Chapter 2: Chapter Outline

The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter.
Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Return to skim any sections that seem unfamiliar.
I. Rival Imperial Models: Spain, France, and Holland
  A. New Spain: Colonization and Conversion
    1. Spanish adventurers were the first Europeans to explore the southern and western United States.
    2. By the 1560s, their main goal was to prevent other Europeans from establishing settlements.
    3. In 1565, Spain established St. Augustine, the first permanent European settlement in America; most of Spain’s other military outposts were destroyed by Indian attacks.
    4. In response to the Indian attacks, the Spanish adopted the Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries (1573) and employed missionaries.
    5. For Franciscans, religious conversion and assimilation went hand in hand, but Spanish rule was not benevolent.
    6. Protected by Spanish soldiers, missionaries whipped Indians who continued to practice polygamy, smashed religious idols, and severely punished those who worshipped traditional gods.
    7. Most Native Americans tolerated the Franciscans, but when Christian prayers failed to prevent disease, drought, and Apache raids, many returned to their ancestral religions and blamed the Spanish for their ills.
    8. Santa Fe was established in 1610 by the Spanish, who reestablished the system of missions and forced labor there after Indian revolts in 1598.
    9. Forced labor, the imposition of Christianity, drought, and food shortages motivated the Indian shaman Popé in 1680 to lead the peoples of two dozen Pueblos in a carefully coordinated rebellion known as the Pueblo Revolt, which killed over 400 Spaniards.
    10. Exhausted by a generation of warfare, the Pueblos a decade later joined with the Spanish to protect their lands against nomadic Indians.
    11. Spain maintained its northern empire but did not achieve religious conversion or cultural assimilation of the Native Americans.
    12. The costs of expansion in Florida and New Mexico delayed the Spanish settlement of California.
  B. New France: Fur Traders and Missionaries
    1. Quebec, established in 1608, was the first permanent French settlement; New France became a vast fur-trading enterprise.
    2. The Huron, in exchange for protection from the Iroquois, allowed French traders into their territory.
    3. French traders set in motion a series of devastating Indian wars over the fur market, and they also brought disease to the Indians, which killed much of the native population.
    4. Beginning in the 1640s, the New York Iroquois seized control of the fur trade and forced the Huron to migrate to the north and west.
    5. The Iroquois organized themselves into a confederation of Five Nations—Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, and Mohawks—to extend control over territory and the fur trade.
    6. Conflicts with the French over control of the fur trade severely reduced the Iroquois population during the late 1600s despite their alliance with England.
    7. While French traders amassed furs, French priests sought converts; unlike the Spanish, French missionaries did not use Indians for forced labor, and they won religious converts by addressing the needs of the Indians.
  C. New Netherland: Commerce
    1. The Dutch republic in 1600 emerged as the financial and commercial hub of northern Europe.
    2. The Dutch colonization strategy emphasized commerce over religious conversion.
    3. In 1621, the West India Company created a trade monopoly in West Africa, Indonesia, and Brazil, giving the Dutch control of the Atlantic slave trade.
    4. In 1624, the company founded the town of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island as the capital of New Netherland.
    5. To encourage migration, the company granted huge estates along the Hudson River to wealthy Dutchmen, but this attracted few settlers.
    6. New Netherland failed as a settler colony but flourished briefly in fur trading.
    7. When the Dutch seized prime farming land from the Algonquians and took over their trading network, the Algonquians responded with force.
    8. The West India Company largely ignored the floundering Dutch settlement and concentrated instead on the profitable importation of African slaves to their sugar plantations in Brazil.
    9. The Dutch ruled New Amsterdam to garner short-term profits, rejecting requests for representative government, and after lightly resisting an English invasion in 1664, New Amsterdam happily accepted English rule.
    10. Initially, the Duke of York ruled the new English colony of New York with a mild hand. After a Dutch raid in 1673, English officials imposed English law and customs.

II. The English Arrive in the Chesapeake
  A. Settling the Tobacco Colonies
    1. Unlike their European rivals, the English created populous colonies in North America. They used force to take Indian lands.
    2. They formed a society based on tobacco cultivation that brought wealth to a small class of families who exploited the labor of white indentured servants.
    3. After 1600, English merchants replaced the landed gentry as the leaders of English expansion, giving the Chesapeake colonies considerable autonomy.
    4. In 1606, King James I granted a group of London merchants a trading monopoly from present-day North Carolina to southern New York; this region was named Virginia in honor of the never-married “Virgin Queen.”
    5. In 1607, the Virginia Company sent an expedition of men to North America, landing in Jamestown, Virginia; the goal of the Virginia Company was trade, not settlement.
    6. Life in Jamestown was harsh: death rates were high; there was no gold and little food.
    7. Native American hostility was another major threat to the survival of the settlement; as conflicts over food and land increased, Chief Powhatan threatened war with the settlers.
    8. Tobacco farming became the basis of economic life and an impetus for permanent settlement in Jamestown.
    9. To encourage English settlement, the Virginia Company granted land to freemen, established a land-dispersal system and a local court system, and approved a system of representative government under the House of Burgesses.
    10. The resulting influx of settlers sparked war with the Indians but did not slow expansion; by 1622, English settlement in the Chesapeake Bay included over 4,500 new recruits.
    11. English expansion sparked a war in 1622 led by Opechancanough, Powhatan’s brother and successor. Nearly a third of the English population was killed. Subsequently, the English seized Indian fields and food, forcing the Indians to flee.
    12. Shocked by the Indian uprisings, James I accused the Virginia Company of mismanagement and, in 1624, made Virginia a royal colony.
    13. The Church of England was established in Virginia, and property owners paid taxes to support the clergy.
    14. The model for royal colonies in America consisted of a royal governor, an elected assembly, and an established Anglican Church.
    15. King Charles I conveyed most of the territory bordering the Chesapeake Bay to Lord Baltimore, a Catholic aristocrat. Baltimore created Maryland, a second tobacco colony in the Chesapeake.
    16. Baltimore wanted Maryland to become a refuge from persecution for English Catholics; settlement of Maryland began in 1634 and grew rapidly due to ample land.
    17. Baltimore granted the assembly the right to initiate legislation.
    18. A Toleration Act was enacted in 1649, granting religious freedom to all Christians.
    19. Demand for tobacco started an economic boom in the Chesapeake and attracted migrants, but diseases, especially malaria, kept population low and life expectancy short. Although 15,000 English arrived in Virginia between 1622 and 1640, the population rose only from 2,000 to 8,000.
  B. Masters, Servants, and Slaves
    1. Many migrants to Virginia and Maryland were indentured servants; most masters ruled with beatings and withheld permission to marry.
    2. Most indentured servants did not achieve the escape from poverty they had sought, although about 25 percent benefited from their ordeal, acquiring property and respectability.
    3. The first African workers who arrived in 1619 fared even worse than the indentured servants, and their numbers remained small.
    4. Although many Africans served their English masters for life, they were not legally enslaved. English common law did not acknowledge chattel slavery, the ownership of a human being as property.
    5. By becoming a Christian and a planter, an enterprising African could sometimes aspire to near equality with English settlers, and even own slaves.
    6. Beginning in the 1660s following a collapse in the tobacco industry, Chesapeake legislatures began enacting laws that lowered the status of Africans; being a slave was becoming a permanent and hereditary condition, synonymous with African people.
  C. Bacon’s Rebellion
    1. By the 1660s, the Chesapeake tobacco market had collapsed and long-standing conflicts between rich planters and men with small farms or no property flared, creating political turmoil.
    2. In an effort to exclude Dutch and other merchants, Parliament passed an Act of Trade and Navigation (1651), permitting only English or colonial-owned ships into American ports.
    3. The number of tobacco planters increased, but profit margins were growing thin; the Chesapeake ceased to offer upward social mobility to either whites or blacks.
    4. The Chesapeake colonies came to be dominated by elite planter-merchants while poor, newly freed indentured servants struggled to buy land.
    5. Social tensions between elite planters and struggling landless laborers reached a breaking point in Virginia during Governor William Berkeley’s regime; Berkeley gave tax-free land grants to members of his council.
    6. To acquire land, poor white freeholders and aspiring tenants wanted local Indians removed from the treaty-guaranteed lands along the frontier.
    7. Wealthy planter-merchants opposed Indian removal; they wanted to maintain the labor supply and to continue trading furs with the Native Americans.
    8. Poor freeholders and propertyless men formed militias and began killing Indians in 1675; the Indians retaliated by killing whites.
    9. Not wanting the fur trade disrupted, Governor Berkeley proposed building frontier forts.
    10. Settlers saw Berkeley’s strategy as a plot to impose high taxes and to take control of the tobacco trade.
    11. Nathaniel Bacon, a member of the governor’s council, led a protest against Berkeley’s strategy; Bacon and his men killed a number of peaceful Indians for which Berkeley arrested Bacon.
    12. When Bacon’s militant supporters threatened to free Bacon by force, Berkeley agreed to political reforms and restored voting rights to landless freemen.
    13. Not satisfied, Bacon’s men burned Jamestown and issued a “Manifesto and Declaration of the People,” demanding removal of all Indians and an end to the rule of wealthy “parasites.”
    14. Although Bacon died from disease in 1676, Bacon’s Rebellion prompted tax cuts, a reduction of corruption, the opening of public offices to yeomen, and expansion into Indian lands.
    15. To forestall another rebellion among former indentured servants, Chesapeake planters turned away from indentured servitude and explicitly legalized slavery in 1705.

III. Puritan New England
  A. The Puritan Migration
    1. New England differed from other European settlements; it was settled by women and children as well as men, and focused not on commerce but on religion and morality.
    2. The Pilgrims, Puritans who were “Separatists” from England’s Anglican Church, sailed to America in 1620 on the Mayflower.
    3. They created the Mayflower Compact, a covenant for religious and political autonomy and the first constitution in North America.
    4. The first winter in America tested the Pilgrims as hunger and disease took a heavy toll, reducing the population by half; thereafter, the Plymouth colony became a healthy and thriving community.
    5. After having Anglican rituals forced on their churches, Puritans sought refuge in America; in 1630, John Winthrop and 900 Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay colony.
    6. Over the next decade, 10,000 Puritans migrated to Massachusetts Bay along with 10,000 others fleeing hard times in England.
    7. The Puritans created representative political institutions that were locally based by transforming the initial joint-stock corporation, the General Court of shareholdings that Winthrop and his associates had utilized to organize and found the colony.
    8. The right to vote and hold office was limited to men who were church members, and the Bible was the legal as well as spiritual guide for Massachusetts Bay.
    9. The Puritans eliminated bishops and placed power in the hands of the laity; influenced by John Calvin, they believed in predestination.
    10. The Puritans dealt with the uncertainties of divine election in three ways: "conversion experience," a born-again conviction of salvation; "preparation," confidence in redemption built on years of spiritual guidance; and belief in a "covenant" with God that promised salvation in exchange for obedience to God’s laws.
    11. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay felt that they must purge their society of religious dissidents.
    12. The Puritans targeted Roger Williams, a religious dissenter who agreed with the Pilgrims’ separation of church and state. He was banned from Massachusetts Bay and along with his followers founded settlements in Rhode Island, where there was no legally established church.
    13. Anne Hutchinson was considered a heretic because her beliefs diminished the role of Puritan ministers; the Puritans believed that when it came to governance of church and state, women were clearly inferior to men. The magistrates convicted and banished Hutchinson and her family from the colony.
    14. In 1636, Thomas Hooker and others left Massachusetts Bay and founded Hartford; in 1639, the Connecticut Puritans adopted the Fundamental Orders, a plan of government that included an established church, a popularly elected governor and assembly, and voting rights for most property-owning men—not just church members.
    15. England fell into a religious civil war between royalists and parliamentary forces in 1642, and thousands of English Puritans joined the revolt, demanding greater authority for Parliament and reform of the established church.
    16. After four years of civil war, parliamentary forces led by Oliver Cromwell were victorious, but the Puritan triumph was short-lived.
    17. With the failure of the English Revolution, Puritans looked to create a permanent society in America based on their faith and ideals.
  B. Puritanism and Witchcraft
    1. Puritans thought that the physical world was full of supernatural forces; their respect for spiritual forces perpetuated certain pagan superstitions shared by nearly everyone but condemned by zealous ministers.
    2. Between 1647 and 1662, Puritan civil authorities in Massachusetts and Connecticut hanged fourteen people for witchcraft.
    3. In 1692, in Salem, Massachusetts, 175 people were arrested and nineteen were hanged for witchcraft.
    4. Popular revulsion against the executions brought an end in New England to legal prosecutions for witchcraft and heresy.
    5. The European Enlightenment helped promote a more rational view of the world.
  C. A Yeoman Society, 1630–1700
    1. Puritans instituted a fee-simple land distribution policy that encouraged the development of self-governing communities. All landowners had a voice in the town meeting. Consequently, ordinary New England farmers enjoyed far more political power than their European or Chesapeake counterparts.
    2. In organizing Puritan town governments, the General Courts of Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut bestowed the title to each township on a group of settlers, or proprietors, who then bestowed the land among the male heads of families.
    3. Puritans believed in a social and economical hierarchy: the largest plots of land were given to men of high social status.
    4. As all male heads of families received some land, a society of independent yeomen farmers emerged.
    5. Town meetings chose selectmen, levied taxes, and enacted ordinances and regulations; as the number of towns increased, so did their power, enhancing local control.
    6. Nearly all New Englanders had an opportunity to acquire property; New England proved to many to be the promised land, a new world of opportunity.
IV. The Eastern Indians’ New World
  A. Puritans and Pequots
    1. Seeing themselves as God’s chosen people, the Puritans justified taking Indian lands on religious grounds.
    2. In 1636, Pequot warriors attacked English farmers who had intruded on their lands; in retaliation, Puritan militiamen and their Indian allies massacred about 500 Pequots.
    3. English Puritans viewed the Indians as “savages” who did not deserve civilized treatment. To them, Native Americans were not genetically inferior; “sin” or Satan, rather than race, accounted for their degenerate condition.
    4. In their efforts to Christianize Indians, the Puritans created praying towns that supervised the Indian population.
  B. Metacom’s War of 1675–1676
    1. By the 1670s, there were three times as many whites as Indians in New England; whites numbered 55,000, while Indians numbered 16,000.
    2. Seeking to stop the European advance, the Wampanoag leader Metacom forged a military alliance with the Narragansetts and Nipmucks in 1675.
    3. The group attacked white settlements throughout New England, and the fighting continued until Metacom’s death in 1676.
    4. Losses were high on both sides, but the Indians’ losses were worse: 25 percent of the already diminished Indian population died from war or disease.
    5. Many of the surviving Algonquian peoples migrated farther into the New England backcountry, where they intermarried with other Algonquian tribes tied to the French, who became their ally in future attacks against the English.
  C. The Destructive Impact of the Fur Trade
    1. As English settlers continued to advance inland, the Indians who lived near the Appalachian Mountains and in the forested areas beyond remained independent.
    2. The fur trade impacted Indians who lived great distances from European settlements.
    3. Indians willingly participated in the fur trade and avoided European traders who exploited them, though they did not always secure the highest price for their furs because they lacked knowledge of the European fur prices.
    4. Indian communities ultimately could not stop the impact of traders, settlers, and disease on their societies. European goods quickly penetrated Indian societies, reducing native economic and religious independence.
    5. The result of the wars and involvement in the fur trade was that the character of Indian society throughout the eastern woodland region was permanently altered; disease, sickness from liquor, and neglected artisan skills were the fur trade’s legacy.
    6. When French missionaries won converts among the Huron and Iroquois, they divided Indian communities into hostile religious factions.
    7. Constant warfare shifted tribal power from cautious Indian elders to headstrong young warriors, and the position and status of women changed in complex and contradictory ways.
    8. The fur trade profoundly altered the natural environment by severely depleting the animal population and by changing habitats.