Cover: Invitation to the Life Span, 5th Edition by Kathleen Stassen Berger

Invitation to the Life Span

Fifth Edition  ©2022 Kathleen Stassen Berger Formats: Achieve, Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Kathleen Stassen Berger

    Kathleen Stassen Berger

    Kathleen Stassen Berger received her undergraduate education at Stanford University and Radcliffe College, earned an M.A.T. from Harvard University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Yeshiva University. Her broad experience as an educator includes directing a preschool, serving as chair of philosophy at the United Nations International School, teaching child and adolescent development to graduate students at Fordham University and undergraduates at Montclair State University in New Jersey and at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, as well as teaching social psychology to inmates at Sing Sing Prison. Throughout most of her professional career, Berger has worked at Bronx Community College of the City University of New York, first as an adjunct and for the past two decades as a full professor. She has taught introduction to psychology, child and adolescent development, adulthood and aging, social psychology, abnormal psychology, and human motivation. Her students—who come from many ethnic, economic, and educational backgrounds and who have a wide range of ages and interests—consistently honor her with the highest teaching evaluations. Berger is also the author of A Topical Approach to the Developing Person Through the Life Span, The Developing Person Through the Life Span, and Invitation to the Life Span. Her developmental texts are currently being used at more than 700 colleges and universities worldwide and are available in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, as well as English. Her research interests include adolescent identity, immigration, and bullying, and she has published many articles on developmental topics in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Psychology and in publications of the American Association for Higher Education and the National Education Association for Higher Education. She continues teaching and learning as her four daughters and three grandsons continue to develop, as she interacts with students every semester.

Table of Contents

Part One: The Beginnings
1. The Science of Human Development
2. From Conception to Birth

Part Two: The First Two Years
3. The First Two Years: Body and Mind
4. The First Two Years: The Social World

Part Three: Early Childhood
5. Early Childhood: Body and Mind
6. Early Childhood: The Social World

Part Four: Middle Childhood
7: Middle Childhood: Body and Mind
8: Middle Childhood: The Social World

Part Five: Adolescence
9: Adolescence: Body and Mind
10: Adolescence: The Social World

Part Six: Early Adulthood and Adulthood
11: Adulthood: Emerging Adulthood
12: Adulthood: Body and Mind
13: Adulthood: The Social World

Part Seven: Late Adulthood
14: Late Adulthood: Body and Mind
15: Late Adulthood: The Social World
Epilogue: Death and Dying

Product Updates

Achieve for Invitation to the Life Span

Achieve sets a whole new standard for integrating assessments, activities, and analytics into your teaching. It brings together all of the high quality features that instructors and students love about its predecessor LaunchPad—interactive e-book, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and other assessments, immersive learning activities, extensive instructor resources—in a powerful new platform that offers:

  • A cleaner, more intuitive, mobile-friendly interface
  • Powerful analytics
  • Self-regulated learning and goal-setting surveys
  • A fully integrated iClicker classroom response system, with questions available for each unit or the option to integrate your own

Data Connections

From interactive maps showing rates of immunization, to manipulatable graphs showing trends in adolescent risk-taking behaviors, this feature lets students take a hands-on approach to understanding the data in child development themselves.

Visualizing Development infographics
These features tell the stories about important concepts visually in development and are assignable with quiz questions.

Career Alerts present career options in various applied settings.

Chapter Apps that students can download to their smartphones have been added (one per chapter), offering a real-life application of the science of life-span development.
New and Updated Visualizing Development infographics, such as More Play Time, Less Screen Time in Chapter 6 and Life After 65: Living Independently in Ch. 15, with assigned questions in Achieve.

New topics and research, including coverage of COVID-19, impact of screen time, marriage and cohabitation trends, teen vaping, education, social justice issues, and health disparities.

Updated Features: Opposing Perspectives, A View from Science, A Case to Study, and Inside the Brain.

Achieve C$94.99


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