Cover: Insider's Guide to Beating Test Anxiety, 1st Edition by Bedford/St. Martin's

Insider's Guide to Beating Test Anxiety

First Edition  ©2011 Bedford/St. Martin's


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    Established in 1981, Bedford/St. Martin’s is the largest college publisher of textbooks for English composition courses. They publish best-selling textbooks like A Writer’s Reference, The St. Martin’s Guide to College Writing, and Patterns for College Writing.

Table of Contents

Four Key Rules
     The Control Factor
Getting in Gear
Three Incredibly Valuable Study Tips
Fatal Mistakes
How to Find a Great Study Group
     Useful Tricks to Improve Your Memory
Proven Relaxation Techniques
     A Psychologist on How Not to Get Psyched Out
Insider Tactics: How Top Students Keep Their Cool
The Big Moment

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