39 Populations
40 Interactions within and among Species
41 Ecological Communities
42 The Global Ecosystem
43 Water and Salt Balance

Contents of Achieve Lab Simulations for Biology 2.0:
Lab Safety
Introduction to Lab Simulations
Making Measurements in the Lab
Scientific Method
Basic Microscopy
Acids, Bases, and pH Buffers
Biological Molecules
Quantitative Analysis of Enzyme Activity
Antibiotic Sensitivity
Cell Structure and Function
Diffusion and Osmosis
Expanded Diffusion and Osmosis
Cellular Respiration
Regulation of Gene Expression
Genetics of Corn
Natural Selection
Protein Assays
Nucleic Acid Assays
Plant Structure and Function
Plant Reproduction
Mammalian Tissue

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