Features Overview
Unique Features of the Stevenson-Wolfers Project Include:

Engage Every Student with Achieve: Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools. It incorporates the most effective elements from Macmillan’s market leading solutions—including Sapling, LaunchPad, iClicker, and others—in a single, easy to use platform. Our resources were co-designed with instructors and students, using a foundation of learning research and rigorous testing.

No widgets, no lemonade stands. We invite students to apply their economic toolkit to the sorts of situations they face—from salary negotiations to the division of labor in their home. By asking themselves “what would I do?” students naturally come to a deeper understanding of the economic principles involved.

When data were scarce, the role of economic theory was to fill in the missing pieces when the relevant facts were unavailable. But today, facts are cheap and data are abundant—perhaps even overwhelming. As a result, today’s students will use economic theory instead as a framework for interpreting these data. These brief features show students how to interpret real-world observations through an economic lens. The goal is to help students build confidence in using economic theory to transform data into insight.

For economics to be useful, students must practice using it. Embedded directly into the text narrative, these brief exercises confront students with real-life scenarios and challenge them to “do economics,” by analyzing the underlying logic of each situation, and helping them work through the solutions. Through this process, students will come to see economics as a verb—an active process of applying economics to understand the world and inform their choices.

Compare the usual static presentation of many textbook graphs with the dynamic process that instructors actually use to teach this material, and it becomes clear: An economics graph is not a static object for students to look at and memorize; it’s something students need to work through. That’s why we’ve reimagined these graphs in a way that emphasizes the process of graphing.

These innovative, visual summaries offer a clear overview of the key topics in each chapter, providing useful guidance for study and review.