Cover: Emerging, 5th Edition by Barclay Barrios


Fifth Edition  ©2022 Barclay Barrios Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Barclay Barrios

    Barclay Barrios

    Barclay Barrios (PhD, Rutgers University) is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies for the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters and Professor of English at Florida Atlantic University, where he teaches freshman composition and graduate courses in composition methodology and theory, rhetorics of the body, queer theory, and pedagogy. He is past Director of Instructional Technology at Rutgers University and serves on the board of Pedagogy. Barrios is the author of Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers and Intelligence: A Bedford Spotlight Reader.

Table of Contents

*New to the 5th Edition
Preface for Instructors

Part 1: Emerging as a Critical Thinker and Academic Writer
What’s Emerging?
Reading Critically
Thinking Critically
Making An Argument
    *Thinking about Audience
Using Support
Conducting Research
    *Evaluating Sources in the Era of “Fake News”
Revising, Editing, And Proofreading
*Sample Student Paper
Part 2: The Readings
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Making Conversation and The Primacy of Practice
*Sarah Bellamy, Performing Whiteness
Adrian Chen, Unfollow
Ta-Nehisi Coates, From Between the World and Me
Torie Rose DeGhett, The War Photo No One Would Publish
Francis Fukuyama, Human Dignity
*Yessenia Funes, Pollution Is Racial Violence
Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist
Malcolm Gladwell, Small Change
*Gavin Haynes, How Knitters Got Knotted in A Purity Spiral
*Samuel James, We’re All Fundamentalists Now
Leslie Jamison, Devil’s Bait
*Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, There’s Nothing Naïve About Moral Clarity
Maria Konnikova, The Limits of Friendship
*Hannah Landecker, Eating as Dialogue, Food as Technology
*Yi-Ling Liu, Greetings Premier, I Run a Gay Website
*Valeria Luiselli, Border
Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind
Yo-Yo Ma, Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education
Sharon Moalem, Changing Our Genes: How Trauma, Bullying, and Royal Jelly Alter Our Genetic Destiny
*Anne Helen Petersen, I Don’t Feel Like Buying Stuff Anymore
Michael Pollan, The Animals: Practicing Complexity
*Laurence Ralph, An Open Letter to All the Future Mayors of Chicago
*Tobias Rees, From the Anthropocene to the Microbiocene
Julia Serano, Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Rhys Southan, Is Art a Waste of Time?
*Aviva Stahl, The Sexual Assault Epidemic That No One is Talking About
Sarah Stillman, Hiroshima and the Inheritance of Trauma
Sherry Turkle, The Empathy Diaries
Tomas van Houtryve, From the Eyes of a Drone
David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster
*Esmé Weijun Wang, High-Functioning
Ethan Watters, Being WEIRD: How Culture Shapes the Mind   
Wesley Yang, Paper Tigers
Kenji Yoshino, Preface and The New Civil Rights
*Hari Ziyad, My Gender Is Black

Part 3: Assignment Sequences
Sequence 1: How Is Technology Changing Us?
*Sequence 2: How Do We Address Systemic Racism?
*Sequence 3: How Does Gender Shape Us, and How Do We Shape Gender?
*Sequence 4: How Can We Be Good Stewards of the Climate and the Environment?
Sequence 5: How Can You Make a Difference in the World?
Sequence 6: What Should Be the Goal of an Education?
Sequence 7: How Can We Get Along?
*Sequence 8: What Does it Mean to Be Mentally Healthy in A Complex World?

Index of Authors and Titles

Product Updates

Compelling new readings bring to life cutting-edge topics, including:

  • Screenwriter Hari Ziyad interrogates the intersection of their gender identity and race.
  • Marine biologist Ayana Elizabeth Johnson breaks down the need for climate action into the simplest morality.
  • Journalist Gavin Haynes examines the intra-community conflicts and moral one-upmanship of purity spirals.

New rhetorical assignments throughout the book offer instructors new options to encourage students to consider the contexts of reading selections and new entryways for diverse pedagogical approaches, while also providing students new tools to understand both the ideas of the readings and the ways in which writers shape language to particular ends.

Four new or substantially revised assignment sequences provide a convenient way to structure selected readings into a coherent course.  They  ask challenging questions to spark students’ interest and to guide them on a substantive academic project, such as:

  • How Do We Address Systemic Racism?
  • How Does Gender Shape Us, and How Do We Shape Gender?
  • How Can We Be Good Stewards of the Climate and the Environment?
  • What Does It Mean to Be Mentally Healthy in a Complex World?




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