Cover: Microeconomics: Canadian Edition, 4th Edition by Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Iris Au; Jack Parkinson

Microeconomics: Canadian Edition

Fourth Edition  ©2021 Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Iris Au; Jack Parkinson Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paul Krugman

    Paul Krugman

    Paul Krugman, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, is a faculty member of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, associated with the Luxembourg Income Study, which tracks and analyzes income inequality around the world. Prior to that, he taught at Princeton University for 14 years. He received his Barroom Yale and his PhD from MIT. Before Princeton, he taught at Yale, Stanford, and MIT. He also spent a year on the staff of the Council of Economic Advisers in 1982–1983. His research has included pathbreaking work on international trade, economic geography, and currency crises. In 1991, Krugman received the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark medal. In addition to his teaching and academic research, Krugman writes extensively for nontechnical audiences. He is a regular-ed columnist for the New York Times. His best-selling trade books include End This Depression Now!, The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008, a history of recent economic troubles and their implications for economic policy, and The Conscience of a Liberal, a study of the political economy of economic inequality and its relationship with political polarization from the Gilded Age to the present. His earlier books, Peddling Prosperity and The Age of Diminished Expectations, have become modern classics.

  • Headshot of Robin Wells

    Robin Wells

    Robin Wells was a lecturer and researcher in Economics at Princeton University, where she has taught undergraduate courses.  She received her BA from the University of Chicago and her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley; she then did her postdoctoral work at MIT.  She has taught at the University of Michigan, the University of Southhampton (United Kingdom), Stanford, and MIT.  Her teaching and research focus on the theory of organizations and incentives.

Table of Contents

Part 1: What Is Economics?
Introduction An Engine for Growth and Discovery
Chapter 1 First Principles
Chapter 2 Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade
Appendix: Graphs in Economics

Part 2: Supply and Demand
Chapter 3 Supply and Demand
Appendix A: The Algebra of Supply, Demand, and Equilibrium
Chapter 4 Consumer and Producer Surplus
Chapter 5 Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with Markets
Chapter 6 Elasticity
Appendix: The Algebra of Elasticity

Part 3: Individuals and Markets
Chapter 7 Taxes
Chapter 8 International Trade

Part 4: Economics and Decision Making
Chapter 9 Decision Making by Individuals and Firms
Appendix: Toward a Fuller Understanding of Present Value

Part 5: The Consumer
Chapter 10 The Rational Consumer
Appendix: Consumer Preferences and Consumer Choice

Part 6: The Production Decision
Chapter 11 Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs
Appendix: Inverse Relationships between Productivity and Cost
Chapter 12 Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve

Part 7: Market Structure: Beyond Perfect Competition
Chapter 13 Monopoly
Chapter 14 Oligopoly
Chapter 15 Monopolistic Competition and Product Differentiation

Part 8: Microeconomics and Public Policy
Chapter 16 Externalities
Chapter 17 Public Goods and Common Resources
Chapter 18 The Economics of the Welfare State

Part 9: Factor Markets and Risk
Chapter 19 Factor Markets and the Distribution of Income
Appendix Indifference Curve Analysis of Labor Supply
Chapter 20 Uncertainty, Risk, and Private Information

Product Updates

Achieve offers the best value and price. Our most powerful learning option is also our most affordable. Achieve is a new digital solution that brings all of the best aspects of Krugman/Wells and Macmillans digital resources together in one place. Built on best practices in learning science, Achieve provides students with robust tools to succeed in economics while giving instructors insights into their students understanding and performance.

Current events framed by the world’s best communicators of economics. No other text stays as fresh as Krugman and Wells, from powerful technology firms such as Amazon and Google to the global economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this edition, weve added cutting edge New Analysis features online in Achieve including Bloomberg videos and Econofact memos. These activities pair journalistic takes on pressing issues with questions based on Blooms taxonomy.

A richer commitment to broadening students’ understanding of the global economy. With unparalleled insight and clarity, the authors use their hallmark narrative approach to take students outside of the classroom and into our global world. Starting in Chapter 1, there is a new principle on how increases in the economys potential lead to economic growth over time. To reflect our rapidly changing world, there is an expanded section on market power and the digital economy and an incisive new look at externalities.

Thoroughly updated throughout. The sixth edition has been updated to reflect our always changing world. Along with updated graphs and changes in every chapter in the text, the new edition features XX new chapter-opening stories, XX new business cases, and XX new Economics in Action Applications.

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