Cover: Black Power, 1st Edition by Bedford/St. Martin's; Thomas Aiello

Black Power

First Edition  ©2021 Bedford/St. Martin's; Thomas Aiello Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Thomas Aiello

    Thomas Aiello

    Thomas Aiello is a history professor at Valdosta State University.

  • Headshot of Bedford/St.Martin's


    Established in 1981, Bedford/St. Martin’s is the largest college publisher of textbooks for English composition courses. They publish best-selling textbooks like A Writer’s Reference, The St. Martin’s Guide to College Writing, and Patterns for College Writing.

Table of Contents

Central Question

Learning Objective

Historical Background



Stokely Carmichael, "Power and Racism," 1969

Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, "Black Panther Party Platform and Program," 1966

Nathan Wright Jr., "The Crisis Which Bred Black Power," 1968

Linda Harrison, "On Cultural Nationalism," 1969

Manifesto from The Black Panther, 1970

"The Gary Declaration," 1972

Project Questions

Additional Assignments

Additional Resources for Research

Product Updates

Curated Course Material for Single Class Periods!

This document collection will introduce students to the history, philosophy, and goals of the Black Power movement through the words and images of its leading figures. Students will engage with a wide range of primary sources, constructing an argument based on the central question: How did the rhetoric of Black Power reimagine the relationship between African Americans and white people in the wake of the integrationist civil rights movement?

Students are guided in their analyses of the documents by a learning objective, central question, historical background, source headnotes, source questions, project questions, and suggestions for further research. Through their work with these documents, they will gain a deeper awareness of the diversity of the American experience, a more complete understanding of the present in an historically-based context, an enhanced ability to read, interpret, assess, and contextualize primary sources, and practice explaining historical change over time.

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