Concept 7.1 Different Life Cycles Use Different Modes of Cell Reproduction
Cell division is necessary for the reproduction, growth, and repair of organisms. Review Figure 7.1
Asexual reproduction produces clones, new organisms that are virtually identical genetically to the parent. Any genetic variation is the result of mutations.
In sexual reproduction, two haploid gametes—usually one from each parent—unite in fertilization to form a genetically unique diploid zygote. There are many different sexual life cycles that can be haplontic, diplontic, or involve alternation of generations. Review Figure 7.3 and ACTIVITY 7.1
Diploid cells contain homologous pairs of chromosomes. In sexually reproducing organisms, certain cells undergo meiosis, a process of cell division in which the chromosome number is halved. Each of the haploid daughter cells contains one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes.
Concept 7.2 Both Binary Fission and Mitosis Produce Genetically Identical Cells
Cell division must be initiated by a reproductive signal. Before a cell can divide, the genetic material (DNA) must undergo replication and segregation to separate portions of the cell. Cytokinesis then divides the cytoplasm into two cells.
In prokaryotes, most cellular DNA is a single molecule, usually in the form of a circular chromosome. Prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission. Review Figure 7.4
During most of the eukaryotic cell cycle, the cell is in interphase, which is divided into three subphases: G1, S, and G2. DNA is replicated during S phase. Mitosis (M phase) and cytokinesis follow. Review Figure 7.5 and ANIMATED TUTORIAL 7.1
In mitosis, a single nucleus gives rise to two nuclei that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent nucleus.
At mitosis, the replicated chromosomes, called sister chromatids, are held together at the centromere. Each chromatid contains one double-stranded DNA molecule. During mitosis, sister chromatids line up at the equatorial plate and attach to the spindle. Review ACTIVITY 7.2
Nuclear division is usually followed by cytokinesis. Animal cell cytoplasms divide via a contractile ring made up of actin microfilaments. In plant cells, cytokinesis is accomplished by vesicles that fuse to form a cell plate. Review Figure 7.7
Concept 7.3 Cell Reproduction Is Under Precise Control
Interactions between cyclins and CDKs regulate the passage of cells through checkpoints in the cell cycle. External controls such as growth factors can stimulate the cell to begin a division cycle. Review Figure 7.10
Concept 7.4 Meiosis Halves the Nuclear Chromosome Content and Generates Diversity
Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II, which collectively reduce the chromosome number from diploid to haploid. Meiosis results in four genetically diverse haploid cells, often gametes. Review ANIMATED TUTORIAL 7.2
During prophase I, homologous chromosomes undergo synapsis to form pairs in a tetrad. Chromatids can form junctions called chiasmata, and genetic material may be exchanged between the two homologs by crossing over. Review Figure 7.13
Both crossing over during prophase I and independent assortment of the homologs as they separate during anaphase I ensure that gametes are genetically diverse.
Meiotic errors can result in abnormal numbers of chromosomes in the resulting gametes and offspring. Review Figure 7.14
Concept 7.5 Programmed Cell Death Is a Necessary Process in Living Organisms
A cell may die by necrosis, or it may self-destruct by apoptosis, a genetically programmed series of events that includes the fragmentation of the cell’s nuclear DNA.
Apoptosis is regulated by both external and internal signals. These signals result in activation of a class of enzymes called caspases that hydrolyze proteins in the cell. Review Figure 7.15