For Psychology

Achieve Read & Practice is the marriage of our LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and our mobile, accessible e-book, in one easy-to-use and affordable product.

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Psychology Read and Practice



Achieve Read and Practice Assignments

Easy to Use

As the instructor, you select the book you want to use. Then you decide which chapters and sections you want students to work with first, and when. Assign those sections.

Achieve Read and Practice Quiz

Students Come to Class Prepared

Students will then read the e-book and answer some adaptive quiz questions. If they do well on a topic, then they are all set. If there are topics where they struggle, they are encouraged to re-read the material and answer a few short quiz questions

Achieve Read and Practice Gradebook

Students Have Better Performance and Instructors Can See Key Analytics

Instructors can see all this work in the gradebook, noting which students are struggling or which topics are confusing. This information can then be used to change class discussion or to reach out to particular students.

Students Earned Higher Grades

Students who retook quizzes for practice earned statistically significantly higher course grades, overall, compared with students who didn’t—regardless of prior academic performance.*


*Based on in-depth, IRB-approved studies with instructors at 17 colleges and 260 of their students using Read & Practice in Psychology, History, and Geography courses.

Read & Practice is so easy to use, it basically runs itself and it’s a great way to make sure my students are actually doing the reading.”

I re-took all the quizzes before our exam. I could tell that doing that really helped me do better so now I retake them before all the exams.”


Achieve Read & Practice is easy to use based on a System Usability Scale score of 92 from instructors and 88 from students.


100% of students report the game-like features of Read & Practice helped keep them engaged.


100% of instructors said that using Read & Practice saved them time in their course when compared to the last time they had taught the same (or a similar) course.


90% of students report Read & Practice keeps them on track with their reading compared with other courses.

LearningCurve Adaptive Quizzing

Research & Metrics


Reading and rereading or highlighting

Adaptive Quizzing promotes retrieval practice through its unique delivery of questions and point system. Students with a firm grasp on the material get plenty of practice but proceed through the activity relatively quickly. Unprepared students are given more questions, therefore requiring that they do what they should be doing anyway if they’re unprepared—practice some more.

Cramming is NOT an effective way.

Adaptive Quizzing promotes spacing by helping students master smaller chunks of information more frequently over the course of the term. They are accountable to read the book and practice that material over time. Spacing is particularly important for intro courses where students need to master foundational information for their major.

Quizzes don’t provide answer until they are complete

Students get immediate feedback after every question. Not only does this help them retain the information overall, but it also corrects them immediately on any misconceptions or mistakes. Immediate feedback means students are more likely to answer subsequent questions correctly. They don't have to wait until the end of the quiz to learn.

Students have a good handle on their strengths and weaknesses

The system adapts by difficulty level throughout. At the halfway point it adapts based on topic – students begin getting more questions from topics where they are not performing as well. They get an analysis by topic of how well they performed at the topic level, providing insight into areas where they need more practice.

LearningCurve has been used by over 3 million students


The adaptive quizzing feature showed a 90% student satisfaction rating, and was consistently the most popular resource with students.


Adaptive Quizzing accounted for 79% of all student submissions in LaunchPad.

What Do Students Think?

We asked a number of students what they thought about Achieve Read & Practice and this is what they had to say.

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