Cover: Earth's Climate, 3rd Edition by William F. Ruddiman

Earth's Climate

Third Edition  ©2014 William F. Ruddiman Formats: Print


  • Headshot of William F. Ruddiman

    William F. Ruddiman

    William F.  Ruddiman was initially trained as a marine geologist. His subsequent work over many years has explored several different aspects of the field of paleoclimate. His earliest research was on orbital-scale changes in North Atlantic sediments to reconstruct past sea-surface temperatures and to quantify the deposition of ice-rafted debris. He also studied the way that vertical mixing by sea-floor organisms smoothes deep-sea climatic records. Later, his interests turned to the cause of long-term cooling over the last 50 million years. This research led to a new hypothesis that uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has been a major driver of that cooling, with Maureen Raymos work on chemical weathering a central part of that hypothesis. That research also demonstrated that Tibetan uplift created much of the seasonally alternating monsoon climate that dominates eastern Asia today. Since entering semi-retirement in 2001, Ruddimans research has concentrated on the climatic role farmers played during the last several thousand years by clearing land, raising livestock, and irrigating rice padis. This research produced the early anthropogenic hypothesis --- the idea that early agriculturalists caused an anomalous reversal in natural declines of atmospheric CO2 7000 years ago and CH4 5000 years ago. His research on this issue has been NSF-funded for several years. Because this hypothesis has been very controversial, it has provoked many studies seeking ways to test it.

Table of Contents

Part I Framework of Climate Science
1. Overview of Climate Science
2. Earths Climate System Today
3. Climate Archives, Data, and Models

Part II Tectonic-Scale Climate Change
4. CO2 and Long-Term Climate
5. Plate Tectonics and Long-Term Climate
6. Greenhouse Climate
7. From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Last 50 Million Years

Part III Orbital-Scale Climate Change
8. Astronomical Control of Solar Radiation
9. Insolation Control of Monsoons
10. Insolation Control of Ice Sheets
11. Orbital-Scale Changes in Carbon Dioxide and Methane
12. Orbital-Scale Interactions, Feedbacks, and Unsolved Mysteries

Part IV Glacial/Deglacial Climate Change
13. The Last Glacial Maximum
14. Climate During and Since the Last Deglaciation
15. Millennial Oscillations of Climate

Part V Historical and Future Climate Change
16. Humans and Preindustrial Climate
17. Climate Changes During the Last 1,000 Years
18. Climatic Changes Since 1850
19. Causes of Warming over the Last 125 Years
20. Future Climatic Change

Appendix 1: Isotopes of Oxygen
Appendix 2: Isotopes of Carbon

Product Updates

New! Chapter 2. Earths Climate System Today
The chapter gives students a valuable foundation for understanding the basic operation of the climate system. Formerly available only online, this chapter has been integrated into the main text.

Important Recent Advances
The new edition discusses a wide range of new research throughout, including the latest on:
—Cyclic orbital-scale changes in ice sheet size (Chapter 11)
—Millennial-scale changes in climate (Chapter 14)
—Responses of components of the climate system to global warming (Chapter 17)



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