Cover: Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire, 1st Edition by Ronald Mellor

Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire

First Edition  ©2006 Ronald Mellor Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Ronald Mellor

    Ronald Mellor

    Ronald Mellor (PhD, Princeton University) is Distinguished Professor of ancient history at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he served as chair of the history department from 1992 to 1997. Centering his research on ancient religion and Roman historiography, Professor Mellor has written eight scholarly books: Tacitus’ “Annals”  (2010); The Roman Historians (1999); Text and Tradition: Studies in Greek History and Historiography in Honor of Mortimer Chambers (ed. 1999); The Historians of Ancient Rome (ed. 1997); Tacitus: The Classical Heritage (1995); Tacitus (1993); From Augustus to Nero: The First Dynasty of Imperial Rome (ed. 1990); and Thea Rome: The Goddess Roma in the Greek World (1975). Professor Mellor is the co-Director of the History-Geography Project at UCLA, which brings university faculty together with K-12 teachers.  He has also coedited a series of nine volumes on ancient history for middle and high schools.  For that series, he is coauthor of The Ancient Roman World and The World in Ancient Times: Primary Sources.

Table of Contents


A Note about the Text
  List of Illustrations
Introduction: From Octavian to Augustus
    The Collapse of the Roman Republic
    The Rise of Octavian
    Augustus as Princeps
    The New Constitution
    Creating a New Elite: Senators and Equestrians
    Social and Religious Reform
    The Army in War and Peace
    Italy and the Provinces
    The Imperial Family and Succession
    "A City of Marble"
    The Golden Age of Latin Literature
    The Death and Legacy of Augustus
    The Evaluation of Augustus
    Principal Literary Sources for the Age of Augustus
The Documents
  1. The Rise of Octavian
    1. Augustus, The Achievements of Augustus, 14 CE
    2. Nicolaus of Damascus, On Julius Caesars Admiration for the Young Octavius, 20s BCE
    3. Suetonius, On the Ides of March: The Assassination of Julius Caesar, Second Century CE
    4. Appian, On Octavians First Confrontation with Antony, Second Century CE
    5. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Letters Revealing His Views of Young Octavian, 44 BCE
    6. Appian, On the Second Triumvirate, Second Century C.E.
    7. Tacitus, A Senatorial View of the Civil War, Second Century CE
    8. Plutarch, On Cleopatras Seduction of Mark Antony, Second Century CE
    9. Cassius Dio, On Octavians Propaganda against Antony, Third Century CE.
    10. Suetonius, On Antonys Propaganda against Octavian in 34 BCE, Second Century CE
    11. Cassius Dio, On the Conquest of Egypt, Third Century CE
  2. Augustus as Princeps
    12. Suetonius, On the Restoration of the Republic, Second Century CE
    13. Cassius Dio, On the Illness of Augustus in 23 BCE, Third Century CE
    14. Suetonius, Some Anecdotes and Descriptions concerning Augustus, Second Century CE
    15. Macrobius, On Augustus Sense of Humor, Fifth Century CE
  3. The New Constitution
    16. Cassius Dio, How Agrippa and Maecenas Gave Political Advice to Augustus, Third Century CE
    17. The Law Bestowing Power on the Emperor, January 70 CE
  4. Creating a New Elite: Senators and Equestrians
    18. Suetonius, How Augustus Revised the Membership of the Senate, Second Century CE
    19. The Town of Superaequum Honors a Local Man Who Became a Senator, Early First Century CE
    20. A Town in Asia Honors a Roman Administrator, 6 CE
  5. Social and Religious Reform
    21. Suetonius, On How Augustus Must be Worshipped with the Goddess Roma, Second Century CE
    22. Josephus, On King Herods Construction of a Temple to Roma and Augustus, Late First Century CE
    23. Suetonius, On Augustus’ Restoration of Temples and Revival of Religious Rituals, Second Century CE
    24. The City of Narbo Celebrates the Emperors Birthday, 11 CE
    25. Cassius Dio, On Augustus Speech in Favor of Marriage, Third Century CE
    26. Roman Law Codes, Details of Augustan Legislation on Adultery and Marriage, Sixth Century CE
    27. Funeral Oration for an Exceptional Wife, Late First Century BCE
    28. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, On How the Emancipation of Roman Slaves Corrupts the Citizen Body, 8 BCE
    29. Gaius, On Augustan Laws Restricting the Freeing of Slaves, Second Century CE
  6. The Army in War and Peace
    30. Velleius Paterculus, On the Annihilation of Romes German Legions, First Century CE
    31. Suetonius, On Augustus Reaction to News of the Disaster in Germany, Second Century CE
  7. Italy and the Provinces
    32. Tacitus, On the Administration of the Empire, Second Century CE
    33. Suetonius, On How Augustus Showed Great Respect for Greek Culture, Second Century CE
    34. Cassius Dio, On How Augustus "Shared" Provincial Government with the Senate, Third Century CE
    35. Imperial Edicts for the Government of Cyrene, 7 BCE
    36. Josephus, On Augustus Confirmation of the Rights of Jewish Communities, Late First Century CE
    37. Philo of Alexandria, On Augustus Benevolence toward Romes Jews, 39 CE
    38. The Gospel According to Luke, On the Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, About 80 CE
  8. The Imperial Family and Succession
    39. Suetonius, On the Grandchildren of Augustus, Second Century CE
    40. Tacitus, On Augustus, Livia and Their Family, Second Century CE
    41. Aulus Gellius, A Letter from Augustus to His Grandson Gaius, Second Century CE
    42. Cassius Dio, How Livia Gives Advice to Augustus, Third Century CE
    43. Suetonius, A Report on Letters between Augustus and Tiberius, Second Century CE
    44. Suetonius, Augustus Asks Livia: "What Should We Do about Claudius?" Second Century CE
  9. "City of Marble" — Augustan Culture
    45. Horace, I Came, I Fought, I Ran, 23 BCE
    46. Horace, Rejoice: The Egyptian Queen is Dead, 23 BCE
    47. Horace, Augustus Has Brought Peace, 13 BCE
    48. Virgil, A Description of the Battle of Actium, 19 BCE
    49. Ovid, On Jupiters Praise of Augustus, 8 CE
    50. Vitruvius, On How Augustus Was Patron of the Arts, 23 BCE
    51. Suetonius, On the Emperor as a Builder, Second Century CE
    52. Strabo, A Greek View of Augustan Rome, 20 CE
  10. The Death and Legacy of Augustus
    53. Suetonius, On the Death and Funeral of Augustus, Second Century CE
    54. Cassius Dio, Another Account of Augustus Death, Third Century CE
    55. Tacitus, On the Funeral of Augustus, Second Century CE
    56. Seneca, On the Clemency of Augustus, 55 CE
    57. Velleius Paterculus, A Soldiers View of Augustus, 29 CE
    58. Pliny the Elder, On the Trials and Tribulations of an Emperor, 75 CE
    59. Philo of Alexandria, Jewish Praise for Augustus, 39 CE
    A Glossary of Greek and Latin Terms
    A Chronology of Events Relating to Caesar Augustus and the Roman Empire (63 BCE–1453 CE)
    Questions for Consideration
    Selected Bibliography

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