Exercise 14-1

Construct a codebook for the following survey questionnaire. Assume that 100 persons responded to the survey. Your codebook should include (1) the coding scheme for each item and (2) the numerical values assigned to each response.


“Hello. My name is _________________________________ . Could I ask you a few questions for a project I am doing in my research methods class at _____________________ College/University?

First, I am going to ask you some questions about how much money you think the federal government should spend for several programs and purposes. As I read these items, please tell me whether you think the federal government should spend more, spend about the same as now, or spend less.

                                                                                                                 Spend More       Spend Same     Spend Less      Undecided

  1. Improving public schools
  2. Fighting drug abuse
  3. Reducing pollution
  4. Improving health care
  5. Solving the problems of big cities
  6. Improving conditions for minorities
  7. About how interested would you say you are in government and politics?
    ( ) very interested
    ( ) somewhat interested
    ( ) not very interested
    ( ) not at all interested
  8. On most political issues would you describe yourself as
    ( ) very liberal
    ( ) slightly liberal
    ( ) middle of the road
    ( ) slightly conservative
    ( ) very conservative
  9. Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a/an
    ( ) Democrat
    ( ) Republican
    ( ) Independent
    ( ) Other
  10. In your own words, could you please tell me what you think is the most important problem facing the country today? (Summarize respondent's answer in spaces below.)
  11. Do you own your home or do you rent? ( ) own ( ) rent
  12. How old are you? ________
  13. Sex of respondent: ( ) Male ( ) Female

That's the end of the interview. Thank you for your time and help.”