Cover: Black Protest and the Great Migration, 1st Edition by Eric Arnesen

Black Protest and the Great Migration

First Edition  ©2003 Eric Arnesen Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Eric Arnesen

    Eric Arnesen

    Eric Arnesen is professor of History at The George Washington University. A specialist in African American labor history and issues of race and labor, he is the author of Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality (2001), which received the Wesley-Logan Prize in Diaspora History from the American Historical Association and the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, won Distinguished Honors from the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award Committee, and was selected as an Outstanding Academic Book by Choice. His book Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class, and Politics, 1863–1923 (1991) received the John H. Dunning Prize in American History from the American Historical Association. He is the author of Historically Speaking and The Journal of the Historical Society and is coeditor of Labor Histories: Class, Politics, and the Working-Class Experience (1998). His numerous articles have appeared in journals such as the American Historical Review, International Labor and Working-Class History, International Review of Social History, Labor History, and the Radical History Review. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Illinois at Chicagos Institute for the Humanities and Great Cities Institute.  In 2006, he held the Distinguished Fulbright Chair at the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Table of Contents

Introduction: "The Great American Protest"
Origins of the Great Migration
Wartime Opportunities in the North
The Promised Land?
Wartime Black Leaders, the New Negro, and Grassroots Politics
Racial Violence and the Postwar Reaction to Black Activism
Consequences of the Migration
The Documents
1. The Great Migration Begins
Why They Left: Conditions in the South
W. E. B. Du Bois, The Migration of Negroes, June 1917
Mary DeBardeleben, The Negro Exodus: A Southern Woman’s View, March 18, 1917
Charles S. Johnson, How Much Is the Migration a Flight from Persecution? September 1923
White Southerners Respond to the Migration
McDowell Times, 1100 Negroes Desert Savannah, Georgia, August 11, 1916
New Orleans Times-Picayune, Luring Labor North, August 22, 1916
Southern Blacks’ Warnings about Migration
J. A. Martin, Negroes Urged to Remain in South, November 25, 1916
Percy H. Stone, Negro Migration, August 1, 1917
Letters from Migrants
Documents: Letters of Negro Migrants, 1916–1918 64

2. The Promised Land?

 "The Truth about the North"

Chicago Commission on Race Relations, The Arrival in Chicago, 1922

Southwestern Christian Advocate, Read This Before You Move North, April 5, 1917

Dwight Thompson Farnham, Negroes a Source of Industrial Labor, August 1918

The East St. Louis Riot 78

New Orleans Times-Picayune, The Negro in the North, June 4, 1917

Crisis, The Massacre of East St. Louis, September 1917

Chicago Defender, Thousands March in Silent Protest, August 4, 1917

3. The Evolution of Black Politics

Patriotism and Military Service

The Reverend J. Edward Pryor, The Patriotism of the Negro, May 4, 1917

W. E. B. Du Bois, Close Ranks, July 1918

The New Republic, Negro Conscription, October 20, 1917

Leon A. Smith, Protest to Boston Herald, April 20, 1918 

Martha Gruening, Houston: An NAACP Investigation, November 1917

Savannah Tribune, Racial Clashes, July 26, 1919

The Emergence of the New Negro during and after the War

Cleveland Gazette, League Asks Full Manhood Rights, May 19, 1917

Crisis, The Heart of the South, May 1917

Mary White Ovington, Reconstruction and the Negro, February 1919

The Messenger, Migration and Political Power, July 1918

Marcus Garvey, What We Believe, January 1, 1924, and The Principles of the Universal Negro Improvement Association,November 25, 1922

The Messenger, New Leadership for the Negro, May –June 1919

The Messenger, If We Must Die, September 1919

Geroid Robinson, The New Negro, June 2, 1920

Black Women, Protest, and the Suffrage

Colored Federated Clubs of Augusta, Letter to President Woodrow Wilson, May 29, 1918

New York Age, Campaign for Women Nearing Its Close, November 1, 1917

Savannah Morning News, Negro Women Seek Permission to Vote, November 3, 1920 126

4. Black Workers and the Wartime Home Front Black Men and the Labor Question Crisis, Trades Unions, March 1918

United Mine Workers Journal, From Alabama: Colored Miners Anxious for Organization, June 1, 1916

Raymond Swing, The Birmingham Case, 1918

New Orleans Times-Picayune, Negro Organizer Tarred, June 14, 1918

Birmingham Ledger, Negro Strikers Return to Work, October 3, 1918

Black Women and the War

Houston Labor Journal, Colored Women of Houston Organize, May 6, 1916

Tampa Morning Tribune, Negro Washerwomen to Have Union Wage Scale, October 10, 1918

Mobile Register, Workers Strike in Laundries to Get Higher Pay, April 23, 1918

Mobile News-Item, Negro Women Are Under Arrest in Laundry Strike, April 25, 1918

Tampa Morning Tribune, Negro Women Living in Idleness Must Go to Work or to Jail, October 17, 1918

Savannah Tribune, Negroes to Demand Work at Charleston Navy Yard, May 19, 1917
5. Opportunities and Obstacles in the Postwar Era

An Uncertain Future

James W. Johnson, Views and Reviews: Now Comes the Test, November 23, 1918

Forrester B. Washington, Reconstruction and the Colored Woman, January 1919

George E. Haynes, William B. Wilson, and Sidney J. Catts, Letters from the U.S. Department of Labor Case Files, 1919

Mary White Ovington, Bogalusa, January 1920

Chicago Whip, Colored Labor Delegation Demands Rights in Alabama, February 28, 1920

George Schuyler, Negroes in the Unions, August 1925
1919 Riots

Washington Bee, The Rights of the Black Man, August 2, 1919

Jackson (Mississippi) Daily News, Race Riots in Chicago, July 28, 1919

Graham Taylor, Chicago in the Nation’s Race Strife, August 9, 1919

The Elaine Massacre

Newport News Times-Herald, Slowly Restore Order Today in Riot Districts, October 3, 1919

Walter F. White, The Race Conflict in Arkansas, December 13, 1919

Pittsburgh Courier, How the Arkansas Peons Were Freed, July 28, 1923

6. Postwar Migration

Heading South? or Coming North?

Jackson (Mississippi) Daily News, "Chi" Negroes Ask to Return to Mississippi, August 1, 1919

Tampa Morning Tribune, Negroes Who Come to South Are Better Off, August 24, 1919, and Find the Southern Negro Prosperous, October 5, 1919

T. Arnold Hill, Why Southern Negroes Don’t Go South, November 29, 1919

Buffalo American, Mighty Exodus Continues; Cause Not Economic, July 22, 1920

Building a New Life in the North

Charles S. Johnson, These "Colored" United States, December 1923

George E. Haynes, Negro Migration: Its Effect on Family and Community Life in the North, October 1924

and the Harlem Renaissance

Alain Locke, The New Negro, 1925



Chronology of Events Related to the Great Migration (1865–1925)

Questions for Consideration

Selected Bibliography



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