Cover: Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, 9th Edition by John Anderson

Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications

Ninth Edition  ©2020 John Anderson Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of John R. Anderson

    John R. Anderson

    John Robert Anderson is Richard King Mellon Professor of Psychology and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.  He is known for developing ACT-R, which is the most widely used cognitive architecture in cognitive science.  Anderson was also an early leader in research on intelligent tutoring systems, and computer systems based on his cognitive tutors currently teaching mathematics to about 500,000 children in American schools.  He has served as President of the Cognitive Science Society, and has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society.  He has received numerous scientific awards including the American Psychological Associations Distinguished Scientific Career Award, the David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Formal Analysis of Human Cognition, and the inaugural Dr. A. H. Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science.  He is the incoming editor of the prestigious Psychological Review.

Table of Contents

1 The Science of Cognition
2 Perception
3 Attention and Performance
4 Mental Imagery
5 Representation of Knowledge
6 Human Memory: Encoding and Storage
7 Human Memory: Retention and Retrieval
8 Problem Solving
9 Expertise
10  Reasoning
11 Problem Solving 
12 Language Structure   
13 Language Comprehension
14 Individual Differences in Cognition

Product Updates

Cognitive Psychology 9e feature a new  full color design with new illustrations and photos. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised. 

Major new content by chapter:

1 The Science of Cognition

  • new section: A Cognitive Neuroscience Revolution?
  • new Implications box: The Replicability Crisis 

2 Perception

  • new section: Object Recognition by Deep Convolutional Networks
  • new Implications box: New Developments in Face-Recognition Software 

3 Attention and Performance

  • new section: Individual Differences in Visual Imagery
  • new Implications box: Cell Phones and Distraction

4 Mental Imagery

  • new section: Inattentional Blindness
  • new Implications box: Spatial Skills and STEM Education 

5 Representation of Knowledge

  • new section: Memory for the Detail of Everyday Experiences
  • significant new material on prototype theories, exemplar theories, and natural categories

6 Human Memory: Encoding and Storage

  • new section: Spacing Effects
  • significant new material on flashbulb memories

7 Human Memory: Retention and Retrieval

  • new Implications box: Is Forgetting Adaptive?
  • significant new material on eyewitness testimony

8 Problem Solving

  • new section: Giving Up on Problem Solving
  • new Implications box: When Humans Are Better at Solving Problems Than Computers
  • significant new material on learning by example and on analogical reasoning 

9 Expertise

  • new section: Talent versus Deliberate Practice
  • significantly revised section: Educational Implications 

10  Reasoning

  • new section: Causal Reasoning (replaces Evaluating Conditional Arguments in a Larger Context) 

11 Problem Solving

  • new section: Choosing among Multiple Alternatives
  • new Implications box: What Can We Believe with High Confidence?

12 Language Structure

  • new Implications box: Bilingualism
  • significantly revised section: Educational Implications

13 Language Comprehension

  •  new Implications box: Nonverbal Communication

14 Individual Differences in Cognition

  • new Implications box: Is There a Relationship between Age and Job Performance?
  • new section: Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Intelligence




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