Cover: Atlas and Dissection Guide for Comparative Anatomy, 6th Edition by Saul Wischnitzer

Atlas and Dissection Guide for Comparative Anatomy

Sixth Edition  ©2006 Saul Wischnitzer Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Saul Wischnitzer

    Saul Wischnitzer

Table of Contents

I. Anatomy of the Protochordates
1. Morphology
II. Anatomy of the Lamprey
1. Morphology
III.Anatomy of the Dogfish Shark
1. External Morphology
2. Skeletal System
3. Muscular System
4. Digestive and Respiratory Systems
5. Circulatory System
6. Urogenital System
7. Sense Organs
8. Nervous System
9. Sectional Morphology
10. Evolution and Function
IV.Anatomy of the Mud Puppy
1.External Morphology
2. Skeletal System
3. Muscular System
4. Digestive and Respiratory Systems
5. Circulatory System
6. Urogenital System
7. Sense Organs and Nervous System
8. Evolution and Function
V.Anatomy of the Cat
1. External Morphology
2. Skeletal System
3. Muscular System
4. Digestive and Respiratory Systems
5. Circulatory System
6. Urogenital System
7. Endocrine System and Sense Organs
8. Nervous System
9. Sheep Brain
Glossary of Anatomic Terms
Selected Reading
Supplementary Figures

Product Updates

•        The Edition of a new Exercise 10 titled Evolution and Function, in the cat section of the manual
•        Substantial enrichment of the Glossary of Anatomic Terms with over a hundred new additions
•        Many updates to the Selected Readings section
•        Seven more tear-out supplementary illustrations on the organ systems of the cat


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