Cover: iOLab Experiments for Scientists and Engineers, 1st Edition by Tom Hemmick

iOLab Experiments for Scientists and Engineers

First Edition  ©2019 Tom Hemmick Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Tom Hemmick

    Tom Hemmick

    Tom Hemmick is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Towson University and his Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from Rochester University. Hemmick began teaching Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University in 1991.Tom’s physics research focuses on collisions of heavy ions at high energies. He is a member of the PHENIX experiment at the Brookhaven National Laboratory RHIC accelerator, and works on the Ring-Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) as well as the PHENIX Drift Chambers, part of the PHENIX Tracking system.

Table of Contents

Physics 1

00 | Orientation

01 | Kinematics

02 | Forces

03 | Friction

04 | Circular Motion

05 | Springs

06 | Conservation Laws

07 | Simple Harmonic Motion

08 | Pendulum

09 | Standing Waves

10 | Speed of Sound

11 | Degrees of Freedom

Physics 2

00 | Orientation

01 | Electric Field

02 | Breadboard

03 | Ohms Law

04 | Kirchoffs Law

05 | RC Circuits

06 | Magnetic Force

07 | Magnetic Field

08 | Faradays Law

09 | RLC Circuits

10 | Snells Law

11 | Diffraction

Product Updates

Set your physics labs free

Originally created by Tom Hemmick to support distance learning for online University Physics Lab courses, the iOLab e-manual makes it easy for instructors to begin using the iOLab device in their online, hybrid, or face-to-face physics lab course.

  • 22 experiments created to support online learning, but rigorous enough to use for an in-person lab.
  • An e-manual means students can easily access it anywhere, at home or at school and on any device.
  • Embedded videos demonstrate for students how to gather data, perform experiments, and even analyze their data.
  • A full kit of equipment can be packaged with the e-manual to make a complete bundle, and support all 22 labs.

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