Cover: Discovering Statistics, 3rd Edition by Daniel T. Larose

Discovering Statistics

Third Edition  ©2016 Daniel T. Larose Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Daniel T. Larose

    Daniel T. Larose

    Since his days of collecting baseball cards as a youngster, Dan Larose has felt a lifelong passion for statistics. He completed his PhD in statistics from the University of Connecticut in Storrs in 1996. Today, Larose is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Central Connecticut State University. There, he designed, developed, and directs the world’s first online Master of Science degree in data mining. He has published three books on data mining, and is a consultant in statistics and data mining. His fondest wish is to impart a love of statistics to a new generation. Larose lives in Tolland, Connecticut, with his wife Debra, daughters Chantal and Ravel, and son, Tristan.

Table of Contents

1. The Nature of Statistics

2. Describing Data Using Graphs and Tables

3. Describing Data Numerically

4. Correlation and Regression

5. Probability

6. Probability Distributions

7. Sampling Distributions

8. Confidence Intervals

9. Hypothesis Testing

10. Two-Sample Inference

11. Categorical Data Analysis

12. Analysis of Variance

13. Inference in Regression

Available only online:

14. Nonparametric Statistics

Product Updates

60% New and Revised Examples and 50% New and Updated Exercises
The new edition features over 4,100 exercises with options for all learning levels and styles. Examples and exercises cover a wide range of applications and use current, real data.
Expanded Technology Support
Step-by-Step Technology Guides at the end of most sections now include instructions and output screens for JMP and SPSS Statistical Software.
Your Turn
About half of the examples now conclude with a small set of exercises that can be used for assignments or self-testing review.

Check It Out
This feature at the end of a section ties Practicing the Techniques exercises back to specific examples in the chapter, helping students engage with the text and helping instructors more easily organize and assign exercises.
Eight brand new Chapter Case Studies
Topics include video game sales and clothing store sales.

Dan Larose’s Discovering Statistics strikes the ideal balance of conceptual application and computational understanding to develop students’ statistical sense and enable them to discover the statistician within.

Now available with Macmillan’s online learning platform Achieve, Larose’s Discovering Statistics strikes the ideal balance of conceptual application and computational understanding to develop students’ statistical sense and enable them to discover the statistician within.

Achieve for Discovering Statistics connects the problem-solving techniques and real world examples in the book to rich digital resources that foster further understanding and application of statistics. Assets in Achieve support learning before, during, and after class for students, while providing instructors with class performance analytics in an easy-to-use interface.

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Daniel T. Larose | Third Edition | ©2016 | ISBN:9781319057015

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