Ecology: The Economy of Nature with SaplingPlus
SaplingPlus is an online system which combines the powerful multimedia resources for Ecology with an integrated eBook and the robust assessment library, creating an extraordinary new learning resource for students. Instructors can assign automatically graded homework, while students benefit from helpful hints, feedback, and multimedia assets to help them gain the problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding they need to succeed in ecology.
- Ecology:-The-Economy-of-Nature-with-SaplingPlus
- Tutorial-Style-Homework-Questions
- Hints-Make-Sure-Students-Don't-Get-Stuck
- Answer-Specific-Feedback
- Solutions-Reinforce-the-Concepts
- EcoTV-Tutorial-Videos
- EcoTV-Assessments
- LearningCurve
- Mobile-Friendly-Integrated-Ebook
- Industry-Leading-Support
- Sign-up-for-a-Live-Demo-with-our-LSS-group