Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers present a new synthesis of economic principles for a new generation of students. Their unique focus on useful economics, compelling explanations, and real-life examples will help students use the basic tools of economics to develop economic intuition and apply it to everyday decisions—from personal and professional goals to public policy and the broader economy. Should you buy a car or rely on Uber? Get a job, or go to grad school? Spend or save? Start a business, or shut it down? Worry about inflation or unemployment?
With verve and clarity, the authors provide a fresh take on fundamental principles topics and develop Macroeconomics from its Micro foundations, in an engaging and student-focused presentation. Principles of Economics has drawn enthusiastic reviews from hundreds of instructors and thousands of students in pre-publication class tests and reviews.
Technology that offers the best value and price. Our most powerful learning option is also our most affordable. Principles of Economics is available in a new, integrated online learning system that features effective tools for each step of the learning path: pre-class, in-class, and post-class. The unique Decision Points digital features move students step-by-step through decision-making scenarios and offer feedback on how economic principles did (or did not) play into their choices.