Cover: Pirates and Empire in the Seventeeth Century Atlantic -World, 1st Edition by David Head

Pirates and Empire in the Seventeeth Century Atlantic -World

First Edition  ©2019 David Head Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of David Head

    David Head

Table of Contents

Central Question
Learning Objective
Historical Background 
Primary Sources
Cornelius Burroughs, Rich Newes from Jamaica, 1659    
Jamaican Letters to Secretary Sir Henry Bennet, 1664
Sir Thomas Modyford, Instructions for Admiral Henry Morgan, 1670
Excerpt from the Treaty of Madrid, 1670
Plunder and Diplomacy, from Alexandre Exquemelin, The Buccaneers of America, 1678
Captain Rock the Brazilian, from Alexandre Exquemelin, The Buccaneers of America, 1678
Images from Buccaneers of America
Sir Thomas Lynch to Secretary Sir Leoline Jenkins, July 26, 1683
Project Questions
Additional Assignments
Additional Resources for Research

Product Updates

This document collection introduces students to the complex realities of seventeenth century pirates in the Atlantic world. The primary sources explore the rise of piracy to the larger context of the competing claims to New World empires made by Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands and help students contextualize the activities of pirates within the larger geopolitics of European relations and analyze how official policy toward piracy changed over time. Students are guided through their analysis of the primary sources with an author-provided learning objective, central question, and historical context.


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