Cover: An Insider's Guide to Academic Writing: A Brief Rhetoric, 3rd Edition by Susan Miller-Cochran; Roy Stamper; Stacey Cochran

An Insider's Guide to Academic Writing: A Brief Rhetoric

Third Edition  ©2022 Susan Miller-Cochran; Roy Stamper; Stacey Cochran Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Susan Miller-Cochran

    Susan Miller-Cochran

    Susan Miller-Cochran is the Executive Director of General Education at the University of Arizona, where she is also a Professor of English. Her research focuses on higher education administration and academic labor (especially in writing programs), instructional technology, curricular design, and multilingual writing. She formerly served as Director of the Writing Program at UA (2015-2019), Director of First-Year Writing at North Carolina State University (2007-2015), and a faculty member in English/ESL at Mesa Community College (AZ, 2000-2006). She has also served as a past president of the Council of Writing Program Administrators and a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Her work has appeared in over 40 journal articles and book chapters, and she is a co-editor of Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity (Utah State, 2018); Rhetorically Rethinking Usability (Hampton, 2009); and Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition (NCTE, 2002).

  • Headshot of Roy Stamper

    Roy Stamper

    Roy Stamper is a Senior Lecturer in English and Associate Director of the First-Year Writing Program in the Department of English at North Carolina State University, where he teaches courses in composition and rhetoric. He is also academic advisor to the department’s Language, Writing, and Rhetoric majors. He has been recognized as an Outstanding Lecturer as well as an Outstanding Faculty Advisor in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and is a recipient of NC States New Advisor Award. Prior to his current appointment, he worked as a high school English teacher. He has presented papers at a number of local, regional, and national conferences, including the Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators and the Conference on College Composition and Communication.

  • Headshot of Stacey Cochran

    Stacey Cochran

    Stacey Cochran is an Assistant Professor researching innovative teaching practices centered on writing and well-being at the University of Arizona, with dual appointments in English and the office of Student Success and Retention Innovation. He has also served as the Coordinator of Student Success and Wellness in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. His bestselling novel Eddie & Sunny was adapted as a major motion picture in 2021 by Paradox Studios US and Iervolino Entertainment. He was a finalist for the 1998 Dell Magazines Award, a finalist for the 2004 St. Martins Press/PWA Best First Private Eye Novel Contest, and finalist for the 2011 James Hurst Prize for fiction.

Table of Contents

New selections are indicated with an asterisk (*).

PART ONE. A Guide to College and College Writing
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Academic Writing

Your Goals and Your School’s Mission
Writing within Academic Disciplines
Entering Academic Conversations
Learning to Write in New Contexts
Writing Project: Profile of a Writer
Insider Example: Student Profile of a Business Professional
Chapter 1 Tip Sheet

Chapter 2. Writing: Process and Reflection
Developing Your Writing Process

          Flexible Strategies
          Multiple Drafts

Giving and Acting on Feedback

          Giving Productive Peer Review Feedback: A Sample Draft with Comments
          Responding to Peer Review Feedback

Reflection and Writing

          Reflecting throughout the Writing Process
          Reflecting on Your Story as a Writer
          Characteristics of a Literacy Narrative

Writing Project: Literacy Narrative
Insider Example: Student Literacy Narrative

Chapter 2 Tip Sheet

Chapter 3. Reading and Writing Rhetorically
Understanding Rhetorical Context
Understanding Genres
Writing Rhetorically
Reading Rhetorically

          Questions for Rhetorical Reading
          Reading Visuals

Analyzing the Rhetorical Context: A Sample Annotated Text
Writing Project: Rhetorical Analysis
*Insider Example: Student Rhetorical Analysis

Chapter 3 Tip Sheet

Chapter 4. Developing Arguments
Understanding Proofs and Appeals
Making Claims

          Thesis Statements
          Thesis versus Hypothesis
          Developing Reasons

Supporting Reasons with Evidence
Understanding Assumptions
Anticipating Counterarguments
Analyzing an Argument: A Sample Annotated Text 
Writing Project: Rhetorical Analysis of an Argument
Insider Example: Student Analysis of an Argument

Chapter 4 Tip Sheet

Chapter 5. Academic Research
Developing a Research Question
Choosing Your Sources

          Primary Sources
          Secondary Sources

Searching for Sources

          Search Terms and Search Engines
          Journal Databases

Evaluating Sources: Scholarly versus Popular Works
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting from Sources


Avoiding Plagiarism
Understanding Documentation Systems

          Modern Language Association (MLA)
          American Psychological Association (APA)
          Council of Science Editors (CSE)
          Annotated Bibliographies

Writing Project: Annotated Bibliography
*Insider Example: Student Annotated Bibliography
Writing Project: A Supported Argument on a Controversial Issue
Insider Example: Student Argument on a Controversial Issue

Chapter 5 Tip Sheet

PART TWO. Inside Academic Writing
Chapter 6. Reading and Writing in Academic Disciplines

Using Rhetorical Context to Analyze Academic Writing

          Analyzing Academic Writing: A Sample Annotated Text

Recognizing Academic Genres
Using Structure, Language, and Reference (SLR) to Analyze Genre Conventions

          Defining SLR 
          Analyzing Genre Conventions: A Sample Annotated Text 

Writing Project: Genre Analysis
*Insider Example: Student Comparative Genre Analysis
Writing Project: Translating a Scholarly Article for a Public Audience
Insider Example: Student Translation of a Scholarly Article

Chapter 6 Tip Sheet

Chapter 7. Reading and Writing in the Humanities
Research in the Humanities

          Observation and Interpretation
          The Role of Theory in the Humanities
          Engaging with Theory: A Sample Annotated Text

Strategies for Close Reading

          Notetaking Steps 
          Close Reading: Sample Annotations and Content/Form-Response Grids 
          Close Reading Practice: Analyzing a Short Story

Structural Conventions in the Humanities

          Using Research Questions to Develop a Thesis
          Developing Effective Thesis Statements
          Thesis-Driven Structural Templates

Language Conventions in the Humanities

          Descriptive and Rhetorical Language 
          Active Voice

Reference Conventions in the Humanities

          Values Reflected in Citations
          Documentation Styles: MLA and CMS

Genres: Textual Interpretation

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Writing a Textual Interpretation 
          Writing Project: Textual Interpretation/Analysis 
          Insider Example, Student Interpretation of a Literary Text

Chapter 7 Tip Sheet

Chapter 8. Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences
Research in the Social Sciences

          The Role of Theory in the Social Sciences
          Research Questions and Hypotheses
          The IRB Process and Use of Human Subjects

Structural Conventions in the Social Sciences

          IMRaD Format 
          Abstracts and Other Structural Conventions

Language Conventions in the Social Sciences

          Active and Passive Voice

Reference Conventions in the Social Sciences
Genres: Literature Review

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Writing a Literature Review 
          Writing Project: Literature Review 
          Insider Example: Student Literature Review

Genres: Theory Response Essay

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Writing a Theory Response Essay 
          Writing Project: Theory Response Essay 
          Insider Example: Student Theory Response Paper

Genres: Poster Presentation

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Composing a Poster Presentation 
          Writing Project: Poster Presentation 
          *Insider Example: Professional Poster Presentation

Chapter 8 Tip Sheet

Chapter 9. Reading and Writing in the Natural Sciences
Research in the Natural Sciences

          Observation and Description  
          From Description to Speculation
          From Speculation to Research Questions and Hypothesis
          Research Study Design
          The IRB Process and Use of Human Subjects

Values Underlying Writing in the Natural Sciences

          Cooperation and Collaboration

Structural Conventions in the Natural Sciences

          IMRaD Format
          Other Structural Conventions

Language Conventions in the Natural Sciences

          Numbers and Other Details
          Active and Passive Voice

Reference Conventions in the Natural Sciences
Genres: Observation Logbook

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Working with an Observation Logbook 
          Writing Project: Observation Logbook 
          Insider Example: Student Observation Logbook

Genres: Research Proposal

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Writing a Research Proposal 
          Writing Project: Research Proposal
          Insider Example: Professional Research Proposal

Genres: Lab Report

          What Is the Rhetorical Context for This Genre?
          Strategies for Composing a Lab Report 
          Writing Project: Lab Report 
          Insider Example: Student Lab Report

Chapter 9 Tip Sheet

Chapter 10. Reading and Writing in the Applied Fields
Rhetoric and the Applied Fields
Health Fields

          Insider Example: Discharge Instructions


          Insider Example: Student Lesson Plan


          Insider Example: Student Memorandum

Criminal Justice and Law

          Insider Example: E-Mail Correspondence from Attorney


          *Insider Example: PowerPoint Slides

Information Technology

          Insider Example: Student Summary of Shift Operations

Writing Project: Genre Analysis of Writing in an Applied Field
*Insider Example: Student Genre Analysis of Electrical and Computer Engineering Standards
Chapter 10 Tip Sheet

Appendix: Introduction to Documentation Styles

Product Updates

  • Achieve with An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing puts student writing at the center of your course and keeps revision at the core, with a dedicated composition space that guides students through drafting, peer review, source check, reflection, and revision. Developed to support best practices in commenting on student drafts, Achieve is a flexible, integrated suite of tools for designing and facilitating writing assignments, paired with actionable insights that make students’ progress toward outcomes clear and measurable — all in a single powerful, easy-to-use platform that works for face-to-face, remote, and hybrid learning scenarios. Achieve with An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing includes the complete e-book (with integrated Insider’s View videos), fully editable prebuilt writing assignments that support the book, reading comprehension quizzes, and interactive assessments and activities to promote active learning and engagement.
  • Readings, boxes, examples, and photos have been revised so that students with a diverse range of identities and experiences can see that they too belong as “insiders” in academic communities. 
  • New Insider Examples give students models for every writing project in the book. The new examples include an argument analysis; an annotated bibliography; a genre analysis; a poster presentation; a PowerPoint presentation; an IT paper; and a genre analysis in the applied fields. All of the Insider Examples are now annotated to highlight the writer’s rhetorical moves.
  • Added coverage of multimodal writing can be found in new discussions and examples of poster presentations (Chapter 8) and PowerPoint slides (Chapter 10).

Prepare students for writing in any discipline.

The only book to dedicate chapters to writing in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and applied fields, An Insiders Guide to Academic Writing gives students the rhetorical tools they need for success writing across the disciplines. It offers students practice in analyzing the rhetorical situation and understanding the scholarly values informing writing conventions in different fields.  Paired with Achieve, an engaging and powerful digital platform (see Related Titles for more details),  An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing prepares students for the challenges of academic and disciplinary writing.

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Susan Miller-Cochran; Roy Stamper; Stacey Cochran | Third Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319434571






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