Cover: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Geoff Rayner-Canham; Tina Overton

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry

Sixth Edition  ©2014 Geoff Rayner-Canham; Tina Overton Formats: Achieve Essentials, E-book


  • Headshot of Geoff Rayner-Canham

    Geoff Rayner-Canham

    After completing his Ph.D. in transition metal chemistry at Imperial College, London, England, Geoff Rayner-Canham has spent his career mainly at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, together with sabbatical leaves at such diverse places as the Colorado School of Mines and the University of California, Santa Cruz. Being unable to find an inorganic chemistry text which used the concepts to explain the properties and uses of the chemical elements and compounds, he, subsequently joined by Tina Overton, authored Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. The text is now entering its sixth edition, and has been translated into Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Portuguese, and Khmer. Geoff has authored many publications relevant to the teaching of inorganic chemistry, including several on novel aspects of the Periodic Table. Recognition of his contributions to the teaching of chemistry have included the Chemistry Education Award of the Chemical Institute of Canada, and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada PromoScience Award. Researching the life and work of pioneering women chemists is another of his activities, this work resulting in several books co-authored with Marelene Rayner-Canham.

  • Headshot of Tina Overton

    Tina Overton

    Tina Overton worked in industry and in the National Health Service whilst completing her first degree by part time study. She then completed a PhD and postdoctoral work in heterogeneous catalysis. She joined the chemistry department at the University of Hull in 1992, first as a teaching fellow, then as lecturer, senior lecturer, and then as Professor of Chemistry Education. During her time at Hull she became increasingly interested in chemical education research. She has published on the topics of critical thinking, context and problem-based learning and their role in developing conceptual understanding and cognitive skills and the development of problem solving skills. She has published learning resources which have been adopted in many institutions and has co-authored several textbooks in inorganic chemistry. She is Director of the national Higher Education Academy Physical Sciences Centre which aims to enhance the student learning experience across chemistry, physics and astronomy. She has been awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s HE Teaching Award, Tertiary Education Award and Nyholm Prize and is a National Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Table of Contents

1. The Electronic Structure of the Atom: A Review

2. The Structure of the Periodic Table

3. Covalent Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy

4. Metallic Bonding, Alloys, and Composites

5. Ionic Bonding and Solid State Behaviour

6. Why Compounds Exist - Inorganic Thermodynamics

7. Solvent Systems and Acid-Base Behavior

8. Oxidation and Reduction

9. Periodic Patterns

10. Hydrogen

11. The Group 1 Elements: The Alkali Metals

12. The Group 2 Elements: The Alkaline Earth Metals

13. The Group 13 Elements

14. The Group 14 Elements

15. The Group 15 Elements: The Pnictogens

16. The Group 16 Elements: The Chalcogens

17. The Group 17 Elements: The Halogens

18. The Group 18 Elements: The Noble Gases

19. Transition Metal Complexes

20. Properties of the 3d Transition Metals

21. Properties of the 4d and 5d Transition Metals

22. The Group 12 Elements

23. Organometallic Chemistry

24. The Rare Earth and Actinoid Elements

Product Updates

New Chapter Openers
Each chapter opens with a Context, an aspect of inorganic chemistry which impinges on us in one way or another. Each of these contexts is intended to be thought-provoking and also ties in with an aspect of the chapter content. Topics include:

  • the greenhouse effect
  • ionic solvents and green chemistry
  • carbon nanotubes or graphene
  • ADP and ATP
  • fluoridation of water and tooth decay?
  • the danger of radon
  • why is zinc so biologically important?
  • lasers or nuclear power

New Worked Examples
Helps students develop their problem-solving skills with representative examples that guide students to the solution step by step.

Updated Biological Aspects sections
These sections, end of the chapters are an additional way the book appeals to the biology majors who often take the course.

Updated Videos
Geoff Rayner-Canham is providing new and updated videos of inorganic chemical compounds and reactions to the FREE Book Companion Site

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