Our Achieve platform strengthens student engagement and creates closer connections. Explore What's New in Achieve.


Achieve for College Success

Better engagement. More Success.

Achieve provides flexible tools and great content to teach the way you want, for your course, and with your students. It provides a comprehensive suite of interconnected teaching and learning tools in an exceptionally powerful and convenient platform—including the most effective elements from Macmillan’s market-leading solutions (a fully integrated e-book, the acclaimed LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, Goal Setting & Reflection, iClicker classroom response system, and more!)

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Achieve is a fully mobile, accessible, flexible system to help you deploy and manage all your tools for pre-class learning, in-class engagement, and post-class assessment—(and integrate it within your LMS if preferred), while gathering insights on student comprehension and engagement—all in a single simple and powerful interface.

Watch: What is Achieve?
  1. LearningCurve

    LearningCurve offers individualized question sets and feedback based on each student's correct and incorrect responses. All the questions are tied back to the e-book to encourage students to use the resources at hand.

  2. Goal-Setting and Reflection Surveys

    There are 5 quick, actionable pre-built surveys get students to set goals for themselves and reflect on their learning throughout the semester. For each survey assigned, you will gain insights into the strategies students are using so you can focus interventions and support where students need them most.

  3. Insights and Reporting

    Insights highlight student engagement, provide opportunities for intervention, and visualize trends in student progress from assignment to assignment. Easily track what students do with instructor and peer feedback, and use reflection data to understand students’ sentiments about their work in the course.

  4. Interactive e-book

    Interactive e-book features highlighting, notetaking, offline access and read aloud functionality and the e-book is searchable, accessible, and downloadable.

  5. iClicker Integration

    iClicker seamlessly integrates into the Achieve gradebook, allowing you to engage students in your class with our award-winning student response system.

    Using Achieve & iClicker

  6. Learning Objectives

    Assessment content in Achieve is tied to a Learning Objectives framework that was developed in conjunction with College Success instructors and is reflective of best practices in learning science. As a result, you can view student performance against particular learning objectives, including where students might be struggling.

  7. Gradebook

    An easy-to-use Gradebook provides a clear window into performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments, to help you to give every student the support they need.

  8. Assessment

    Promotes content knowledge and skill-building as students engage with LearningCurve adaptive quizzes, auto-graded end-of-chapter questions, and homework assignments. Achieve also features pedagogically-aligned chapter quizzes, test bank questions, and iClicker slides that test student comprehension of chapter concepts.

  9. Faculty Support

    We take our support seriously, and it is important to us that if you do have questions about any of our products, you get the assistance you need when you need it--through our sales team, our discipline and product specialists, our training teams, our online training and support materials, and our support team.

  10. LMS Integration

    Want to make your life easier? Keep all your course content and students’ grades in one place, with one sign-in. Achieve offers a deep integration with the LMS, and we are continuously enhancing the experience to offer fewer clicks and more seamless ways to integrate.

  11. Video Programs

    The video activities in Achieve feature interviews with students about key concepts from the text and are accompanied by open-response questions to help students engage with the content and reflect on how these concepts relate to their own college success.

  12. ACES (specifically for Gore, Connections)

    ACES (Academic and Career Excellence System) is an online self-assessment developed to measure strengths in 12 critical areas, both cognitive and non-cognitive. Students take ACES at the beginning and end of their college success course, and by comparing these results, they’re able to celebrate areas of improvement and identify areas for future growth.
    Note: If you have a Gardner user who loves ACES, this could be a possible customization. Contact custom.

See How Achieve Works

Have one of our experts show you how Achieve works—and how it can work for you, your class, and your students.

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