Cover: Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition by Marc Loudon; Jim Parise

Organic Chemistry

Seventh Edition  ©2021 Marc Loudon; Jim Parise Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Marc Loudon

    Marc Loudon

    Marc Loudon is a Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Emeritus at Purdue University. His teaching awards include the Clark Teaching Prize (at Cornell), Purdue’s College of Pharmacys Henry Heine Outstanding Teacher Award (1980 and 1985), the Class of 1922 Helping Students Learn Award, the Charles B. Murphy Award, membership in the Teaching Academy of Purdue, listing in Purdue’s permanent “Book of Great Teachers,” and designation as the Carnegie Foundation “Indiana Professor of the Year”. Dr. Loudon developed and implemented cooperative-learning techniques for use in large organic chemistry classes, and he was involved in chemistry curriculum re-design for life-science majors and pre-health profession students with the NEXUS program of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Loudon has authored or co-authored “Organic Chemistry” since its first publication in 1984.

  • Headshot of Jim Parise

    Jim Parise

    James Parise is a Professor of the Practice of Chemistry at Duke University. Previously, he was a Teaching Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. He has won numerous teaching awards, including the Thomas Madden Award for Exceptional Teaching (2015), the Edmund Joyce Award for Excellence in Teaching (2019), and the Shilts-Leonard Award for Sustained Excellence (2021). His primary focus is on helping students from all backgrounds and preparedness levels succeed in organic chemistry. Throughout his career, he has developed and implemented new teaching technologies for large organic chemistry classes, written laboratory manuals and a book chapter on writing in the laboratory, and trained and mentored new instructors. Dr. Parise has been a co-author of "Organic Chemistry" since 2011.

Table of Contents

1. Chemical Bonding and Chemical Structure

2. Alkanes and Organic Nomenclature

3. The Curved-Arrow Notation, Resonane, Acids and Bases, and Chemical Equilibrium

4. Introduction to Alkenes and Alkynes

5. Addition Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes

6. Principles of Stereochemistry

7. Cyclic Compounds and Reaction Stereochemistry

8. Nomenclature and Noncovalent Intermolecular Interactions

9. The Chemistry of Alkyl Halides. Substitution and Elimation Reactions

10. Free-Radical Reactions, Main-Group Organometallic Compounds, and Carbenes

11. The Chemistry of Alcohols and Thiols The Chemistry of Ethers, Epoxides, Glycols, and Sulfides

12 The Chemistry of Ethers, Epoxides, Glycols, and Sulfides.

13. Introduction to Spectroscopy: Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry

14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

15. Dienes and Aromaticity

16. The Chemistry of Benzene and its Derivatives

17. Allylic and Benzylic Reactivity

18. The Chemistry of Aryl Halides, Vinylic Halides, and Phenols. Transition-Metal Catalysis.

19. The Chemistry of Aldehydes and Ketones. Carbonyl-Addition Reactions.

20. The Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids

21. The Chemistry of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

22. The Chemistry of Enolate Ions, Enols, and a,b- Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds

23. The Chemistry of Amines

24. Carbohydrates

25. The Chemistry of Thioesters, Phosphate Esters, and Phosphate Anhydrides

26. The Chemistry of the Aromatic Heterocycles and Nucleic DNA

27. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

28. Pericyclic Reactions

Product Updates

The 7th edition of Loudon/Parises’s Organic Chemistry is now supported in Achieve. Achieve supports educators and students throughout the full flexible range of instruction, including resources to support learning of core concepts, visualization, problem-solving and assessment.  Powerful analytics and instructor support resources in Achieve pair with exceptional Organic Chemistry content provides an unrivaled learning experience.

Features of Achieve include:
A design guided by learning science research. Co-designed through extensive collaboration and testing by both students and faculty including two levels of Institutional Review Board approval for every study of Achieve
An interactive e-book with embedded multimedia and features for highlighting, note-taking and accessibility support
A flexible suite of resources to support learning core concepts, visualization, problem-solving and assessment.
A detailed gradebook with insights for just-in-time teaching and reporting on student and full class achievement by learning objective.
Easy integration and gradebook sync with iClicker classroom engagement solutions.
Simple integration with your campus LMS and availability through Inclusive Access programs.

New media and assessment features in Achieve include:
Skills Objectives with accompanying problems at the end of each chapter ensure that students mastered the key concepts.
Animated Problems in Achieve provide practice with visualization skills. Animated Problems are embedded within the e-Book.
LearningCurve assignments serve up low Blooms level problems to solidify students recognition of nomenclature and core concepts. The adaptive, game-like learning tool guides students by providing extra practice where they need it

New text features and Key Changes:
New skills objectives for each chapter will guide students in both the print text and align with  Achieve.
New study problems throughout the text will have mirrored questions in Achieve.
New Animated Problems in the Achieve eBook will support author Marc Loudon’s precise artwork.
A focus on biological applications
Extensive set of problems, written by the author

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