Cover: Discovering the Scientist Within, 3rd Edition by Gary Lewandowski Jr.; Natalie Ciarocco; David Strohmetz

Discovering the Scientist Within

Third Edition  ©2023 Gary Lewandowski Jr.; Natalie Ciarocco; David Strohmetz Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.

    Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.

    Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr. grew up in a suburb of Philadelphia and went on to receive his B.A. from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and then his Ph.D. in Social/Health Psychology from Stony Brook University. Gary is a husband, father, dog-owner, professor and former chair in the Department of Psychology at Monmouth University, and author of Stronger Than You Think: The 10 Blind Spots That Undermine Your Relationship...and How to See Past Them. He has published over 50 academic articles and book chapters, and given over 120 conference presentations (most co-authored with undergraduates). Dr. Lewandowskis research, writing, and public speaking focus on the self and relationships. His research also examines ways to improve research methods and statistics instruction. He is a nationally recognized teacher who the Princeton Review recognized among its Best 300 Professors from an initial list of 42,000. He has also won Distinguished Teaching Awards at Stony Brook University and at Monmouth, and had his Intimate Relationships course featured in a USA Today article. He has given a TEDx talk, Break-ups Dont Have to Leave You Broken, which has over 2 million views. Currently, Dr. Lewandowski writes the Psychology of Relationships blog on Psychology Today. His expertise and articles (150+ of them) have appeared in mass media outlets such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, The Washington Post, CNN, APA Monitor, WebMD, and Scientific American, and have been enjoyed by over 5 million readers.

  • Headshot of Natalie J. Ciarocco

    Natalie J. Ciarocco

    Natalie J. Ciarocco is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Monmouth University. She earned her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Case Western Reserve University. Her main research focus is on the limited capacity of self-control and the role it plays in interpersonal relationships. She is also a scholar of teaching and learning. She is the recipient of grants from both the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP) to develop teaching resources for methodology courses. She has been published in Teaching of Psychology and has a book chapter on how to make psychology more self-relevant to students. Her current work in this area involves undergraduate professional development. Natalie is the co-creator and editor of an online collection of peer-reviewed resources for the teaching of research and statistics, as well as the co-founder and organizer of the Atlantic Coast Teaching of Psychology biennial conference. In 2006 she was awarded the Excellence and Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at Florida Atlantic University. Natalie enjoys baking, traveling, and spending time at home with her husband, Dave, and daughter, Amelia.

  • Headshot of David B Strohmetz

    David B Strohmetz

    David B. Strohmetz,  Professor of Psychology at Monmouth University, has taught research methods and statistics courses for over 20 years at three different institutions.  It was in his first undergraduate psychology course at Dickinson College that he first discovered the thrill of scientific discovery. The research skills he developed as a psychology major led to his first job after graduation. He went on to receive his M.A. and Ph.D. in Social/Organizational Psychology from Temple University.

    Seeking to promote quality teaching in the psychology major, Strohmetz has authored instructor’s manuals, test banks, and website companion material for several editions of a behavioral research textbook.  He has developed PowerPoint slide decks to accompany several editions of introductory psychology, social psychology, and developmental psychology textbooks. These slide decks incorporate pedagogical strategies to promote active learning in the classroom. His teaching-related publications and conference presentations focus on sharing innovative strategies he incorporates into his courses to promote student learning. Strohmetz is a co-founder of, an internet repository of class activities and other instructor resources to support research methods and statistics.  Strohmetz is also an expert on assessment of student learning, having served as Associate Vice President for Academic and Institutional Assessment at Monmouth University.

    Seeking to provide undergraduates with meaningful and engaging research experiences, Strohmetz’s Social Influence Lab focuses on social factors that influence people’s generosity, particular with respect to restaurant tipping behavior. He has also written about the “social psychology of the experiment,” discussing methodological problems and potential solutions when conducting psychological research.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1       Psychology As a Science: Thinking Like a Researcher
CHAPTER 2       The Research Process: From Ideas to Innovations
CHAPTER 3       Ethics and Open Science: Upholding Scientific Integrity in Research
CHAPTER 4       The Psychologist’s Toolbox: Tools for Building Better Designs
CHAPTER 5       Qualitative Research: Getting Into the Mind of a Serial Killer
CHAPTER 6       Observational Research: The Many Forms of Discipline in a Parent’s Bag of Tricks
CHAPTER 7       Correlational Research and Survey Design: Is Going Greek a Great Idea?
CHAPTER 8       Two-Group Design: Texting: I Can’t Get You Out of My Mind
CHAPTER 9       Multigroup Design: I’m Feeling Hot, But Is the Earth Hot, Too?
CHAPTER 10     Within-Subjects Design: Can Watching Reality TV Shows Be Good for Us?
CHAPTER 11     Factorial Design: “I Lost My Phone Number, Can I Borrow Yours?” Do Pick-Up Lines Really Work?
CHAPTER 12     Mixed Design: How Do Mindfulness and Bed-Sharing With Pets Impact Stress?
CHAPTER 13     Program Evaluation: Applying Your Skills in the Real World
APPENDIX A     Statistical Tools for Answering Research Questions
APPENDIX B     Communicating the Science of Psychology

Product Updates

Book-wide updates include hundreds of new references, universal revisions for APA 7e style, and updated language and examples to reflect the APA’s bias-free language guidelines and Macmillan Learning’s internal diversity/equity/inclusion efforts. All SPSS data screenshots have also been updated to reflect the latest version of the SPSS statistical software.

New concepts include science denialism, six guidelines for interesting research, member-checking, cutting-edge recruitment (Amazon MTurk and Reddit) and survey (Google Forms, Qualtrics) technologies, “new” statistics (confidence intervals), ethics associated with animal research, and much more. New “Research Spotlight” topics include systematic bias in the SAT, program evaluation in art therapy and school-based interventions, a mixed-design analysis of partner co-sleeping, and more.

Extensively revised chapters

  • Chapter 3: Ethics and Open Science: Upholding Scientific Integrity in Research incorporates new open science coverage, including direct replication, conceptual replication, reproducibility, questionable research practices (QRP), the Three Badges of Open Science, clinical equipoise, and many real-life examples of research ethics.
  • Chapter 12: Mixed Design: How Do Mindfulness and Bed-Sharing With Pets Impact Stress?” features  a new chapter-wide example of mixed design involving animal research.

What better way to learn research methods than through fascinating studies?

Discovering the Scientist Within: Research Methods in Psychology is the only book on the market that teaches students about research methods using a complete study in each chapter. Authored by renowned teachers Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr., Natalie J. Ciarocco, and David B. Strohmetz, each design-focused chapter asks students to consider an interesting research scenario and then walks them through each step of the study—from formulating a research question to reporting the results in APA style. Students come away with a hands-on understanding of the research process and invaluable practice in the basic steps that comprise all studies.

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Test Bank for Discovering the Scientist Within

Gary Lewandowski Jr.; Natalie Ciarocco; David Strohmetz | Third Edition | ©2023 | ISBN:9781319463922

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Instructor's Resource Manual for Discovering the Scientist Within

Gary Lewandowski Jr.; Natalie Ciarocco; David Strohmetz | Third Edition | ©2023 | ISBN:9781319463915
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Lecture Slides for Discovering the Scientist Within

Gary Lewandowski Jr.; Natalie Ciarocco; David Strohmetz | Third Edition | ©2023 | ISBN:9781319463939
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