Cover: Document-Based Cases for Technical Communication, 2nd Edition by Roger Munger

Document-Based Cases for Technical Communication

Second Edition  ©2013 Roger Munger Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Roger Munger

    Roger Munger

    Roger Munger, PhD, is an assistant professor of technical communication at Boise State University. His teaching and research interests include Web-based training, print document production, publications management, and proposal development. He is also active in the Society for Technical Communication (STC). Roger earned his PhD in Communication and Rhetoric from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Table of Contents

*New to this edition

Preface for Instructors

Introduction for Students

CASE 1 Graphics: Selecting and Presenting Data

*The Situation

     *Figure 1.1 Sample APR Calculations for a Womens Golf Team

*The Challenge

*Your Job

When Youre Finished

TASK 1 Evaluate the Effectiveness of Graphics

     *Document 1.2 Line Graph of Academic Achievement Trends

     *Document 1.3 Bar Graph of Academic Achievement for All Womens Sports

*TASK 2 Assess and Improve Communication Strategies

     *Document 1.4 APR Statistics for Womens Sports 2009-2010

     *Document 1.5 APR Statistics for Mens Sports 2009-2010

     *Document 1.6 APR Snapshot

*TASK 3 Create Effective Graphics and Speakers Notes

     *Document 1.7 Average Multi-Year APR Scores in 2009-2010

*TASK 4 Write a Press Release and Integrate Text and Graphics

     *Document 1.8 First Page of Press Release Outline

     *Document 1.9 Second Page of Press Release Outline

CASE 2 Definitions and Descriptions: Helping Your Readers Understand

*The Situation

     *Figure 2.1 Baysides Community Garden

     *Figure 2.2 Model Parenthetical and Sentence Definitions

*The Challenge

*Your Job

When Youre Finished

TASK 1 Analyze Parenthetical and Sentence Definitions

     *Document 2.3 Parenthetical Definitions

     *Document 2.4 Sentence Definitions

*TASK 2 Evaluate and Revise Descriptions

     *Document 2.5 Object Description of Beneficial Insects

     *Document 2.6 Mechanism Description of Garden Tiller

     *Document 2.7 Process Description of Erosion Control

     *Document 2.8 Object Descriptions of USDA Plant Hardiness Zone8b

TASK 3 Clarify Definitions with Graphics  

TASK 4 Write Definitions  

     *Document 2.9 E-mail with Gardening Terms to Be Defined

CASE 3 Correspondence: Considering Your Readers Point of View

The Situation

     Figure 3.1 Axel Geirsson

The Challenge

Your Job

When Youre Finished

TASK 1 Evaluate and Revise an Internal Memo

     Document 3.2 Memo on H20 Pro-TechT Features

TASK 2 Evaluate and Revise a Response to a Customer

     Document 3.3 Customer Claim Letter

     Document 3.4 Response to Customer Claim Letter

TASK 3 Respond to Customer Claims

     Document 3.5 Customer Claim E-mail 1

     Document 3.6 Customer Claim E-mail 2

*TASK 4 Write a Microblog and a Blog Post

Document 3.7 Microblog Posts Critical of Company

     *Document 3.8 Blog Post Critical of Store

CASE 4 Proposals: Seeing Proposals through Reviewers Eyes

The Situation

The Challenge

Your Job

When Youre Finished

     Figure 4.1 Example of Funded Proposal

TASK 1 Evaluate Proposals

     Document 4.2 Skyview Coalition Proposal

     Document 4.3 Gameday Brigade Proposal

     Document 4.4 Teen Initiative Plan Proposal

     Document 4.5 Defensive Driving Course Proposal

TASK 2 Reflect on the Review Process  

TASK 3 Respond to Proposals  

TASK 4 Write a Proposal

     Document 4.6 E-mail with Notes on Bicycle Helmet Program

CASE 5 Reports: Learning to Write in an Organization

*The Situation

*The Challenge

     *Figure 5.1 Cover of United States Energy Information Administrations Web Editorial Style Guide

*Your Job

When Youre Finished

TASK 1 Learn about an Organizations Reports

     *Document 5.2 Web Page of United States Energy Information Administration

     *Document 5.3 Mission and Overview Page of the United States Energy Information Administration

     *Document 5.4 EIA Offices list for the United States Energy Information Administration

     *Document 5.5 Preface from International Energy Outlook 2010 (page 1)

     *Document 5.6 Preface from International Energy Outlook 2010 (page 2)

*TASK 2 Compare and Evaluate Report Design

     *Document 5.7 Web Page of Most Recent International Energy Outlook Report

     *Document 5.8 Web Page of Archived International Energy Outlook 2010

     *Document 5.9 Highlights Page from Printed Report of Archived International Energy Outlook 2010

TASK 3 Learn about Appropriate Report Content  

     *Document 5.10 Page from Greenhouse Emissions Report

     *Document 5.11 Excerpt on Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Greenhouse Emissions Report

     *Document 5.12 Excerpt on Residential Sector Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Greenhouse Emissions Report

TASK 4 Use an Organizations Style Guide

     *Document 5.13 E-mail Query on How to Develop a Preface

     *Document 5.14 E-mail Query on How to Format a Table

CASE 6 Instructions: Guiding Readers in Performing a Task

*The Situation

     *Figure 6.1 Engineers Sketch of ECG Lead II Waveform Display

*The Challenge

*Your Job  

When Youre Finished

TASK 1 Interview a Subject Matter Expert

     *Document 6.2 E-mail Requesting Information on the Priti4.3 Monitor

TASK 2 Evaluate Instructions

     *Document 6.3 Engineers Sketch of Monitor User Interface

     *Document 6.4 Basic Instructions for Operationg Priti5 Monitor

TASK 3 Write Instructions

     *Document 6.5 Notes for Operating Priti5 Monitor 1

     *Document 6.6 Notes for Operating Priti5 Monitor 2

     *Document 6.7 Notes for Operating Priti5 Monitor 3

*TASK 4 Develop an Online Training Module

CASE 7 Presentation Graphics: Highlighting Important Information

The Situation

Figure 7.1 Example of E-mail Announcing Open Enrollment Meeting 

The Challenge

Your Job

When Youre Finished

*TASK 1 Design Presentation Slides

     Document 7.2 Opening Slide for Presentation

     Document 7.3 Presentation Slide with Agenda

     Document 7.4 Presentation Slide on Paper Applications

TASK 2 Present Information Visually

     Document 7.5 Presentation Slide with Pie Chart

     Document 7.6 Presentation Slide with Pie Chart

     Document 7.7 Presentation Slide on Benefits

*TASK 3 Create an Online Presentation

     *Document 7.8 Presentation Notes

TASK 4 Create a Presentation

     Document 7.9 E-mail Query on Presentation Graphics

Product Updates

New cases and writing tasks offer up-to-date scenarios that incorporate online genres and social media tools. Four of the seven cases and 20 of the 28 writing tasks are new, offering fresh opportunities for writing practice. Students are asked to work on diverse tasks such as writing descriptions to be used on the blog and Web site of a non-profit organization, designing a presentation and handout for an employee-benefits office, developing an online training module for a biomedical systems company, and writing microblog and blog posts addressing customer complaints to an outdoor apparel business.

A fresh new design guides students through each case and reflects the online environment in which much of their writing takes place.

A new Bedford e-Book version of Document-Based Cases for Technical Communication
makes it easier than ever to integrate the cases into your course. The e-book is included in TechCommClass, a unique online course management system for technical communication, and offers robust features such as bookmarking, highlighting, and annotation.

New scoring guides for instructors suggest criteria for evaluating students work on each case.



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