Sources of World Societies, Volume 2
Twelfth Edition ©2021 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks; Patricia Buckley Ebrey; Roger B. Beck; Jerry Davila; Clare Haru Crowston; John P. McKay Formats: Read & Practice, E-book, Print
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Primary sources that explore diverse perspectives from around the world.
Designed to accompany A History of World Societies, Twelfth Edition, each chapter of Sources of World Societies contains approximately five primary sources, both textual and visual, that present history from the perspectives of well-known figures and ordinary individuals alike. Chapter introductions briefly review the events of the time and set the following documents in the context of the corresponding textbook chapter. Headnotes and questions support each document, while a Viewpoints feature presents two or three sources that address a single topic from different perspectives. Comparative questions ask students to make connections between sources and across time.
Sources of World Societies is available in a package with A History of World Societies or is sold separately at a discounted price. It is also included for FREE in the Achieve courseware product for A History of World Societies.
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Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks(Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Madison) is Distinguished Professor of History, emerita, at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She is the long-time Senior Editor of the Sixteenth Century Journal and the author or editor of more than thirty books, including A Concise History of the World. From 2017 to 2019 she served as the president of the World History Association.
Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Patricia B. Ebrey (Ph.D., Columbia University) is professor of history at the University of Washington in Seattle. Editor of the Journal of Chinese History, she is the author or editor of some twenty books, including The Cambridge Illustrated History of China and Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, as well as more specialized books on Song dynasty China. In 2014 she was awarded the American Historical Association’s Award for Scholarly Distinction and in 2020 the Association for Asian Studies Award for Outstanding Contributions to Asian Studies.
Roger B. Beck
Roger B. Beck (Ph.D., Indiana University) is Distinguished Professor of African and twentieth-century world history at Eastern Illinois University. His publications include The History of South Africa; a translation of P. J. van der Merwe’s The Migrant Farmer in the History of the Cape Colony, 1657–1842; and more than a hundred articles, book chapters, and reviews. In 2018 he received the Pioneer in World History award from the World History Association, its highest honor.
Jerry Davila
Jerry Dávila (Ph.D., Brown University) is Jorge Paulo Lemann Chair of Brazilian History and directs the Global Institute at the University of Illinois. He is the author of Dictatorship in South America; Hotel Trópico: Brazil and the Challenge of African Decolonization, winner of the Latin Studies Association Brazil Section Book Prize; and Diploma of Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917–1945. He has served as president of the Conference on Latin American History.
Clare Haru Crowston
Clare Haru Crowston (Ph.D., Cornell University) is Professor of history at the University of Illinois. She is the author of Credit, Fashion, Sex: Economies of Regard in Old Regime France and Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675–1791, which won the Berkshire and Hagley Prizes. She edited two special issues of the Journal of Women’s History, has published numerous journal articles and reviews, and is a past president of the Society for French Historical Studies.
John P. McKay
John P. McKay (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois. He has written or edited numerous works, including the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize-winning book Pioneers for Profit: Foreign Entrepreneurship and Russian Industrialization, 1885-1913.
Table of Contents
Chapter 16: The Acceleration of Global Contact, 1450–1600
16-1 The World as Europeans Knew it in 1502
World Map (1502)
Viewpoints: The Motives of Columbus and His Patrons
16-2 Columbus Defends His Accomplishments
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, Letter from the Third Voyage (1493)
16-3 Spanish Ambitions in the New World
THEODORE DE BRY, Columbus at Hispaniola (ca. 1590)
16-4 Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs
BERNARDINO DE SAHAGÚN, From General History of the Things of New Spain (ca. 1545-1578)
16-5 Blending Indigenous and European Style
ANDRÉS SÁNCHEZ GALLQUE, The Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas (1599)
Chapter 17: The Islamic World Powers, 1300–1800
17-1 An Ottoman Sultan Threatens the Shaw of Persia
SULTAN SELIM I, From a Letter to Shah Ismail of Persia (1514)
17-2 An Ottoman Admiral at Mughal Court
SIDI ALI REIS, From The Mirror of Countries (1557)
Viewpoints: Women’s Role in Ottoman Society
17-3 Sociability in the Imperial Harem
Feast for the Valide Sultana with the presence of Madame Girardin, the French ambassador (c. 17th century)
17-4 Women in Courts of Law in an Ottoman City
From The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri (c. 17th century)
17-5 A Mughul Emperor Describes His Life and Rule
NURUDDIN SALIM JAHANGIR, From the Memoirs of Jahangir (ca. 1580–1600)
Chapter 18: European Power and Expansion, 1500-1750
18-1 Secular and Religious Authority in the Protestant Reformation
LUTHER, "On Secular Authority: How Far Does the Obedience Owed to It Extend?" (1523)
Viewpoints: The Sources of Government Authority
18-2 God’s Lieutenants on Earth
JACQUES-BENIGNE BOSSUET, On Divine Right (ca. 1675–1680)
18-3 Government and the State of Nature
JOHN LOCKE, From Two Treatises of Government: Of the Ends of Political Society and Government (1690)
18-4 A Depiction of Diplomatic Exchange
JASPER BECX, Don Miguel de Castro, Emissary of Kongo (ca. 1643)
18-5 A Tsar Imposes Western Styles on the Russians
PETER THE GREAT, Edicts and Decrees (1699-1723)
Chapter 19: New Worldviews and Ways of Life, 1540-1790
Viewpoints: Debating the Experimental Method
19-1 Praise for the Experimental Method
ROBERT HOOKE, Micrographia (1665)
19-2 Questioning the Experimental Method
MARGARET CAVENDISH, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666)
19-3 Science Outside the West
Takyuddin and Other Astronomers at the Galata Observatory (ca. 1581)
19-4 Faith Without Dogma
VOLTAIRE, From Dictionnaire Philosophique: "Theist" (1764)
19-5 Kant Challenges His Society to Embrace Reason
IMMANUEL KANT, What is Enlightenment? (1784)
Chapter 20: Africa and the World, 1400-1800
20-1 A Dutch View of an African King
OLFERT DAPPER, King Alvaro I of Kongo Receiving the Dutch Ambassadors (1668)
Viewpoints: Debating the Slave Trade
20-2 West African Dependence on the Slave Trade
OSEI BONSU, An Asante King Questions British Motives in Ending the Slave Trade (1820)
20-3 The Terror of Capture and Enslavement
OLAUDAH EQUIANO, From The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano (1789)
20-4 Enslaved Africans March to the Sea
Transportation of Slaves in Africa (ca. 1800-1900)
20-5 Europeans Move Inland
MUNGO PARK, From Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa (1799)
Chapter 21: Continuity and Change in East Asia, 1400-1800
21-1 The Growing British Presence in East Asia
The Viceroy of Canton Giving an Audience to Commodore Anson (1748)
21-2 A German Doctor Describes Eighteenth-Century Japan
ENGELBERT KAEMPFER, From History of Japan (1727)
Viewpoints: Gender in East Asia
21-3 Teaching Values to Japanese Children
KAIBARA EKIKEN AND KAIBARA TŌKEN, Common Sense Teachings for Japanese Children and Greater Learning for Women (ca. 1700)
21-4 Pleasure and Gender in Tokugawa Edo
TORII KIYONAGA, Women of the Gay Quarters (Late Eighteenth Century)
21-5 Chinese Gender Norms Turned Upside Down
LI RUZHEN (LI JU-CHEN), From Flowers in the Mirror (1827)
Chapter 22: Revolutions in the Atlantic World, 1775–1815
Viewpoints: Defining the Citizen
22-1 The National Assembly Presents a New Vision of Government
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
22-2 A Female Author Revises the Declaration of the Rights of Man
OLYMPE DE GOUGES, From the Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791)
22-3 Robespierre Justifies Terror as a Tool of Revolutionary Change
MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE, Revolutionary Speech (February 5, 1794)
22-4 A Former Slave Calls on France to Support the Cause of Freedom
FRANÇOIS DOMINIQUE TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE, Letter to the French National Assembly (1797)
22-5 Declaring Freedom from Colonial Control
JOSÉ MARÍA MORELOS Y PAVÓN, "Sentiments of the Nation" (1813)
Chapter 23: The Revolution in Energy and Industry, 1760-1850
Viewpoints: The Realities of Manufacturing
23-1 A Mill Owner Describes the Human Costs of Industrialization
ROBERT OWEN, From Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System (1815)
23-2 Child Labor in Industrial Britain
SADLER COMMITTEE AND ASHLEY COMMISSION, Testimonies Before Parliamentary Committees on Working Conditions in England (1832, 1842)
23-3 Britain Forces the Ottoman Empire to Make Economic Concessions
The Treaty of Balta-Liman (August 16, 1838)
23-4 The Role of Working-Class Women
FLORA TRISTAN, The Workers’ Union (1843)
23-5 Spreading Stories of the Industrial Revolution
James Watt, c. 1890 (ca. 1890)
Chapter 24: Ideologies of Change in Europe, 1815-1914
24-1 Marx and Engels Predict the Coming of a New Social Order
KARL MARX AND FRIEDRICH ENGELS, From The Communist Manifesto (1848)
Viewpoints: Peoples Without Nations
24-2 Fichte Imagines a Future Germany
JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE, Address to the German Nation (1808)
24-3 Nordau Calls on Jews to Forge Their Own Nation
MAX NORDAU, On Zionism (1905)
24-4 Embodying the French Nation
EUGÈNE DELACROIX, Liberty Leading the People (1830)
24-5 Survival of the Fittest in Human Society
HERBERT SPENCER, Social Statistics (1850)
Chapter 25: Africa, the Ottoman Empire, and the New Imperialism, 1800-1914
25-1 Ottoman Reform from the Top Down
SULTAN ABDUL MEJID, Imperial Rescript (1856)
Viewpoints: The Colonial Encounter in Africa
25-2 Cecil Rhodes Dreams of Global Domination
CECIL RHODES, From Confession of Faith (ca. 1877)
25-3 A First-Hand Account of Imperial Conquest
NDANSI KUMALO, On the British Incursion in Zimbabwe (1932)
25-4 The Law as a Form of Resistance
JOHN MENSA SARBAH, Fanti Customary Law (1897)
25-5 The Brutality of Colonial Rule
ROGER CASEMENT AND DAVID ENGOHAHE, Victims of Belgian Congo Atrocities (ca. 1904-1905)
Chapter 26: Asia in the Era of Imperialism, 1800-1914
26-1 A Chinese Official Denounces the British Opium Trade
LIN ZEXU, From a Letter to Queen Victoria (1839)
26-2 A Woodblock Print depicts Japan’s Modernization
Illustration of the Opening of Azuma Bridge in Tokyo (1887)
Viewpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Modernity
26-3 Japan Embraces the West
OKUMA SHIGENOBU, Fifty Years of New Japan (1909)
26-4 Gandhi Rejects British "Civilization"
MOHANDAS GANDHI, "Indian Home Rule" (1909)
26-5 Sun Yatsen Calls on China to Take its Rightful Place in the World
SUN YATSEN, On the Three People’s Principles and the Future of the Chinese People (1906)
Chapter 27: The Americas in the Age of Liberalism, 1810-1917
27-1 Bolivar Identifies the Challenges Latin America Faces
SIMÓN BOLÍVAR, Jamaica Letter (1815)
27-2 Mary Seacole Reflects on Race and Class in the Americas
MARY SEACOLE, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands (1857)
Viewpoints: Female Abolitionists Make the Case Against Slavery
27-3 Angelina Grimke Explains the Fundamental Principle of Abolitionism
ANGELINA GRIMKE, Letters to Catherine E. Beecher (1838)
27-4 A Slave Dealer Explains His Craft
HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, From Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
27-5 Argentina’s Conquest and Displacement of Indigenous Peoples
JUAN MANUEL BLANES, Military Occupation of the Black River During the Expedition of General Julio A. Roca (1889)
Chapter 28: World War and Revolution, 1914-1929
28-1 Life at Home and on the Battlefield
Correspondence of Evelyn and Fred Albright (1917)
28-2 War Brings Revolution to Russia
VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN, All Power to the Soviets! (1917)
Viewpoints: Competing Perspectives on the Treaty of Versailles
28-3 War and Peace from a Japanese Perspective
KONOE FUMIMARO, Against a Pacifism Centered on England and America (1918)
28-4 Germany Protests the Terms of Peace
GERMAN DELEGATION TO THE PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE, On the Conditions of Peace (October 1919)
28-5 The Demilitarization of Germany Provisions in the Treaty of Versailles
Plane Scrapping (ca. 1919)
Chapter 29: Nationalism in Asia, 1914-1939
29-1 An Eyewitness to Genocide
MARY L. GRAFFAM, An Account of Turkish Violence Against Armenians (1915)
29-2 The British Government Supports a Jewish State in Palestine
ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, Debating the Balfour Declaration (1917)
29-3 An Indian Nationalist Condemns the British Government
SAROJINI NAIDU, The Agony and Shame of the Punjab (1920)
Viewpoints: Chinese Nationalism and Japanese Imperialism
29-4 A Chinese Nationalist Offers a Recipe for Progress
JIANG JIESHI, The New Life Movement (1934)
29-5 The Japanese Puppet Empire of Manchuria (Manchukuo)
Manukuo Emperor Aisin-Gioro Puyi Visits Japan (1940)
Chapter 30: The Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
30-1 The Great Depression, London, 1930
One Man Demo (1930)
30-2 Legislating Racial Purity
The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (1935)
30-3 The Place of Women in Stalin’s Soviet Union
Letters to Izvestiya: On the Issue of Abortion (1936)
Viewpoints: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
30-4 Truman Describes the Creation and Use of Nuclear Weapons
HARRY S. TRUMAN, White House Press Release on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)
30-5 The Impact of a Nuclear Weapon
TOSHIKO SAEKI, Interview with a Survivor of Hiroshima (1986)
Chapter 31: Decolonization, Revolution and the Cold War, 1945-1968
Viewpoints: The Cold War Begins
31-1 An Iron Curtain Descends
WINSTON CHURCHILL, "Sinews of Peace" Speech (March 5, 1946)
31-2 The Truman Doctrine
PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN, Speech to Congress (March 12, 1947)
31-3 The United Nations Calls for an End to the Age of Empires
UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (December 14, 1960)
31-4 The Challenges of Neo-Colonialism and Equitable Development
INDIRA GANDHI, Address to the Fourth Congress of Non-Aligned Countries in Algiers (1973)
31-5 Revolutionary Brothers in Arms
Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro (1974)
Chapter 32: Liberalization and Liberation, 1968-2000s
32-1 Remembering Argentina’s "Dirty War"
Museo de la Memoria, Cordoba, Argentina (ca. 2000)
Viewpoints: Race and Power in South Africa
32-2 The South African Government Justifies Apartheid
NATIONAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA, The National Party’s Color Policy (March 29, 1948)
32-3 Mandela Explains the Need for Armed Struggle Against Apartheid
NELSON MANDELA, The Rivonia Trial Speech to the Court (April 20, 1964)
32-4 Economic Change and Women’s Roles in China
WANG XINGJUAN, Interview for the Global Feminisms Project (2004)
32-5 Building a Meaningful Life in Contemporary Japan
Chapter 33: The Contemporary World in Historical Perspective
33-1 Defining and Defending Torture
JOHN YOO, Memoranda Regarding U.S. Military Interrogations (2002, 2003)
Viewpoints: Immigration and Assimilation in Postwar Germany
33-2 A Management Expert Explains How to Make Guest Workers Feel Welcome
GIACOMO MATURI, The Integration of the Southern Labor Force and its Specific Adaptation Problems (1961)
33-3 German Academics Take a Stand Against Immigration
Heidelberg Manifesto (1982)
33-4 Glaciers as Evidence of Climate Change
Greenland: A Laboratory For the Symptoms of Global Warming (July 17, 2013)
33-5 A Generational Rift on Climate Change
GRETA THUNBERG, Address to the United Nations Climate Action Summit (2019)
Product Updates
Focus on environmental concerns New documents reflect environmental topics and climate change concerns that parallel the new environmental theme in A History of World Societies.
Emphasis on the voices of women New sources place greater emphasis on the voices of women across class, time, and region.
Updated visual sources New visual sources and updated Reading and Discussion Questions lend themselves more effectively to analysis and discussion, giving students a window into the past.
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks(Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Madison) is Distinguished Professor of History, emerita, at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She is the long-time Senior Editor of the Sixteenth Century Journal and the author or editor of more than thirty books, including A Concise History of the World. From 2017 to 2019 she served as the president of the World History Association.
Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Patricia B. Ebrey (Ph.D., Columbia University) is professor of history at the University of Washington in Seattle. Editor of the Journal of Chinese History, she is the author or editor of some twenty books, including The Cambridge Illustrated History of China and Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, as well as more specialized books on Song dynasty China. In 2014 she was awarded the American Historical Association’s Award for Scholarly Distinction and in 2020 the Association for Asian Studies Award for Outstanding Contributions to Asian Studies.
Roger B. Beck
Roger B. Beck (Ph.D., Indiana University) is Distinguished Professor of African and twentieth-century world history at Eastern Illinois University. His publications include The History of South Africa; a translation of P. J. van der Merwe’s The Migrant Farmer in the History of the Cape Colony, 1657–1842; and more than a hundred articles, book chapters, and reviews. In 2018 he received the Pioneer in World History award from the World History Association, its highest honor.
Jerry Davila
Jerry Dávila (Ph.D., Brown University) is Jorge Paulo Lemann Chair of Brazilian History and directs the Global Institute at the University of Illinois. He is the author of Dictatorship in South America; Hotel Trópico: Brazil and the Challenge of African Decolonization, winner of the Latin Studies Association Brazil Section Book Prize; and Diploma of Whiteness: Race and Social Policy in Brazil, 1917–1945. He has served as president of the Conference on Latin American History.
Clare Haru Crowston
Clare Haru Crowston (Ph.D., Cornell University) is Professor of history at the University of Illinois. She is the author of Credit, Fashion, Sex: Economies of Regard in Old Regime France and Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675–1791, which won the Berkshire and Hagley Prizes. She edited two special issues of the Journal of Women’s History, has published numerous journal articles and reviews, and is a past president of the Society for French Historical Studies.
John P. McKay
John P. McKay (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois. He has written or edited numerous works, including the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize-winning book Pioneers for Profit: Foreign Entrepreneurship and Russian Industrialization, 1885-1913.
Table of Contents
Chapter 16: The Acceleration of Global Contact, 1450–1600
16-1 The World as Europeans Knew it in 1502
World Map (1502)
Viewpoints: The Motives of Columbus and His Patrons
16-2 Columbus Defends His Accomplishments
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, Letter from the Third Voyage (1493)
16-3 Spanish Ambitions in the New World
THEODORE DE BRY, Columbus at Hispaniola (ca. 1590)
16-4 Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs
BERNARDINO DE SAHAGÚN, From General History of the Things of New Spain (ca. 1545-1578)
16-5 Blending Indigenous and European Style
ANDRÉS SÁNCHEZ GALLQUE, The Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas (1599)
Chapter 17: The Islamic World Powers, 1300–1800
17-1 An Ottoman Sultan Threatens the Shaw of Persia
SULTAN SELIM I, From a Letter to Shah Ismail of Persia (1514)
17-2 An Ottoman Admiral at Mughal Court
SIDI ALI REIS, From The Mirror of Countries (1557)
Viewpoints: Women’s Role in Ottoman Society
17-3 Sociability in the Imperial Harem
Feast for the Valide Sultana with the presence of Madame Girardin, the French ambassador (c. 17th century)
17-4 Women in Courts of Law in an Ottoman City
From The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri (c. 17th century)
17-5 A Mughul Emperor Describes His Life and Rule
NURUDDIN SALIM JAHANGIR, From the Memoirs of Jahangir (ca. 1580–1600)
Chapter 18: European Power and Expansion, 1500-1750
18-1 Secular and Religious Authority in the Protestant Reformation
LUTHER, "On Secular Authority: How Far Does the Obedience Owed to It Extend?" (1523)
Viewpoints: The Sources of Government Authority
18-2 God’s Lieutenants on Earth
JACQUES-BENIGNE BOSSUET, On Divine Right (ca. 1675–1680)
18-3 Government and the State of Nature
JOHN LOCKE, From Two Treatises of Government: Of the Ends of Political Society and Government (1690)
18-4 A Depiction of Diplomatic Exchange
JASPER BECX, Don Miguel de Castro, Emissary of Kongo (ca. 1643)
18-5 A Tsar Imposes Western Styles on the Russians
PETER THE GREAT, Edicts and Decrees (1699-1723)
Chapter 19: New Worldviews and Ways of Life, 1540-1790
Viewpoints: Debating the Experimental Method
19-1 Praise for the Experimental Method
ROBERT HOOKE, Micrographia (1665)
19-2 Questioning the Experimental Method
MARGARET CAVENDISH, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666)
19-3 Science Outside the West
Takyuddin and Other Astronomers at the Galata Observatory (ca. 1581)
19-4 Faith Without Dogma
VOLTAIRE, From Dictionnaire Philosophique: "Theist" (1764)
19-5 Kant Challenges His Society to Embrace Reason
IMMANUEL KANT, What is Enlightenment? (1784)
Chapter 20: Africa and the World, 1400-1800
20-1 A Dutch View of an African King
OLFERT DAPPER, King Alvaro I of Kongo Receiving the Dutch Ambassadors (1668)
Viewpoints: Debating the Slave Trade
20-2 West African Dependence on the Slave Trade
OSEI BONSU, An Asante King Questions British Motives in Ending the Slave Trade (1820)
20-3 The Terror of Capture and Enslavement
OLAUDAH EQUIANO, From The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano (1789)
20-4 Enslaved Africans March to the Sea
Transportation of Slaves in Africa (ca. 1800-1900)
20-5 Europeans Move Inland
MUNGO PARK, From Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa (1799)
Chapter 21: Continuity and Change in East Asia, 1400-1800
21-1 The Growing British Presence in East Asia
The Viceroy of Canton Giving an Audience to Commodore Anson (1748)
21-2 A German Doctor Describes Eighteenth-Century Japan
ENGELBERT KAEMPFER, From History of Japan (1727)
Viewpoints: Gender in East Asia
21-3 Teaching Values to Japanese Children
KAIBARA EKIKEN AND KAIBARA TŌKEN, Common Sense Teachings for Japanese Children and Greater Learning for Women (ca. 1700)
21-4 Pleasure and Gender in Tokugawa Edo
TORII KIYONAGA, Women of the Gay Quarters (Late Eighteenth Century)
21-5 Chinese Gender Norms Turned Upside Down
LI RUZHEN (LI JU-CHEN), From Flowers in the Mirror (1827)
Chapter 22: Revolutions in the Atlantic World, 1775–1815
Viewpoints: Defining the Citizen
22-1 The National Assembly Presents a New Vision of Government
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
22-2 A Female Author Revises the Declaration of the Rights of Man
OLYMPE DE GOUGES, From the Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791)
22-3 Robespierre Justifies Terror as a Tool of Revolutionary Change
MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE, Revolutionary Speech (February 5, 1794)
22-4 A Former Slave Calls on France to Support the Cause of Freedom
FRANÇOIS DOMINIQUE TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE, Letter to the French National Assembly (1797)
22-5 Declaring Freedom from Colonial Control
JOSÉ MARÍA MORELOS Y PAVÓN, "Sentiments of the Nation" (1813)
Chapter 23: The Revolution in Energy and Industry, 1760-1850
Viewpoints: The Realities of Manufacturing
23-1 A Mill Owner Describes the Human Costs of Industrialization
ROBERT OWEN, From Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System (1815)
23-2 Child Labor in Industrial Britain
SADLER COMMITTEE AND ASHLEY COMMISSION, Testimonies Before Parliamentary Committees on Working Conditions in England (1832, 1842)
23-3 Britain Forces the Ottoman Empire to Make Economic Concessions
The Treaty of Balta-Liman (August 16, 1838)
23-4 The Role of Working-Class Women
FLORA TRISTAN, The Workers’ Union (1843)
23-5 Spreading Stories of the Industrial Revolution
James Watt, c. 1890 (ca. 1890)
Chapter 24: Ideologies of Change in Europe, 1815-1914
24-1 Marx and Engels Predict the Coming of a New Social Order
KARL MARX AND FRIEDRICH ENGELS, From The Communist Manifesto (1848)
Viewpoints: Peoples Without Nations
24-2 Fichte Imagines a Future Germany
JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE, Address to the German Nation (1808)
24-3 Nordau Calls on Jews to Forge Their Own Nation
MAX NORDAU, On Zionism (1905)
24-4 Embodying the French Nation
EUGÈNE DELACROIX, Liberty Leading the People (1830)
24-5 Survival of the Fittest in Human Society
HERBERT SPENCER, Social Statistics (1850)
Chapter 25: Africa, the Ottoman Empire, and the New Imperialism, 1800-1914
25-1 Ottoman Reform from the Top Down
SULTAN ABDUL MEJID, Imperial Rescript (1856)
Viewpoints: The Colonial Encounter in Africa
25-2 Cecil Rhodes Dreams of Global Domination
CECIL RHODES, From Confession of Faith (ca. 1877)
25-3 A First-Hand Account of Imperial Conquest
NDANSI KUMALO, On the British Incursion in Zimbabwe (1932)
25-4 The Law as a Form of Resistance
JOHN MENSA SARBAH, Fanti Customary Law (1897)
25-5 The Brutality of Colonial Rule
ROGER CASEMENT AND DAVID ENGOHAHE, Victims of Belgian Congo Atrocities (ca. 1904-1905)
Chapter 26: Asia in the Era of Imperialism, 1800-1914
26-1 A Chinese Official Denounces the British Opium Trade
LIN ZEXU, From a Letter to Queen Victoria (1839)
26-2 A Woodblock Print depicts Japan’s Modernization
Illustration of the Opening of Azuma Bridge in Tokyo (1887)
Viewpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Modernity
26-3 Japan Embraces the West
OKUMA SHIGENOBU, Fifty Years of New Japan (1909)
26-4 Gandhi Rejects British "Civilization"
MOHANDAS GANDHI, "Indian Home Rule" (1909)
26-5 Sun Yatsen Calls on China to Take its Rightful Place in the World
SUN YATSEN, On the Three People’s Principles and the Future of the Chinese People (1906)
Chapter 27: The Americas in the Age of Liberalism, 1810-1917
27-1 Bolivar Identifies the Challenges Latin America Faces
SIMÓN BOLÍVAR, Jamaica Letter (1815)
27-2 Mary Seacole Reflects on Race and Class in the Americas
MARY SEACOLE, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands (1857)
Viewpoints: Female Abolitionists Make the Case Against Slavery
27-3 Angelina Grimke Explains the Fundamental Principle of Abolitionism
ANGELINA GRIMKE, Letters to Catherine E. Beecher (1838)
27-4 A Slave Dealer Explains His Craft
HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, From Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
27-5 Argentina’s Conquest and Displacement of Indigenous Peoples
JUAN MANUEL BLANES, Military Occupation of the Black River During the Expedition of General Julio A. Roca (1889)
Chapter 28: World War and Revolution, 1914-1929
28-1 Life at Home and on the Battlefield
Correspondence of Evelyn and Fred Albright (1917)
28-2 War Brings Revolution to Russia
VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN, All Power to the Soviets! (1917)
Viewpoints: Competing Perspectives on the Treaty of Versailles
28-3 War and Peace from a Japanese Perspective
KONOE FUMIMARO, Against a Pacifism Centered on England and America (1918)
28-4 Germany Protests the Terms of Peace
GERMAN DELEGATION TO THE PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE, On the Conditions of Peace (October 1919)
28-5 The Demilitarization of Germany Provisions in the Treaty of Versailles
Plane Scrapping (ca. 1919)
Chapter 29: Nationalism in Asia, 1914-1939
29-1 An Eyewitness to Genocide
MARY L. GRAFFAM, An Account of Turkish Violence Against Armenians (1915)
29-2 The British Government Supports a Jewish State in Palestine
ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, Debating the Balfour Declaration (1917)
29-3 An Indian Nationalist Condemns the British Government
SAROJINI NAIDU, The Agony and Shame of the Punjab (1920)
Viewpoints: Chinese Nationalism and Japanese Imperialism
29-4 A Chinese Nationalist Offers a Recipe for Progress
JIANG JIESHI, The New Life Movement (1934)
29-5 The Japanese Puppet Empire of Manchuria (Manchukuo)
Manukuo Emperor Aisin-Gioro Puyi Visits Japan (1940)
Chapter 30: The Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
30-1 The Great Depression, London, 1930
One Man Demo (1930)
30-2 Legislating Racial Purity
The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (1935)
30-3 The Place of Women in Stalin’s Soviet Union
Letters to Izvestiya: On the Issue of Abortion (1936)
Viewpoints: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
30-4 Truman Describes the Creation and Use of Nuclear Weapons
HARRY S. TRUMAN, White House Press Release on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)
30-5 The Impact of a Nuclear Weapon
TOSHIKO SAEKI, Interview with a Survivor of Hiroshima (1986)
Chapter 31: Decolonization, Revolution and the Cold War, 1945-1968
Viewpoints: The Cold War Begins
31-1 An Iron Curtain Descends
WINSTON CHURCHILL, "Sinews of Peace" Speech (March 5, 1946)
31-2 The Truman Doctrine
PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN, Speech to Congress (March 12, 1947)
31-3 The United Nations Calls for an End to the Age of Empires
UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (December 14, 1960)
31-4 The Challenges of Neo-Colonialism and Equitable Development
INDIRA GANDHI, Address to the Fourth Congress of Non-Aligned Countries in Algiers (1973)
31-5 Revolutionary Brothers in Arms
Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro (1974)
Chapter 32: Liberalization and Liberation, 1968-2000s
32-1 Remembering Argentina’s "Dirty War"
Museo de la Memoria, Cordoba, Argentina (ca. 2000)
Viewpoints: Race and Power in South Africa
32-2 The South African Government Justifies Apartheid
NATIONAL PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA, The National Party’s Color Policy (March 29, 1948)
32-3 Mandela Explains the Need for Armed Struggle Against Apartheid
NELSON MANDELA, The Rivonia Trial Speech to the Court (April 20, 1964)
32-4 Economic Change and Women’s Roles in China
WANG XINGJUAN, Interview for the Global Feminisms Project (2004)
32-5 Building a Meaningful Life in Contemporary Japan
Chapter 33: The Contemporary World in Historical Perspective
33-1 Defining and Defending Torture
JOHN YOO, Memoranda Regarding U.S. Military Interrogations (2002, 2003)
Viewpoints: Immigration and Assimilation in Postwar Germany
33-2 A Management Expert Explains How to Make Guest Workers Feel Welcome
GIACOMO MATURI, The Integration of the Southern Labor Force and its Specific Adaptation Problems (1961)
33-3 German Academics Take a Stand Against Immigration
Heidelberg Manifesto (1982)
33-4 Glaciers as Evidence of Climate Change
Greenland: A Laboratory For the Symptoms of Global Warming (July 17, 2013)
33-5 A Generational Rift on Climate Change
GRETA THUNBERG, Address to the United Nations Climate Action Summit (2019)
Product Updates
Focus on environmental concerns New documents reflect environmental topics and climate change concerns that parallel the new environmental theme in A History of World Societies.
Emphasis on the voices of women New sources place greater emphasis on the voices of women across class, time, and region.
Updated visual sources New visual sources and updated Reading and Discussion Questions lend themselves more effectively to analysis and discussion, giving students a window into the past.
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Sources of World Societies, Volume 2
Designed to accompany A History of World Societies, Twelfth Edition, each chapter of Sources of World Societies contains approximately five primary sources, both textual and visual, that present history from the perspectives of well-known figures and ordinary individuals alike. Chapter introductions briefly review the events of the time and set the following documents in the context of the corresponding textbook chapter. Headnotes and questions support each document, while a Viewpoints feature presents two or three sources that address a single topic from different perspectives. Comparative questions ask students to make connections between sources and across time.
Sources of World Societies is available in a package with A History of World Societies or is sold separately at a discounted price. It is also included for FREE in the Achieve courseware product for A History of World Societies.
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