Cover: Microeconomics, 4th Edition by Austan Goolsbee; Steven Levitt; Chad Syverson


Fourth Edition  ©2024 Austan Goolsbee; Steven Levitt; Chad Syverson Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Austan Goolsbee

    Austan Goolsbee

    Austan Goolsbee is the Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he joined the faculty in 1995. From 2009 to 2011, he served in Washington as a Member and then Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and the youngest member of the President’s Cabinet. He is a past Alfred P. Sloan Fellow and Fulbright Scholar. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Yale University and a PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of technology. Goolsbee is also President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

  • Headshot of Steven Levitt

    Steven Levitt

    Steven Levitt is the William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, where he directs the Becker Center on Chicago Price Theory. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has taught at the University of Chicago since 1997. In 2004, Levitt was awarded the John Bates Clark Medal, and in 2006, he was named one of Time magazine’s “100 People Who Shape Our World.” He co-authored a series of books on popular economics starting with Freakonomics and hosts the podcast People I Mostly Admire.

  • Headshot of Chad Syverson

    Chad Syverson

    Chad Syverson is the George C. Tiao Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He joined the Chicago faculty in 2001. His research spans several topics, with a particular focus on the interactions of firm structure, market structure, and productivity. He has been an editor of the Journal of Political Economy and RAND Journal of Economics, has served on multiple National Academies committees, is a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and is a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He earned bachelor’s degrees in economics and mechanical engineering from the University of North Dakota, and a PhD in economics from the University of Maryland.

Table of Contents

Part I
Chapter 1 Adventures in Microeconomics
Chapter 2 Supply and Demand
Appendix 2A (Achieve only) The Calculus of Equilibrium and Elasticities
Chapter 3 Using Supply and Demand to Analyze markets
Appendix 3A (Achieve only) The Calculus of Consumer and Producer Surplus

Part II
Chapter 4 Consumer Behavior
Appendix 4A The Calculus of Utility Maximization and Expenditure Minimization
Appendix 4B (Achieve only)   The Mathematics of Utility Functions
Chapter 5 Individual and Market Demand
Appendix 5A The Calculus of Utility Maximization and Expenditure Minimization
Appendix 5B (Achieve only)   The Calculus of Demand
Chapter 6 Producer Behavior
Appendix 6A  The Calculus of Cost Minimization
Appendix 6B (Achieve only)  The Calculus of Production Functions
Chapter 7 Costs
Appendix 7A The Calculus of a Firms Cost Structure
Appendix 7B (Achieve only) The Calculus of a Firms Cost Structure Expanded

Part III
Chapter 8 Supply in a Competitive Market
Appendix 8A (Achieve only) The Calculus of Long-Run Competitive Equilibria
Chapter 9 Market Power and Monopoly
Appendix 9A The Calculus of Profit Maximization
Chapter 10 Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
Appendix 10A (Achieve only) The Calculus of Price Strategies
Chapter 11 Imperfect Competition
Appendix 11A (Achieve only) The Calculus of Cournot and Differentiated Bertrand Competition Equilibrium
Chapter 12 Game Theory
Appendix 12A (Achieve only) The Mathematics of Mixed Strategies in Game Theory
Chapter 13 Factor Markets

Part IV
Chapter 14 Investment, Time, and Insurance
Chapter 15 General Equilibrium
Chapter 16 Asymmetric Information
Chapter 17 Externalities
Chapter 18 Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Math Review Appendix
Solutions to Review Questions
Solutions to Select End-of-Chapter Problems

Product Updates

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This materials covers 10 foundational areas including Slope, Graphs, Percent Change, Ratios, Linear Equations, Averages, and more.

Fourth Edition Updates (2024):

The microeconomics text that moves students from understanding the basics of real economic principles to applying the powerful tools of economics analysis. You can’t really learn theory until you try to apply.

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