Table of Contents
We invite you to explore the Principles of Economics Table of Contents below.
* Chapters marked with an asterisk do not appear in the Macroeconomics version
† Chapters marked with a dagger do not appear in the Microeconomics version
Chapter Objective: To learn the four core principles that provide the foundation of all economic analysis, and use them to analyze choices and make better decisions.
1.1 A Principled Approach to Economics
1.2 The Cost-Benefit Principle
1.3 The Opportunity Cost Principle
1.4 The Marginal Principle
1.5 The Interdependence Principle
Chapter Objective: To understand people's buying, or demand, decisions.
2.1 Individual Demand: What You Want, at Each Price
2.2 Your Decisions and Your Demand Curve
2.3 Market Demand: What the Market Wants
2.4 What Shifts Demand Curves?
2.5 Shifts versus Movements Along Demand Curves
Chapter Objective: To understand how businesses make selling or supply decisions.
3.1 Individual Supply: What You Sell, at Each Price
3.2 Your Decisions and Your Individual Supply Curve
3.3 Market Supply: What the Market Sells
3.4 What Shifts Supply Curves?
3.5 Shifts versus Movements Along Supply Curves
Chapter Objective: Analyze how supply and demand determine the equilibrium price and quantity.
4.1 Understanding Markets
4.2 Equilibrium
4.3 Predicting Market Changes
Chapter Objective: To measure by how much quantities of demand and supply respond to changing market conditions.
5.1 Price Elasticity of Demand
5.2 How Businesses Use Demand Elasticity
5.3 Other Demand Elasticities
5.4 Price Elasticity of Supply
Chapter Objective: To forecast the consequences of government policies.
6.1 How Taxes and Subsidies Change Market Outcomes
6.2 Price Regulations
6.3 Quantity Regulations
Chapter Objective: To analyze how markets affect economic welfare.
7.1 Evaluating Public Policies
7.2 Measuring Economic Surplus
7.3 Market Efficiency
7.4 Market Failure and Deadweight Loss
7.5 Beyond Economic Efficiency
Chapter Objective: To analyze how markets generate gains from trade.
8.1 Gains from Trade
8.2 Comparative Advantage
8.3 Prices are Signals, Incentives, and Information
8.4 How Managers Can Harness Market Forces
Chapter Objective: To understand the consequences of global trade.
9.1 Comparative Advantage Is the Foundation of International Trade
9.2 How International Trade Shapes the Economy
9.3 The Debate About International Trade
9.4 International Trade Policy
9.5 Effects of Globalization
Chapter Objective: Explore what happens when your choices have side effects on others.
10.1 Identifying Externalities
10.2 The Externality Problem
10.3 Solving Externality Problems
10.4 Public Goods and the Tragedy of the Commons
Chapter Objective: To learn to make good decisions, both as an employer and as a worker, and understand how wages are determined.
11.1 The Labor Market: Supply and Demand at Work
11.2 Labor Demand: Thinking Like an Employer
11.3 Labor Supply: How to Balance Work and Leisure
11.4 Changing Economic Conditions and Labor Market Equilibrium
Chapter Objective: To understand why wages vary.
12.1 Labor Demand: What Employers Want
12.2 Labor Supply: What Workers Want
12.3 Institutional Factors that Explain Why Wages Vary
12.4 How Discrimination Affects Wages
12.5 Personnel Economics
Chapter Objective: Understand inequality, poverty, the tools government uses to address them and the trade-off between efficiency and equity.
13.1 Measuring Inequality
13.2 Poverty
13.3 Social Insurance, the Social Safety Net, and Redistributive Taxation
13.4 The Debate About Income Redistribution
Chapter Objective: Learn how to set prices when you have market power.
14.1 Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition
14.2 Setting Prices When You Have Market Power
14.3 The Problem with Market Power
14.4 Public Policy to Restrain Market Power
Chapter Objective: Learn how to remain profitable in the long run.
15.1 Revenues, Costs, and Economic Profits
15.2 Free Entry and Exit in the Long Run
15.3 Barriers to Entry
Chapter Objective: To guide the strategic decisions that you will make as a manager.
16.1 The Five Forces That Determine Profitability
16.2 Non-Price Competition: Product Positioning
16.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers
Chapter Objective: Implement sophisticated pricing strategies.
17.1 Price Discrimination
17.2 Group Pricing
17.3 The Hurdle Method
Chapter Objective: To guide the strategic decisions that you'll make throughout your career and everyday life.
18.1 How to Think Strategically
18.2 The Prisoner's Dilemma and the Challenge of Cooperation
18.3 Multiple Equilibria and the Problem of Coordination
18.4 Advanced Strategy: First and Second Mover Advantages
18.5 Advanced Strategy: Repeated Games and Punishments
Chapter Objective: To make good decisions when you don't know what will happen.
19.1 Risk Aversion
19.2 Reducing Risk
19.3 Behavioral Economics: How People Make Mistakes Around Uncertainty
Chapter Objective: Learn how to make decisions when you don't have all the facts.
20.1 Adverse Selection When Sellers Know More Than Buyers
20.2 Adverse Selection When Buyers Know More than Sellers
20.3 Moral Hazard: The Problem of Hidden Actions
Chapter Objective: To measure and analyze total economic activity.
21.1 What is GDP?
21.2 GDP and the Macroeconomy
21.3 What GDP Captures and What it Misses
21.4 Real and Nominal GDP
21.5 Millions, Billions, and Trillions
Chapter Objective: Understand what determines the rate of economic growth.
22.1 Economic Growth Facts
22.2 The Ingredients of Economic Growth
22.3 The Analytics of Economic Growth
22.4 Public Policy: Why Institutions Matter for Growth
Chapter Objective: Assess the causes and costs of unemployment.
23.1 Employment and Unemployment
23.2 The Dynamics of the Labor Market
23.3 Understanding Unemployment
23.4 The Costs of Unemployment
Chapter Objective: Evaluate the rate of inflation and its consequences.
24.1 Measuring Inflation
24.2 Using Various Measures of Inflation
24.3 Adjusting for the Effects of Inflation
24.4 The Role of Money and the Costs of Inflation
Chapter Objective: To make smart spending and saving decisions.
25.1 Consumption, Saving, and Income
25.2 The Microfoundations of Consumption
25.3 The Macroeconomics of Consumptions
25.4 What Shifts Consumption?
25.5 Saving
Chapter Objective: To analyze how managers can make good investment decisions.
26.1 Macroeconomic Investment
26.2 Tools to Analyze Investments
26.3 Making Investment Decisions
26.4 The Macroeconomics of Investment
26.5 The Market for Loanable Funds
Chapter Objective: Understand the role played by the financial sector.
27.1 Banks
27.2 Chapter Objective: Understand the role played by the financial sector.The Bond Market
27.3 The Stock Market
27.4 What Drives Financial Prices?
27.5 Personal Finance
Chapter Objective: Understand the linkages between the exchange rate, imports, and exports.
28.1 International Trade and Global Financial Flows
28.2 Exchange Rates
28.3 Supply and Demand of Currencies
28.4 The Real Exchange Rate and Net Exports
28.5 The Balance of Payments
Chapter Objective: To learn how to track the ups and downs of the economy.
29.1 Macroeconomic Trends and Cycles
29.2 Common Characteristics of Business Cycles
29.3 Analyzing Macroeconomic Data
Chapter Objective: To understand how interest rates shape economic outcomes.
30.1 Aggregate Expenditure
30.2 The IS Curve: Output and the Real Interest Rate
30.3 The MP Curve: What Determines the Interest Rate
30.4 The IS-MP Framework
30.5 Macroeconomic ShocksAppendix 30A: Aggregate Expenditure and the Multiplier
Chapter Objective: To understand how aggregate expenditure shapes the economy.30a.1 Macroeconomic Equilibrium
30a.2 Aggregate Expenditure and Income
30a.3 The Multiplier
30a.4 From Aggregate Expenditure to the IS Curve
Chapter Objective: To assess the causes of inflation.
31.1 Three Inflationary Forces
31.2 Inflation Expectations
31.3 The Phillips Curve
31.4 Supply Shocks Shift the Phillips Curve
Chapter Objective: To put the pieces together into a complete model of business cycles.
32.1 The Fed Model
32.2 Analyzing Macroeconomic Shocks
32.3 Diagnosing the Causes of Macroeconomic Changes
33.1 The AD-AS Framework
33.2 Aggregate Demand
33.3 Aggregate Supply
33.4 Macroeconomic Shocks and Countercyclical Policy
33.5 Aggregate Supply in the Short Run and the Long Run
Chapter Objective: To understand how the Federal Reserve makes and implements monetary policy.
34.1 The Federal Reserve
34.2 The Fed's Policy Goals and Decision Making Frameworks
34.3 How the Federal Reserve Sets Interest Rates
34.4 Unconventional Monetary Policy
Chapter objective: Learn about the government spending, revenue, and debt.
35.1 The Government Sector
35.2 Fiscal Policy
35.3 Government Deficits and Debt