Cover: Achieve Labs for Microbiology Simulations (1-Term Access), 1st Edition by Macmillan Learning

Achieve Labs for Microbiology Simulations (1-Term Access)

First Edition  ©2022 Macmillan Learning Formats: Achieve


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Table of Contents

Achieve Lab Simulations for Microbiology
Brief Table of Contents

Goal Setting and Reflection Surveys
Welcome to Achieve

Lab Safety

  • Experiment 1: Safety Features and Hazards
  • Experiment 2: Dressing for the Lab

Introduction to Lab Simulations

  • Experiment 1: Measure a Change in Temperature Following a Chemical Reaction Between HCl and NaOH
  • Experiment 2: Investigate the Relationship between the Volume and Pressure of a Gas (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Observing a Reaction Between HCl and Zinc

Scientific Method

  • Experiment 1: Find the Best Mouse Diet for Weight Gain (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Replicate the Experiment (includes Smart Worksheet)

Basic Microscopy

  • Experiment 1: Visualizing Cells Using a Microscope
  • Experiment 2: Estimating Size

Aseptic Technique

  • Experiment 1: Pouring an Agar Plate
  • Experiment 2: Making a Streak Plate Using the Aseptic Technique

Cultivation of Bacteria

  • Experiment 1: Bacteria in the Environment
  • Experiment 2: Isolation of Bacteria


  • Experiment 1: Gram Staining
  • Experiment 2: Acid-Fast Staining
  • Experiment 3: Capsule Staining of K. pneumoniae and S. pneumoniae

Enumeration of Bacteria

  • Experiment 1: Spread Plating of Bacterial Serial Dilutions (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Counting Plate CFUs (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Calculating Sample CFU Density (includes Smart Worksheet)

Motility and Amino Acid Hydrolysis

  • Experiment 1: Motility
  • Experiment 2: Amino Acid Hydrolysis


  • Experiment 1: Normal Peripheral Blood (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Diseased Peripheral Blood (includes Smart Worksheet)

Unknown Identification

  • Experiment 1: Gram Stain
  • Experiment 2: Starch Hydrolysis Test
  • Experiment 3: Citrate Test
  • Experiment 4: Anaerobic Jar

Control of Bacterial Growth

  • Experiment 1: UV Radiation
  • Experiment 2: Chemical Agent Effects on E. coli
  • Experiment 3: Pressurized Steam, High-Temperature Sterilization Using an Autoclave

Bacterial Transformation

  • Experiment 1: Bacterial Transformation with an Ampicillin-Resistant Plasmid (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Determining Transformation Success Using Selective Media (includes Smart Worksheet)

Extreme Bacteria

  • Experiment 1: Effect of Temperature on Microbial Growth
  • Experiment 2: Effect of pH on Microbial Growth
  • Experiment 3: Effect of Osmotic Pressure on Microbial Growth
  • Experiment 4: Effect of Oxygen on Microbial Growth

Antibiotic Sensitivity

  • Experiment 1: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with E. coli
  • Experiment 2: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with S. aureus
  • Experiment 3: Performing a Disk Diffusion Test with MRSA


  • Experiment 1: Performing Gram Staining of S. aureus and E. coli
  • Experiment 2: Determining the Susceptibility of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria to Antibiotics


  • Topic 1: Investigating Excavata
  • Topic 2: Investigating Rhizaria
  • Topic 3: Investigating Chromalveolata
  • Topic 4: Investigating Archaeplastida
  • Topic 5: Investigating Amoebas
  • Topic 6: Investigating Choanoflagellates


  • Topic 1: Investigating Phylum Basidiomycota
  • Topic 2: Investigating Phylum Ascomycota
  • Topic 3: Investigating Phylum Zygomycota

Acids, Bases, and pH Buffers

  • Experiment 1: Measuring pH by Using the pH Indicator Bromothymol Blue (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: The Phosphate Buffer System (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Measuring the Buffer Capacity of a Phosphate Buffer (includes Smart Worksheet)

Biological Molecules

  • Experiment 1: Testing for Reducing Sugars Using Benedict’s Solution
  • Experiment 2: Testing for Starch Using Lugol’s Iodine
  • Experiment 3: Testing for Lipids Using Sudan III Solution
  • Experiment 4: Testing for Proteins Using Biuret Solution
  • Experiment 5: Testing Various Foods for Reducing Sugars, Starch, Lipids, and Proteins


  • Experiment 1: Determining the Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Determining the Effect of Substrate Concentration on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Determining the Effect of pH on Catalase Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)

Quantitative Analysis of Enzyme Activity

  • Experiment 1: Creating a Calibration Curve for Starch–Iodine Measurements (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 2: Determining the Effect of pH on Amylase Enzyme Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Determining the Effect of Temperature on Amylase Enzyme Activity (includes Smart Worksheet)

Diffusion and Osmosis

  • Experiment 1: Qualitative Evidence for Diffusion
  • Experiment 2: Quantifying the Relationship Between Concentration Gradient and Osmosis (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Visualizing Osmosis in Living Cells

Expanded Diffusion and Osmosis

  • Experiment 1: Qualitative Evidence for Diffusion
  • Experiment 2: Observing the Dependence of the Rate of Diffusion on the Concentration Gradient (includes Smart Worksheet)
  • Experiment 3: Confirming Osmosis by Quantifying Weight Changes and Screening for Protein
  • Experiment 4: Quantifying the Relationship Between Concentration Gradient and Osmosis (includes Smart Worksheet)

Cellular Respiration

  • Experiment: Fermentation of Different Sugars by Yeast Cells (includes Smart Worksheet)


  • Experiment: Running a Gel Electrophoresis of DNA VNTR Fragments (includes Smart Worksheet)

Regulation of Gene Expression

  • Topic 1: Investigating Gene Expression
  • Topic 2: Investigating mRNA Production
  • Topic 3: Optimizing Protein Production Using Multiple Cells


  • Experiment 1: Running a PCR
  • Experiment 2: Conducting Gel Electrophoresis

Nucleic Acid Assays

  • Experiment 1: Performing an RNA Extraction from Animal Cells
  • Experiment 2: Cloning
  • Experiment 3: Next Generation Sequencing

Product Updates

New organization and table of contents
New assessments for pre-lab and post-lab
Improved UX
Updated lab manual
Smart Worksheets
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