NEW Pilot Feature: Achieve’s AI Student Tutor provides next-level support for students. Learn more by contacting your rep.

As Seen in Inside Higher Ed: Achieve’s AI Student Tutor

Students and instructors are turning to the AI Student Tutor in Achieve as a powerful learning tool. Here’s what two million student interactions reveal about the positive impact of generative AI on learning outcomes.

AI Tutor

Starburst with NEW! written inside.

Available for Spring: Achieve's AI Student Tutor

Transform your students’ study sessions into engaging deep-learning experiences with Achieve's AI Student Tutor, now available at no extra cost this spring*.

Not an Achieve user yet? Experience the AI Student Tutor for yourself, just like your students would, and discover how it can help students overcome learning challenges. Try the AI Student Tutor below, or access a free instructor Achieve sample course in your discipline.

Try the AI TutorAccess Sample

*Available in Achieve full courses and Achieve Essentials for Majors Biology, Evolution, Genetics, and Non-Majors Biology.


The Achieve platform gives instructors the control and flexibility to assign content and assessment that aligns to their individual course goals. Our premium and full course offerings combine our acclaimed texts and assessment with carefully developed and curated multimedia resources designed to elevate student engagement and understanding while providing you with insight into class and individual performance. We also offer a streamlined, homework-focused option with our new Achieve Essentials course options for Biology.

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  1. Courses

  2. Product Type

  1. Achieve Essentials

  2. Achieve Full Course

    1. Full Course

    Adaptive Quizzing

    Adaptive Quizzing offers individualized question sets and feedback based on each student's correct and incorrect responses. All the questions are tied back to the e-book to encourage students to use the resources at hand.

    1. Full Course

    Media and Assessments

    Powerful multimedia assets headline the content library of media, assessments, and instructor resources specific to your selected text.

    1. Full Course

    In-Class Activities

    Vetted and tested in-class activities provide instructors with an off-the-shelf resource for more active learning during their classes.

    1. Full Course

    Student Engagement with iClicker

    Easy integration and gradebook sync with iClicker classroom engagement solutions pairs perfectly with our suite of in-class active learning resources.

    Using Achieve & iClicker

    1. Full Course

    Interactive e-Book

    Interactive e-book features highlighting, notetaking, offline access and read aloud functionality. The interactive e-book is searchable, accessible, and downloadable.

    1. Full Course

    Insights and Reporting

    Insights and Reporting provide powerful analytics, viewable in an elegant dashboard, that offer instructors a window into student progress and facilitate lessons that are specifically tailored to students’ needs.

    1. Full Course


    An easy-to-use Gradebook provides a clear window into performance for the whole class, for individual students, and for individual assignments, to help you to give every student the support they need.

    1. Full Course


    Interactive simulations of biological processes help students learn the concepts.

    1. Full Course


    A diverse library of formative and summative assessments with a variety of answer types allow instructors to build engaging assignments.

    1. Essentials

    OpenStax e-Book

    The OpenStax e-Book is available through Achieve with assessments and media mapped to that book.

    1. Essentials

    Assessments with hints/feedback/solutions

    The question library in Achieve includes built-in coaching tools--hints, error-specific feedback, and fully worked solutions--to guide students toward the correct answers. A variety of answer types allow for a diverse assessment experience.

    1. Essentials


    Students can manipulate Interactive multimedia assets to better understand complex biological concepts.


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