Cover: The Challenge of Liberal Reform: School Desegregation, North and South-U.S., 1st Edition by Joseph Crespino

The Challenge of Liberal Reform: School Desegregation, North and South-U.S.

First Edition  ©2018 Joseph Crespino Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Joseph Crespino

    Joseph Crespino

Table of Contents

Central Question
Learning Objective
Historical Background 
Primary Sources     
John Stennis, Statement Introducing the Stennis Amendment, January 27, 1970
Abraham Ribicoff, Statement Supporting the Stennis Amendment, February 9, 1970          
Exchange between Walter Mondale and Abraham Ribicoff Regarding the Stennis Amendment, February 9, 1970       
Alexander M. Bickel, “Desegregation: Where Do We Go from Here?” New Republic, February 7, 1970        
“The Debate over School Desegregation,” an Exchange between Marian Wright Edelman and Alexander Bickel, New Republic, March 21, 1970   
Project Questions
Additional Assignments
Additional Resources for Research          

Product Updates

This document collection introduces a critical yet underappreciated moment in the history of the civil rights movement, when national concensus over the future of school desegregation began to break down. Students will better understand some of the unresolved issues from civil rights struggles of the 1960s and how it was that despite unprecedented gains in breaking down segregated patterns of schooling in the rural South, separate and unequal public education persisted in the United States for decades afterward. Students are guided through their analysis of the primary sources with an author-provided learning objective, central question, and historical context.


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