Cover: Benito Cereno, 1st Edition by Herman Melville; Wyn Kelley ed.

Benito Cereno

First Edition  ©2007 Herman Melville; Wyn Kelley ed. Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Herman Melville

    Herman Melville

    Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was the author of such classics as Billy Budd and Moby Dick.

  • Headshot of Wyn Kelley

    Wyn Kelley

    Wyn Kelley is a senior lecturer on the Literature Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is the author of Meville’s City: Literary and Urban Form in Nineteenth-Century New York (1996) and of essays in collections such as Savage Eye: Melville and the Visual Arts (1991); Melville’s Evermoving Dawn: Centennial Essays (1997); The Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville (1998); Ungraspable Phantom: Essays on Moby-Dick (2006); Melville and Women (2006); and Hawthorne and Melville: Writing Relationship (2007). She has edited Blackwell Publisher’s A Companion to Herman Melville (2006) and coedited, with Jill Barnum and Christopher Sten, "Whole Oceans Away": Melville and the Pacific (2006). She serves as associate editor of the Melville Society journal Leviathan and as a founding member of the Melville Society Cultural Project.

Table of Contents

Chronology: The Life of Herman Melville
An Introduction to Benito Cereno
Herman Melville, Benito Cereno
Amasa Delano, From A Narrative of Voyages and Travels, in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Comprising Three Voyages Round the World, Together with a Voyage of Survey and Discovery in the Pacific Ocean and Oriental Islands
Suggestions for Further Reading and Research
Glossary of Literary Terms
About the Editor

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