Hear from Betsey and Justin
Authors of Principles of Economics
"Our Teaching Informed The Design Of The Book"
Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, authors of Principles of Economics, discuss how they wrote and designed their book based on the way professors teach. Each chapter is meant to be covered in one lecture.
"Betsey Stevenson - EconEd 2019"
"Students Aren't Like Us, So How Can We Reach Them?"
Justin Wolfers - EconEd 2019
"Is It Time to Update How We Teach Business Cycles in Introductory Students?"
"Making Economics More Inclusive"
Featuring Betsey Stevenson
Economics departments are struggling to succeed in attracting a diverse group of students relative to other fields. Betsey Stevenson discusses how we can do more to teach economics in an inclusive matter, ensuring that a more diverse group of students understand the power of economics as a tool to make better decisions and understand the world around them.
"Useful Economics"
Featuring Justin Wolfers
Justin Wolfers, co-author of Principles of Economics, provides fresh insight into the importance of teaching economics in a way that is more engaging and useful to a contemporary student.
"Why do Governments Intervene If They Always Create Deadweight Loss?"
Featuring Betsey Stevenson
Betsey Stevenson, co-author of Principles of Economics, poses the question 'How Can We Teach Government Intervention More Realistically?'