Cover: America Firsthand, Volume 1, 10th Edition by Anthony Marcus; John M. Giggie; David Burner

America Firsthand, Volume 1

Tenth Edition  ©2016 Anthony Marcus; John M. Giggie; David Burner Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Anthony Marcus

    Anthony Marcus

    Anthony Marcus is an Associate Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York. He has published books and articles on the history of law, urban public policy, African American culture, and economic and social development in America and abroad. His current research focuses on law, youth, and public health.

  • Headshot of John M. Giggie

    John M. Giggie

    John Giggie is an associate professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Alabama, where he currently serves as the Director of the Graduate Program in History and as a Distinguished Teaching Fellow. His research specializations include the American South, African American history, and American religious history. He has published After Redemption: Jim Crow and the Transformation of African American Religion in the Delta, 1875-1917 and edited Faith in the Market: Religion and the Rise of Commercial Culture. He also coedits the Religion and American Culture series for the University of Alabama Press. His current scholarly project is a book on African American religion during the Civil War.

  • Headshot of David Burner

    David Burner

    David Burner, late Professor Emeritus of History at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, wrote two books on John F. Kennedy, as well as books on Herbert Hoover, the 1960s, the Democratic Party in the 1920s, and a number of textbooks.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Using Sources to Study the Past

Indians and Europeans: New World Encounters
Points of View: Contact and Conquest (1502–1521)
1. Hernando Cortés, Dispatches of the Conquest from the New World 
2. A Nahua Account of the Conquest of Mexico 
3. Bartolomé de Las Casas, Destruction of the Indies 
4. John Smith, Description of Virginia 
5. William Strachey, Travel to the New World
6. Father Paul Le Jeune, Encounter with the Indians 
7. Pedro Naranjo and Josephe, Testimony of Pueblo Indians 

The Colonial Experience: A Rapidly Changing Society
Points of View: Captured by Indians in Colonial America
8.  Mary Rowlandson, Prisoner of War
9. Mary Jemison, Captivity in a Different Light
10. Olaudah Equiano, The African Slave Trade 
11. Gottlieb Mittelberger, On the Misfortune of Indentured Servants 
12. Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Daughter, Wife, Mother, and Planter   
13. Benjamin Franklin, Defending Colonial Activities before Parliament 

Resistance and Revolution: Struggling for Liberty
Points of View: The Boston Massacre (1770)
14. Thomas Preston, A British Officer’s Description
15. George Robert Twelves Hewes, John Tudor, and the Boston Gazette and Country Journal, Colonial Accounts
16. Joseph Plumb Martin, A Soldier’s View of the Revolutionary War
17. Boston King, Choosing Sides
18. Catherine Van Cortlandt, Secret Correspondence of a Loyalist Wife
19. Abigail Adams, Republican Motherhood
20. George Richards Minot, Shays’s Rebellion: Prelude to the Constitution

Defining America: The Expanding Nation
Points of View: Religion in the New Nation (1770–1830)
21. James McGready, The Great Revival of 1800
22. Richard Allen, Early Steps toward Freedom
23. John Norton, A Native American Commander in the War of 1812
24. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, Crossing the Continent
25. Thomas Swann Woodcock, The Erie Canal: Providing Passage for a Growing Nation
26. John Ross, The Trail of Tears
27. Priscilla Merriman Evans, Pulling a Handcart to the Mormon Zion
28. Guadalupe Vallejo et al., Life in California before the Gold Discovery
29. Daguerreotype by Joseph B. Starkweather, Miners during the California Gold Rush

Reimagining Family, Community, and Society: An Age of Reform
of View: The Prison Reform Movement in the Early Republic
30. Charles Dickens, Philadelphia and Its Solitary Prison
31. Frederick Marryat, A Different View of Solitary Confinement
32. Harriet Hanson Robinson, The Lowell Textile Workers
33. Harriet Jacobs, The Life of a Female Slave
34. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Pioneering Women’s Rights
35. Rebecca Cox Jackson, Religion and the Power to Challenge Society
36. Mary Lois Walker, Marriage and Mormonism

The Growing Sectional Controversy: Slavery and Its Discontent
Points of View: Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831)
37. Nat Turner, A Slave Insurrection
38. William Lloyd Garrison, Who Is to Blame?
39. James Henry Hammond, Defending Slavery
40. Frederick Law Olmsted, A Northerner Travels the Slave States
41. Henry "Box" Brown, A Family Torn Apart by Slavery 
42. Osborne P. Anderson, An African American at Harpers Ferry
43. Carl Schurz, Free Labor, Free Men
44. David Walker, An Appeal for Revolution

Civil War and Reconstruction: The Price of War
Points of View: The Gathering Storm (1860)
45. Robert Toombs, Immediate Secession
46. Alexander H. Stephens, A Course of Moderation
47. Ellen Leonard, Three Days of Terror: The New York City Draft Riots  
48. Samuel and Rachel Cormany, The Battle of Gettysburg: On the Field and at Home
49. Black Union Soldiers, Fighting for the Union
50. Henry William Ravenel, A Slave Owner’s Journal at the End of the War
51. George Templeton Strong, A Northerner’s view of the Confederacy’s Defeat
52. Photograph by George N. Barnard, Ruins in Charleston, South Carolina, 1865 or 1866

Product Updates

New textual documents in each volume broaden the spectrum of voices and topics, including a diary entry of an Englishman who became shipwrecked on the Bermudan islands on his way to Jamestown, a free black man’s criticism of the slave system in the 1820s, an attorney’s essay on the dangers of the "white slave trade" in the Progressive era, an excerpt from the memoir of a doctor who served in the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War, and an essay by a female scientist who faced sexism as she tried to establish a career in the scientific community in the 1960s.

New visual documents will help students hone their image analysis skills. Images include a political cartoon criticizing woman’s rights activists in the mid-nineteenth century, a photograph depicting the devastation caused by the Civil War, an image of the Stonewall riot in June 1969, and a visual depiction of U.S. interrogation policies in the early twenty-first century.


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