Essentials of Economics.
Use Stevenson/Wolfers in your one-semester Survey courses
The new Principles of Economics from Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers has been a breath of fresh air for today’s students, and is the most successful new introductory text in a generation. Betsey and Justin’s focus on useful economics employs compelling explanations and real-life examples to help students develop economic intuition and apply it to everyday decisions. Betsey and Justin provide a fresh take on a wide range of foundational topics in an engaging presentation that has drawn enthusiastic feedback from hundreds of instructor adopters and thousands of students.
Based on enthusiastic demand from instructors across the U.S., Canada, and beyond, you can now use Stevenson/Wolfers in your one-semester Survey of Economics courses. Stevenson/Wolfers Essentials of Economics is available in Achieve, a new, integrated online learning system that features powerful tools for each step of the Learning Path: pre-class, in-class, and post-class.
When you adopt Essentials of Economics, your students will get 6-month access to the combined Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics version of the Stevenson/Wolfers text for a truly competitive price. To set up your course you simply choose the chapters from the combined version through Achieve’s intuitive online course set-up tool.