Cover: Dracula, 2nd Edition by Bram Stoker; Edited by John Paul Riquelme


Second Edition  ©2016 Bram Stoker; Edited by John Paul Riquelme Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Bram Stoker

    Bram Stoker

    Bram Stoker (1874-1912) is considered one of the great writers of his time.

  • Headshot of John Paul Riquelme

    John Paul Riquelme

Table of Contents

Part One: Dracula: The Complete Text in Cultural Context

Biographical and Historical Contexts

              The Complete Text (1897)

Part Two: Contextual Documents and Illustrations

Part Three: Dracula: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism

                A Critical History of Dracula

                Cultural Criticism and Dracula

New         Leland Monk, Undead Images, Images of the Undead: Dracula on Film

                  Psychoanalytic Criticism and Dracula

                  Dennis Foster, "The little children can be bitten": A Hunger for Dracula

Gender Criticism and Dracula

Sos Eltis, Corruption of the Blood and Degeneration of the Race: Dracula and Policing the Borders of Gender

Queer Theory and Dracula

Renee Fox, Building Castles in the Air: Female Intimacy and Generative Queerness in Dracula

Postcolonial Theory and Dracula

Gregory Castle, In Transit: The Passage to Empire in Stoker’s Dracula

Combining Critical Perspectives on Dracula

              Joseph Valente, Stoker’s Vampire and the Vicissitudes of Biopower

Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms

Product Updates

  • New critical essays representing cultural, queer, and postcolonial approaches, plus an essay that combines several perspectives
  • New illustrations and cultural documents covering topics such as the lesbian vampire and the new woman
  • Updated editorial apparatus


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