Cover: Connections, 3rd Edition by Paul A. Gore; Wade Leuwerke; A. J. Metz


Third Edition  ©2022 Paul A. Gore; Wade Leuwerke; A. J. Metz Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paul A. Gore

    Paul A. Gore

    Paul A. Gore

    Paul’s efforts to promote college and career readiness, high school and college student persistence, and academic success are informed by more than twenty-five years of research, program development, implementation, evaluation, consulting, and teaching. Paul currently serves as the vice president of academic affairs and provost at Bellarmine University in Kentucky. Paul earned his Ph.D. in counseling psychology, with an emphasis in student career development, academic success, and transition, from Loyola University–Chicago. He has held academic and administrative responsibilities at the University of Missouri–Kansas City, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale, ACT, Inc., the University of Utah, and Xavier University.

    Paul’s work focuses on noncognitive and motivational determinants of academic and career success. In particular, he is interested in how secondary and postsecondary institutions use data describing the noncognitive strengths and weaknesses of their students to promote transition, engagement, student success, and retention. He regularly consults with secondary and postsecondary institutions in the United States and abroad on developing and evaluating student academic and career success programs.

    Paul has authored more than fifty peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He is the past chair of the Society for Vocational Psychology and served as an advisory board member and journal editor for the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and was the recipient of a 2013–2014 American Council on Education Emerging Leadership fellowship.

  • Headshot of Wade Leuwerke

    Wade Leuwerke

    Dr. Wade C. Leuwerke

    Wade is a professor of counseling at Drake University. He earned his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Southern Illinois University–Carbondale. Wade has authored more than ninety journal articles and book chapters, as well as national and international conference presentations. One of his areas of research is the assessment and development of student and employee social and emotional skills. He has co-created several social and emotional assessment tools, including the Academic and Career Excellence System (ACES), that help secondary and postsecondary students to identify and build their skills. He works with faculty and advisers at the college level and school counselors at the high school level to integrate social and emotional data into their work with students.

    Wade has experience examining school counselors’ roles and working with professional school counselors to positively impact students’ academic development, career and college exploration, and the acquisition of personal and social skills that will prepare them for college and life beyond. He has worked with dozens of secondary and postsecondary institutions on a range of factors related to student success and persistence, including evaluating institutional practices, using data to drive student interventions, creating individualized student success plans, training, strategic planning, allocating resources, and collaborating to promote student success.

  • Headshot of A. J. Metz

    A. J. Metz

    Dr. A.J. Metz

    A.J. is a tenured faculty member and serves as associate chair of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Utah. She directs the master’s program in school counseling and the Positive Psychology Certificate Program. She also coordinates the Strategies for College Success courses in which ACES and the Connections textbook are used.

    A.J. earned an M.Ed. in vocational rehabilitation counseling and a Ph.D. in urban education (specialization in counseling psychology) from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She studies the cognitive and noncognitive factors related to academic success, career readiness, and retention in underrepresented and underserved student populations such as first-generation college students, women in STEM, college student athletes, and college student veterans.

    A.J. has extensive teaching, counseling, and career advising experience in high schools, community colleges, and four-year public and private institutions of higher education. Her passion for teaching motivates her to experiment with innovative teaching methods and to develop new and engaging activities and instructional materials. She has received the University of Utah’s Early Career Teaching Award, the College of Education Teaching Award, and the Celebrate U – Showcase of Extraordinary Faculty Achievement award. She is the past president of the Utah Psychological Association and serves on multiple state-level task forces and advisory councils promoting school based mental health services, college access and equity, and career readiness.

Table of Contents

1     Building a Foundation for College Success
2     Planning Your Future
3     Motivation, Decision Making, and Personal Responsibility
4     Organization and Time Management
5     Understanding Thinking and Learning
6     Reading for College Success
7     Take Effective Notes
8     Memory and Studying
9     Performing Well on Exams
10   Information Literacy and Communication
11   Social Belonging
12   Health and Wellness
13   Career Readiness
14   Celebrating Your Success and Connecting to Your Future

Product Updates

Summer 2024 Updates - New/updated Achieve features and resources are available for this title:

  • Three brand-new Instructor Activity Guides designed to reinforce and expand upon the skills in Achieve’s goal-setting and reflection surveys. 
  • An Instructor Guide that details strategies on how to use the survey results to effectively discuss students’ goals and progress. 

You can access this new content through your existing Achieve course — no need to create a new one..

Now available with Achieve! The Achieve courseware for Connections sets the standard for driving student learning in your college success  course with powerful learning content, engaging activities, and actionable insights and analytics. Achieve brings together an interactive e-textbook, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and other assessments and activities, plus extensive instructor resources–all within a new, enhanced technology platform carefully built over the past five years. In order to support students’ self-regulated learning and success, Achieve includes Goal-setting and Reflection Surveys. This series of quick, actionable pre-built surveys is designed to get students to set goals for themselves and reflect on their learning throughout the semester.

Connections are clearer than ever. With an updated organization and new and enhanced content, students will see the connection between college and career success with even more clarity. Changes to content include:

  • New Chapter 2: Planning Your Future. In this chapter, students are encouraged to think about their careers at the start of their higher education journey through content on academic and financial planning.
  • New and expanded Chapter 5: Understanding Thinking and Learning. This updated chapter has been thoroughly revised around research on the science of learning, critical thinking, and learning strategies to help students become critical thinkers and self-regulated learners.
  • New and expanded Chapter 11: Social Belonging. This updated chapter focuses on the concepts of identity, bias, equity, and inclusion along with the importance of emotional intelligence and multicultural competence when it comes to personal success in all aspects of life.
  • Added coverage in Chapter 12: Health & Wellness. Content here taps into the importance of learned communication skills in establishing healthy relationships, while presenting new coverage on homesickness, loneliness, and anxiety.
  • Revised and renamed Chapter 13: Career Readiness. With a new name, this chapter now incorporates content that used to be found in the Your Career Search appendix, integrating lessons on how to write resumes, cover letters, and how to prepare for interviews into the core section of the text.
  • New Appendix: Online Learning. This new appendix, accompanied by its own ACES scale, introduces and directs students to resources to develop the skills to be successful in online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses.

Updated ACES matches Connections, Third Edition. For the first time since its initial publication, the ACES instrument has been updated with new and revised items and scales to better address the skills today’s students most need. These updates were developed in conjunction and alignment with the new edition of Connections, so that each scale continues to seamlessly fit with each chapter of the textbook. ACES also includes an updated national norm sample to provide students with a clear picture of their relative strengths and growth areas.

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