Cover: Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 8th Edition by Chava Frankfort-Nachmias; David Nachmias; Jack DeWaard

Research Methods in the Social Sciences

Eighth Edition  ©2015 Chava Frankfort-Nachmias; David Nachmias; Jack DeWaard Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Chava Frankfort-Nachmias

    Chava Frankfort-Nachmias

    Chava Frankfort-Nachmias is an Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In addition to Research Methods in the Social Sciences, she is coauthor of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, coeditor of Sappho in the Holy Land (with Erella Shadmi) and numerous publications on ethnicity and development, urban revitalization, science and gender, and women in Israel. She was the recipient of the University of Wisconsin System teaching improvement grant on integrating race, ethnicity, and gender into the social statistics and research methods curriculum.

  • Headshot of David Nachmias

    David Nachmias

    David Nachmias is a Senior Fellow Emeritus at the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) and holds the Romulo Betancourt Chair in Political Science at Tel Aviv University. Professor Nachmias has extensively published and presented papers in the areas of Political Science, Public Administration and Public Policy, both in Israel and abroad. He now serves on the editorial board of Policy Studies Review; and is a member of the American Political Science Association; Midwest Political Science Association; Policy Studies Organization; the International Political Science Association and Israels Political Science Association. His numerous books and articles include: Public Policy in Israel, Frank Cass, 2002; Executive Governance in Israel, Patgrave, 2002 "The Bias of Pluralism: The Redistributive Consequences of Israels New Electoral Law" in A. Arian and Michal Shamir (eds.) The Elections in Israel - 1996, State University of New York Press, 1999.

  • Headshot of Jack DeWaard

    Jack DeWaard

    Jack DeWaard is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Graduate Faculty in Population Studies in the Minnesota Population Center at University of Minnesota who specializes in international and internal migration, racial and ethnic stratification and inequality, demography and ecology, and quantitative methods. DeWaard teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on research methods.

Table of Contents


1 The Scientific Approach

2 Conceptual Foundations of Research

3 Elements of Research

4 Ethics in Social Science Research


5 Research Designs: Experiments

6 Research Designs: Cross-Sectional and Quasi-Experimental Designs

7 Measurement

8 Sampling and Sample Designs


9 Observational Methods

10 Survey Research

11 Questionnaire Construction

12 Qualitative Research

13 Secondary Data Analysis and Sources


14 Data Preparation and Analysis

15 The Univariate Distribution

16 Bivariate Analysis

17 Control, Elaboration, and Multivariate Analysis

18 Index Construction and Scaling Methods

19 Inferences


A Writing Research Reports

B ∑: The Summation Sign

C Random Digits

D Areas under the Normal Curve

E Distribution of t

F Critical Values of F

G Distribution of c 2


Author Index

Subject Index

Product Updates

New in Text Pedagogical Support

  • New end-of-chapter exercises on Reading and Writing Research Reports assist students in applying chapter concepts to the actual practice of social sciences research.
  • New Part Openers provide a brief preview of the concepts covered in each of the major sections.
  • Expanded Study Questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to test their comprehension of chapter concepts.
Teaching and Learning Resources

  • New resources for instructors include a Research Spotlight that provides current and provocative empirical studies to illustrate the themes in each chapter; new PowerPoint lecture slides; and an expanded Test Bank.



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