College Physics
Third Edition ©2021 Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten; David L. Tauck Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print
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Transform every student’s potential with Freedman’s College Physics and Achieve.
Now available for the first time with Macmillan’s new online learning tool Achieve, Freedman’s College Physics makes it easy for instructors to support every student by using best teaching practices in their algebra-based physics courses. With resources for before, during, and after class, students of all backgrounds are engaged and supported at every step of the learning process. The text further supports student comprehension with its hallmark Set Up, Solve, Reflect problem-solving approach to help students understand and visualize problems. Perfect for students of all backgrounds, the text contains call-outs to additional math review and relevant applications of physics, including those from biology.
In this edition, the end-of-chapter questions have been thoroughly updated for clarity and quality and over 80% are now available for assigning in Achieve, while still featuring detailed and targeted feedback, solutions, and hints for every question.
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Prof. Jennifer Duncan
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Prof. Ryan Elsenpeter
Here’s why educators who use Achieve would recommend it to their peers.
Roger Freedman
Dr. Roger A. Freedman is a Lecturer in Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
He was an undergraduate at the University of California campuses in San Diego and Los Angeles, and did his doctoral research in theoretical nuclear physics at Stanford University. He came to UCSB in 1981 after three years of teaching and doing research at the University of Washington. At UCSB, Dr. Freedman has taught in both the Department of Physics and the College of Creative Studies, a branch of the university intended for highly gifted and motivated undergraduates. In recent years, he has helped to develop computer-based tools for learning introductory physics and astronomy and has been a pioneer in the use of classroom response systems and the “flipped” classroom model at UCSB. Roger holds a commercial pilot’s license and was an early organizer of the San Diego Comic-Con, now the world’s largest popular culture convention.
Todd Ruskell
As a Teaching Professor of Physics at the Colorado School of Mines, Todd G. Ruskell focuses on teaching at the introductory level, and continually develops more effective ways to help students learn. One method used in large enrollment introductory courses is Studio Physics. This collaborative, hands-on environment helps students develop better intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena through an active learning approach. Dr. Ruskell brings his experience in improving students’ conceptual understanding to the text, as well as a strong liberal arts perspective. Dr. Ruskell’s love of physics began with a B.A. in physics from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. He went on to receive an M.S. and Ph.D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. He has received awards for teaching excellence, including Colorado School of Mines’ Alumni Teaching Award. Dr. Ruskell currently serves on the physics panel and advisory board for the NANSLO (North American Network of Science Labs Online) project.
Philip R. Kesten
Dr. Philip Kesten, Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Provost for Residential Learning Communities at Santa Clara University, holds a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received his Ph.D. in high energy particle physics from the University of Michigan. Since joining the Santa Clara faculty in 1990, Dr. Kesten has also served as Chair of Physics, Faculty Director of the ATOM and da Vinci Residential Learning Communities, and Director of the Ricard Memorial Observatory. He has received awards for teaching excellence and curriculum innovation, was Santa Claras Faculty Development Professor for 2004-2005, and was named the California Professor of the Year in 2005 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education. Dr. Kesten is co-founder of Docutek, (A SirsiDynix Company), an Internet software company, and has served as the Senior Editor for Modern Dad, a newsstand magazine.
David L. Tauck
Dr. David Tauck, Associate Professor of Biology, holds both a B.A. in biology and an M.A. in Spanish from Middlebury College. He earned his Ph.D. in physiology at Duke University and completed postdoctoral fellowships at Stanford University and Harvard University in anesthesia and neuroscience, respectively. Since joining the Santa Clara University faculty in 1987, he has served as Chair of the Biology Department, the College Committee on Rank and Tenure, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; he has also served as president of the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Tauck currently serves as the Faculty Director in Residence of the da Vinci Residential Learning Community.
Table of Contents
2. Motion in One Dimension
3. Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
4. Forces and Motion I: Newton’s Laws
5. Forces and Motion II: Applications
6. Work and Energy
7. Gravitation
8. Momentum, Collisions, and Center of Mass
9. Rotational Motion
10. Elastic Properties of Matter: Stress and Strain
11. Fluids
12. Oscillations
13. Waves
14. Thermodynamics I: Temperature and Heat
15. Thermodynamics II: Laws of Thermodynamics
16. Electrostatics I: Electric Charge, Forces, and Fields
17. Electrostatics II: Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
18. DC Circuits: Electric Charges in Motion
19. Magnetism: Forces and Fields
20. Electromagnetic Induction
21. Alternating-Current Circuits
22. Electromagnetic Waves
23. Physical Optics: Wave Properties of Light
24. Geometrical Optics: Ray Properties of Light
25. Relativity
26. Quantum Physics and Atomic Structure
27. Nuclear Physics
28. Particle Physics and Beyond
Product Updates
NEW Achieve College Physics online homework
- Resources to support learning before class, or for flipped classrooms, include our popular videos and assessment from FlipIt Physics.
- Narrated Prelecture videos provide an alternative method to support multimedia learning and limit cognitive load. Each video is 1-3 minutes in length, totalling an assignment length of approximately 15 minutes, and conceptual questions, interspersed between Prelecture videos, keep students engaged and on track.
- Bridge questions give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding before coming to class, while providing insights for instructors, leading to more meaningful class time. - To support learning during class, In-Class Activities written by Roger Freedman have been fully adapted for implementation through our easy-to-use In-Class Activity Guides. iClicker questions and deep integration with Achieve also supports active participation during class time.
- For homework and study after class, Achieve features over 3,500 homework questions, including questions with regenerating algorithmic values. Every question in Achieve offers a hint, answer-specific feedback, and a fully worked solution to coach students through problem solving. Achieve question types include
- Multiple choice
- Ranking
- Sorting
- Symbolic expression entry
- Graphing
- Numeric entry
- Multi-part questions - LearningCurve adaptive quizzing provides additional practice for students on foundational concepts.
- An interactive e-book, powered by VitalSource, allows students to download for offline reading, print select pages, have the book read aloud to them, and search for key terms, phrases, and figures. Additionally, students can highlight, take notes, and create flashcards for studying.
- HTML5 PhET simulations from the University of Colorado at Boulder help students gain a visual understanding of concepts and illustrate cause-and-effect relationships.
- Over 80 P’Cast whiteboard-style videos, based on worked examples from the text, simulate the experience of watching an instructor walk through the steps and explanation of physics concepts while solving a problem.
- New figures, emphasizing biological examples and applications
- Additions to the pedagogical features in the text, including new Watch-out Boxes, Got the Concept? Boxes, and Key terms
- Content updates, including the presentation of the new SI units of measurement, which in 2018 redefined the kilogram, kelvin, ampere, and mole (references throughout the text); and an updated discussion on Radiation and Climate in Ch14 Thermodynamics I: Temperature and Heat, describing the connection between atmospheric CO2 and global warming using the most recent data
- Increased coverage of physics topics of biomedical interest; for example, the optics of microscopes (Ch24), and how the physics of thin films helps us understand the phenomenon of nighttime eyeshine from a cat’s eye’s reflective tapetum lucidum (Ch23)
- Changes to improve the clarity of figures, expanding the use of word balloons to help students understand mathematical equations and interpret art
- Formatting changes to the worked examples, facilitating learners’ step-by-step process of working through the problem
- Structural and content changes to the End of Chapter sections, as part of our Achieve initiative
Instructor Resources
Instructor Resources
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Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten; David L. Tauck | Third Edition | ©2021 | ISBN:9781319363703
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Roger Freedman
Dr. Roger A. Freedman is a Lecturer in Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
He was an undergraduate at the University of California campuses in San Diego and Los Angeles, and did his doctoral research in theoretical nuclear physics at Stanford University. He came to UCSB in 1981 after three years of teaching and doing research at the University of Washington. At UCSB, Dr. Freedman has taught in both the Department of Physics and the College of Creative Studies, a branch of the university intended for highly gifted and motivated undergraduates. In recent years, he has helped to develop computer-based tools for learning introductory physics and astronomy and has been a pioneer in the use of classroom response systems and the “flipped” classroom model at UCSB. Roger holds a commercial pilot’s license and was an early organizer of the San Diego Comic-Con, now the world’s largest popular culture convention.
Todd Ruskell
As a Teaching Professor of Physics at the Colorado School of Mines, Todd G. Ruskell focuses on teaching at the introductory level, and continually develops more effective ways to help students learn. One method used in large enrollment introductory courses is Studio Physics. This collaborative, hands-on environment helps students develop better intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena through an active learning approach. Dr. Ruskell brings his experience in improving students’ conceptual understanding to the text, as well as a strong liberal arts perspective. Dr. Ruskell’s love of physics began with a B.A. in physics from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. He went on to receive an M.S. and Ph.D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. He has received awards for teaching excellence, including Colorado School of Mines’ Alumni Teaching Award. Dr. Ruskell currently serves on the physics panel and advisory board for the NANSLO (North American Network of Science Labs Online) project.
Philip R. Kesten
Dr. Philip Kesten, Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Provost for Residential Learning Communities at Santa Clara University, holds a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received his Ph.D. in high energy particle physics from the University of Michigan. Since joining the Santa Clara faculty in 1990, Dr. Kesten has also served as Chair of Physics, Faculty Director of the ATOM and da Vinci Residential Learning Communities, and Director of the Ricard Memorial Observatory. He has received awards for teaching excellence and curriculum innovation, was Santa Claras Faculty Development Professor for 2004-2005, and was named the California Professor of the Year in 2005 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education. Dr. Kesten is co-founder of Docutek, (A SirsiDynix Company), an Internet software company, and has served as the Senior Editor for Modern Dad, a newsstand magazine.
David L. Tauck
Dr. David Tauck, Associate Professor of Biology, holds both a B.A. in biology and an M.A. in Spanish from Middlebury College. He earned his Ph.D. in physiology at Duke University and completed postdoctoral fellowships at Stanford University and Harvard University in anesthesia and neuroscience, respectively. Since joining the Santa Clara University faculty in 1987, he has served as Chair of the Biology Department, the College Committee on Rank and Tenure, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; he has also served as president of the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Tauck currently serves as the Faculty Director in Residence of the da Vinci Residential Learning Community.
Table of Contents
2. Motion in One Dimension
3. Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
4. Forces and Motion I: Newton’s Laws
5. Forces and Motion II: Applications
6. Work and Energy
7. Gravitation
8. Momentum, Collisions, and Center of Mass
9. Rotational Motion
10. Elastic Properties of Matter: Stress and Strain
11. Fluids
12. Oscillations
13. Waves
14. Thermodynamics I: Temperature and Heat
15. Thermodynamics II: Laws of Thermodynamics
16. Electrostatics I: Electric Charge, Forces, and Fields
17. Electrostatics II: Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
18. DC Circuits: Electric Charges in Motion
19. Magnetism: Forces and Fields
20. Electromagnetic Induction
21. Alternating-Current Circuits
22. Electromagnetic Waves
23. Physical Optics: Wave Properties of Light
24. Geometrical Optics: Ray Properties of Light
25. Relativity
26. Quantum Physics and Atomic Structure
27. Nuclear Physics
28. Particle Physics and Beyond
Product Updates
NEW Achieve College Physics online homework
- Resources to support learning before class, or for flipped classrooms, include our popular videos and assessment from FlipIt Physics.
- Narrated Prelecture videos provide an alternative method to support multimedia learning and limit cognitive load. Each video is 1-3 minutes in length, totalling an assignment length of approximately 15 minutes, and conceptual questions, interspersed between Prelecture videos, keep students engaged and on track.
- Bridge questions give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding before coming to class, while providing insights for instructors, leading to more meaningful class time. - To support learning during class, In-Class Activities written by Roger Freedman have been fully adapted for implementation through our easy-to-use In-Class Activity Guides. iClicker questions and deep integration with Achieve also supports active participation during class time.
- For homework and study after class, Achieve features over 3,500 homework questions, including questions with regenerating algorithmic values. Every question in Achieve offers a hint, answer-specific feedback, and a fully worked solution to coach students through problem solving. Achieve question types include
- Multiple choice
- Ranking
- Sorting
- Symbolic expression entry
- Graphing
- Numeric entry
- Multi-part questions - LearningCurve adaptive quizzing provides additional practice for students on foundational concepts.
- An interactive e-book, powered by VitalSource, allows students to download for offline reading, print select pages, have the book read aloud to them, and search for key terms, phrases, and figures. Additionally, students can highlight, take notes, and create flashcards for studying.
- HTML5 PhET simulations from the University of Colorado at Boulder help students gain a visual understanding of concepts and illustrate cause-and-effect relationships.
- Over 80 P’Cast whiteboard-style videos, based on worked examples from the text, simulate the experience of watching an instructor walk through the steps and explanation of physics concepts while solving a problem.
- New figures, emphasizing biological examples and applications
- Additions to the pedagogical features in the text, including new Watch-out Boxes, Got the Concept? Boxes, and Key terms
- Content updates, including the presentation of the new SI units of measurement, which in 2018 redefined the kilogram, kelvin, ampere, and mole (references throughout the text); and an updated discussion on Radiation and Climate in Ch14 Thermodynamics I: Temperature and Heat, describing the connection between atmospheric CO2 and global warming using the most recent data
- Increased coverage of physics topics of biomedical interest; for example, the optics of microscopes (Ch24), and how the physics of thin films helps us understand the phenomenon of nighttime eyeshine from a cat’s eye’s reflective tapetum lucidum (Ch23)
- Changes to improve the clarity of figures, expanding the use of word balloons to help students understand mathematical equations and interpret art
- Formatting changes to the worked examples, facilitating learners’ step-by-step process of working through the problem
- Structural and content changes to the End of Chapter sections, as part of our Achieve initiative
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Sometimes also referred to as a spiral-bound or binder-ready textbook, loose-leaf textbooks are available to purchase. This three-hole punched, unbound version of the book costs less than a hardcover or paperback book.
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Most Achieve Essentials courses do not include our e-books and adaptive quizzing.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Achieve Read & Practice only includes our e-book and adaptive quizzing, and does not include instructor resources and assignable assessments. Read & Practice does integrate with LMS.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
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Our courses currently integrate with Canvas, Blackboard (Learn and Ultra), Brightspace, D2L, and Moodle. Click on the support documentation below to find out more details about the integration with each LMS.
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If you’re a verified instructor, you can request a free sample of our courseware, e-book, or print textbook to consider for use in your courses. Only registered and verified instructors can receive free print and digital samples, and they should not be sold to bookstores or book resellers. If you don't yet have an existing account with Macmillan Learning, it can take up to two business days to verify your status as an instructor. You can request a free sample from the right side of this product page by clicking on the "Request Instructor Sample" button or by contacting your rep. Learn more.
Sometimes also referred to as a spiral-bound or binder-ready textbook, loose-leaf textbooks are available to purchase. This three-hole punched, unbound version of the book costs less than a hardcover or paperback book.
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Most Achieve Essentials courses do not include our e-books and adaptive quizzing.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Achieve Read & Practice only includes our e-book and adaptive quizzing, and does not include instructor resources and assignable assessments. Read & Practice does integrate with LMS.
Visit our comparison table for details: https://www.macmillanlearning.com/college/us/digital/achieve/compare
We can help! Contact your representative to discuss your specific needs for your course. If our off-the-shelf course materials don’t quite hit the mark, we also offer custom solutions made to fit your needs.
College Physics
Now available for the first time with Macmillan’s new online learning tool Achieve, Freedman’s College Physics makes it easy for instructors to support every student by using best teaching practices in their algebra-based physics courses. With resources for before, during, and after class, students of all backgrounds are engaged and supported at every step of the learning process. The text further supports student comprehension with its hallmark Set Up, Solve, Reflect problem-solving approach to help students understand and visualize problems. Perfect for students of all backgrounds, the text contains call-outs to additional math review and relevant applications of physics, including those from biology.
In this edition, the end-of-chapter questions have been thoroughly updated for clarity and quality and over 80% are now available for assigning in Achieve, while still featuring detailed and targeted feedback, solutions, and hints for every question.

These materials are owned by Macmillan Learning or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting Macmillan Learning's textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the Macmillan Learning Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 Macmillan Learning.
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