Cover: Media Career Guide, 13th Edition by Sherri Culver; Nichole Harken

Media Career Guide

Thirteenth Edition  ©2022 Sherri Culver; Nichole Harken Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Sherri Hope Culver

    Sherri Hope Culver

    Sherri Hope Culver is an associate professor of Media Studies & Production at Temple University and serves as Director for the university’s Center for Media and Information Literacy. She also has extensive experience as a television producer and consultant to public media and childrens media companies.

  • Headshot of Nichole Harken

    Nichole Harken

    Nichole Zumbach Harken is an Instructor in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Northern Iowa. She also serves as the Internship Director for the program and has won various teaching awards. Her goal is to help students find their purpose and passion, to nurture those things, and help them realize "its not how smart you are, but how you are smart."

Table of Contents

1. Considering a Career in Media or Communication
2. Preparing for a Career in Media
3. Where the Jobs Are
4. The Search Process
5. Cover Letters, Resumes, and Thank You Notes
6. The Next Step
7. Succeeding Once You’re In
8. Seizing Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Product Updates

Approaches digital media as ‘the new normal’. There’s no more talk of the impending media explosion. Focus instead is on recent growth in media industries, including features like streaming, app development and the creation of interactive media positions and components within more traditional fields.

A reorganized TOC that reflects the career process in a chronological order. The book begins with the consideration of a career in media, before moving on to the job search process, and ending with information on entrepreneurial opportunities.

New chapter on the transition from college to career with helpful tips on life skills, including  how to relocate, how to take control of personal information, and more.

Provides new and updated coverage of the industry, including:

  • Updated coverage on current media trends.
  • New content, including advice on how to prepare for virtual interviews and ways to be an effective remote employee.


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