Cover: 1200 Update Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Modern Course, 4th Edition by Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson

1200 Update Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Modern Course

Fourth Edition  ©2020 Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson


  • Headshot of Robert W. Strayer

    Robert W. Strayer

    Robert W. Strayer (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin) brings wide experience in world history to the writing of Ways of the World. His teaching career began in Ethiopia where he taught high school world history for two years as part of the Peace Corps. At the university level, he taught African, Soviet, and world history for many years at the State University of New York-College at Brockport, where he received Chancellors Awards for Excellence in Teaching and for Excellence in Scholarship. In 1998 he was visiting professor of world and Soviet history at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since moving to California in 2002, he has taught world history at the University of California, Santa Cruz; California State University, Monterey Bay; and Cabrillo College. He is a long-time member of the World History Association and served on its Executive Committee. He has also participated in various AP® World History gatherings, including two years as a reader. His publications include Kenya: Focus on Nationalism, The Making of Mission Communities in East Africa, The Making of the Modern World, Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse?, and The Communist Experiment.

  • Headshot of Eric W. Nelson

    Eric W. Nelson

    Eric W. Nelson (D.Phil., Oxford University) is a professor of history at Missouri State University. He is an experienced teacher who has won a number of awards, including the Governor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2011 and the CASE and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Professor of the Year Award for Missouri in 2012. He is currently Faculty Fellow for Engaged Learning, developing new ways to integrate in-class and online teaching environments. His publications include The Legacy of Iconoclasm: Religious War and the Relic Landscape of Tours, Blois and Vendôme, and The Jesuits and the Monarchy: Catholic Reform and Political Authority in France.

Table of Contents

Prologue: From Cosmic History to Human History 

PART ONE Diversity and Interaction in The World of 1200 to 1450
1. Before 1200: Patterns in World History
2. Varieties of Civilizations: Eurasia and the Americas, 1200-1450
3. Connections and Interactions, 1200-1450
4. The Mongol Moment and the Remaking of Eurasia, 1200-1450

PART TWO The Early Modern World, 1450–1750
5. Political Transformations: Empires and Encounters, 1450–1750
6. Economic Transformations: Commerce and Consequence, 1450–1750
7. Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science, 1450–1750

PART THREE The European Moment in World History, 1750–1900
8. Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes, 1750–1900
9. Revolutions of Industrialization, 1750–1900
10. Colonial Encounters in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, 1750–1950
11. Empires in Collision: Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, 1800–1900

PART FOUR The Most Recent Century, 1900–PRESENT
12. Milestones of the Past Century: War and Revolution, 1900–1950
13. Milestones of the Past Century: A Changing Global Landscape 1950-PRESENT
14. Global Processes: Technology, Economy, and Society 1900–PRESENT
15. Global Processes: Demography, Culture, and the Environment 1900–PRESENT

Glossary/Glosario of Historical Terms
Glossary/Glosario of Academic Terms

Product Updates

A truly global AP® Modern World History text focusing on themes and comparisons

If you plan to begin your course at 1200 C.E., we have a Ways of the World for you! This brand new brief edition combines the thorough examination of significant historical trends, themes, and developments that Strayer/Nelson in known for, but opens with an entirely new “Part One” written specifically for this new course. By first setting the stage of world history at 1200 C.E., Strayer and Nelson provide a thoughtful and insightful commentary that helps students see the big picture of the 1200 start date and models historical thinking and writing throughout. Like the complete fourth edition, this briefer volume is even more focused on the needs of AP® students, with AP® Skills Workshops, DBQ-aligned Working with Evidence features, and more opportunities for students to hone their AP® skills and practice for the exam. Whether you move to a 1200 start date or continue to teach the full course, we have the market-leading book for you!

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