Cover: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Extended Version, 2020 Media Update, 6th Edition by Paul A. Tipler; Gene Mosca

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Extended Version, 2020 Media Update

Sixth Edition  ©2020 Paul A. Tipler; Gene Mosca Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paul A. Tipler

    Paul A. Tipler

    Paul Tipler was born in the small farming town of Antigo, Wisconsin, in 1933. He graduated from high school in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where his father was superintendent of the public schools. He received his B.S. from Purdue University in 1955 and his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois in 1962, where he studied the structure of nuclei. He taught for one year at Wesleyan University in Connecticut while writing his thesis, then moved to Oakland University in Michigan, where he was one of the original members of the physics department, playing a major role in developing the physics curriculum. During the next 20 years, he taught nearly all the physics courses and wrote the first and second editions of his widely used textbooks Modern Physics (1969, 1978) and Physics (1976, 1982). In 1982, he moved to Berkeley, California, where he now resides, and where he wrote College Physics (1987) and the third edition of Physics (1991). In addition to physics, his interests include music, hiking, and camping, and he is an accomplished jazz pianist and poker player.

  • Headshot of Gene Mosca

    Gene Mosca

  • Headshot of Kendal Leftwich

    Kendal Leftwich

Table of Contents

1. Measurement and Vectors

  2. Motion in One Dimension   3. Motion in Two and Three Dimensions   4. Newton’s Laws   5. Additional Applications of Newton’s Laws   6. Work and Kinetic Energy   7. Conservation of Energy   8. Conservation of Linear Momentum   9. Rotation 10 Angular Momentum
R Special Relativity 11. Gravity
12. Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
13. Fluids

14. Oscillations
15. Traveling Waves 16. Superposition and Standing Waves

17. Temperature and Kinetic Theory of Gases
18. Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics
19. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
20. Thermal Properties and Processes   PART IV ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM
21. The Electric Field I: Discrete Charge Distributions
22. The Electric Field II: Continuous Charge Distributions
23. Electric Potential
24. Capacitance
25. Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits
26. The Magnetic Field
27. Sources of the Magnetic Field
28. Magnetic Induction
29. Alternating-Current Circuits
30. Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves

31. Properties of Light
32. Optical Images
33. Interference and Diffraction

<In the extended version>
34. Wave-Particle Duality and Quantum Physics
35. Applications of the Schršdinger Equation
36. Atoms
37. Molecules
38. Solids
39. Relativity
40. Nuclear Physics
41. Elementary Particles and the Beginning of the Universe

Appendices A. SI Units and Conversion Factors / AP-1
B. Numerical Data / AP-3
C. Periodic Table of Elements / AP-6

Math Tutorial / M-1
Answers to Odd-Numbered End-of-Chapter Problems / A-1
Index / I-1

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The Sixth Edition of Physics for Scientists and Engineers offers a completely integrated text and media solution that will help students learn most effectively and will enable professors to customize their classrooms so that they teach most efficiently. The text includes a new strategic problem-solving approach, an integrated Math Tutorial, and new tools to improve conceptual understanding.

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Paul A. Tipler; Gene Mosca | Sixth Edition | ©2008 | ISBN:9781319343576

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