Cover: Technical Communication, 13th Edition by Mike Markel; Stuart Selber

Technical Communication

Thirteenth Edition  ©2021 Mike Markel; Stuart Selber Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Mike Markel

    Mike Markel

    Mike Markel was director of technical communication at Boise State University. The former editor of IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, he is the author of numerous articles and six books about technical communication, including Ethics and Technical Communication: A Critique and Synthesis.

  • Headshot of Stuart Selber

    Stuart Selber

    Stuart A. Selber is Professor of English at Penn State University where he directs The Penn State Digital English Studio and the Program in Writing and Rhetoric. He is a past president and Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing and a past president of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. Selber has received several national awards for outstanding research, including the Ken Rainey Award for Distinguished Research (Society for Technical Communication), which is a lifetime achievement award. Selber has also been honored with the Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Communication (Society of Technical Communication) and the Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education (IEEE Professional Communication Society).

Table of Contents

Preface for Instructors
Introduction for Writers

Part 1  Understanding the Technical Communication Environment
1 Introduction to Technical Communication
2 Understanding Ethical and Legal Considerations
3 Writing Technical Documents
4 Writing Collaboratively


Part 2   Planning the Document
5 Analyzing Your Audience and Purpose
6 Researching Your Subject
7 Organizing Your Information

Part 3  Developing and Testing the Verbal and Visual Information
8 Communicating Persuasively
9 Emphasizing Important Information
10  Writing Correct and Effective Sentences
11  Designing Print and Online Documents
12  Creating Graphics
13  Evaluating and Testing Technical Documents

Part 4  Learning Important Applications
14  Corresponding in Print and Online
15  Applying for a Job
16  Writing Proposals
17  Writing Informational Reports
18  Writing Recommendation Reports
19  Writing Lab Reports
20  Writing Definitions, Descriptions, and Instructions
21  Making Oral Presentations

APPENDIX   Reference Handbook
Selected Bibliography
Index of Selected Features

Product Updates

Achieve with Technical Communication combines an interactive e-book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options:

  • Fully customizable, pre-built writing assignments that expand on the cases in Part 4, guiding students through multiple drafts and helping them to focus on key goals for each genre
  • LearningCurve adaptive activities covering the first ten chapters of the text as well as the most serious grammatical errors and ESL topics
  • End-of-chapter cases that offer convenient downloads of the documents students need to work with
    Digital writing tutorials that suggest ways to use free or common tools
  • A test bank that supports summative assessment.

Strategies for Online Communication boxes explore how issues of digital communication are handled by workplace professionals. Actual professionals share their strategies and insights on managing recurring content, crowdsourcing data and information, using multiple modalities in technical communication documents, and moderating user forums. Each feature includes annotated examples.
New coverage of nontraditional resumes and online interviews enhances existing guidance on finding a job. Coverage of  the essentials of creating a traditional cover letter, resume, and other job application materials is joined by new material illustrating alternate resume formats, including infographics and video resumes, along with realistic tips on when and whether to consider these options. Chapter 15 also adds new material on preparing for and participating in online job interviews.
A heightened focus on the relationship between print and digital provides students with the framework and support they need to read, conceive, and create content across mediums and platforms. Enhanced with examples, this renewed emphasis includes new coverage on leveraging the benefits of both media in the same end-user context and new Tech Tips on designing print and online documents and creating graphics.

New samples and examples throughout the text provide up-to-date models and opportunities for students to analyze real-world technical communication from a variety of contexts, such as comparison-based data visualizations and a video-based tutorial.

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