Cover: Business and Professional Communication in the Information Age, 3rd Edition by John William Haas

Business and Professional Communication in the Information Age

Third Edition  ©2018 John William Haas


  • Headshot of John William Haas

    John William Haas

    John William Haas teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational communication, interpersonal communication, and research methods. His work has appeared in American Behavioral Scientist, Management Communication Quarterly, The Journal of Business Communication, The International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology, Southern States Communication Journal , and Journalism Quarterly. Dr. Haas has served as principal investigator or co-principal investigator on research grants from agencies such as the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Engineering Information Foundation. Dr. Haas has lectured at the University of Ulm in Germany concerning effective oral communication skills in health care delivery and worked with the Saxony (Germany) Association of Pharmacists on policies involving provider-recipient communication. His service to professional associations includes chairing divisions of both national and regional groups. Dr. Haas currently serves as an Associate Professor and the Director of the School of Communication Studies at the University of Tennessee.

Table of Contents

  • Business and Professional Communication
  • The Communication Process
  • The Process of Communicating and Organizing
  • The Interviewing Process
  • Business Presentations: Preparation
  • Business Presentations: Delivery
  • Informative, Persuasive, Group, and Special Occasion Presentations
  • Using Language
  • Developing Effective Workplace Relationships
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Communication in Teams and Groups
  • Group Decision-making and Problem Solving

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Business and Professional Communication in the Information Age is a textbook that is designed to achieve two broad objectives: advance students’ knowledge of the communication process in business settings and secondly, strengthen their skills as a speaker.

Through this text, students will learn how to prepare, deliver, and evaluate messages in organizational contexts through a combination of oral and written assignments.  They will also develop an understanding of the ethical responsibilities associated with business communication.  Finally, the text works to hone students’ interpersonal, group, and presentation speaking skills by engaging them in a series of individual and group presentation exercises.

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