Cover: Cognition: Theory and Practice, 1st Edition by Russell Revlin

Cognition: Theory and Practice

First Edition  ©2013 Russell Revlin Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Russell Revlin

    Russell Revlin

    Russell Revlin is associate professor of psychology at the University of California–Santa Barbara. His academic journey began when, as a biopsychology student, he came across a tattered book on reasoning and problem solving at UCLA that expanded his view of psychology. The following year he was graduate student in cognitive psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, where he earned a PhD. After a postdoctoral fellowship in psycholinguistics from Stanford University, Dr. Revlin established his laboratory in human inference, focusing on how memory, language, and imaginal processes contribute to our ability to reason about novel situations and domains.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. What Is Cognitive Psychology?
Chapter 2. The Brain and Cognition
Part One: Sensory Systems
Chapter 3. Attention
Chapter 4. Pattern Recognition
Part Two: Memory
Chapter 5. Short-Term Memory and Working Memory
Chapter 6. Long-Term Memory
Chapter 7. Knowledge
Chapter 8. Imagery: Special Representation in Memory
Part Three: Language
Chapter 9. Language: A Cognitive Universal
Chapter 10. Language and Cognitive Processing
Part Four: Problem Solving and Reasoning
Chapter 11. Solving Problems
Chapter 12. Reasoning
Chapter 13. Decision Making

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