Cover: England's Glorious Revolution 1688-1689, 1st Edition by Steven C. A. Pincus

England's Glorious Revolution 1688-1689

First Edition  ©2006 Steven C. A. Pincus Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Steven C. A. Pincus

    Steven C. A. Pincus

    Steven C. A. Pincus (PhD, Harvard University) is professor of history at Yale University. He is the author of Protestantism and Patriotism: Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650–1668 (1996), as well as numerous essays on the cultural, political, and intellectual history of early modern Britain, and he is the coeditor of A Nation Transformed? England after the Restoration with Alan Craig Houston, and of the forthcoming collection The Public Sphere in Early Modern England with Peter Lake.

Table of Contents

  A Note about the Text
    English Economy and Society in 1685
    English Politics in 1685
    Revolution in Politics
    Revolution in Foreign Policy
    Revolution in Political Economy
    Revolution in the Church
    Interpreting the Revolution of 1688–89
    The First Modern Revolution
  The Revolution of 1688–89
    1. Invitation of the Seven to the Prince of Orange, June 30, 1688
    2. William III, The Declaration, October 1688
    3. Francis Barrington and Benjamin Steele, A Letter Describing the Revolution to Thomas Goodwin and Kinnard Delabere, January 11, 1689
    4. Lord Delamere, Reasons Why the King Ran Away, 1690s
    5. Colley Cibber, Memoir of the Revolution, 1740
  The Eighteenth Century Debate
    6. Richard Price, A Celebration of the Revolution of 1688–89, November 4, 1789
    7. Edmund Burke, The Significance of the Revolution of 1688–89, 1790
  Social and Economic Background
    8. The Growing Social and Political Importance of Foreign Trade, 1685
    9. Guy Miege, Social Life in Late-Seventeenth-Century England, 1691
    10. The Effects of the New Long-Distance Trades, 1695
    11. The Rise of the Coffeehouse, 1675
  Revolution in Politics
    12. The Declaration of Rights, February 29, 1689
    13. Thomas Cartwright, A Defense of James IIs View of the Constitution, February 1686
    14. Gilbert Burnet, A Defense of the Williamite View of the Constitution, 1688
  Revolution in Foreign Policy
    15. Court Memorandum on Foreign Affairs, August 2, 1686
    16. Catholic Court Memorandum, November 9, 1686
    17. Arnoud Van Citters, Reports of Growing Anti-Dutch Hysteria, January 24 and February 3, 1688
    18. Roger Morrice, War against the Dutch Republic as an Inevitability, February 4, 1688
    19. James II, Thoughts on the Revolution, 1690s
    20. Anti-Dutch Propaganda, 1688
    21. John Evelyn, Diary Entries concerning France, 1683–1684
    22. An Anti-French Tract, 1686
    23. Call for War against France, April 19, 1689
    24. James Wellwood, Newspaper Account of Public Animosity toward France, October 30, 1689
  Revolution in Political Economy
    25. Establishing Principles of Trade in East India Company v. Sandys, 1685
    26. Josiah Child, A Torys Thoughts on Political Economy, 1681
    27. Carew Reynell, A Whig View of Foreign Trade, 1685
    28. An Early Defense of the Bank of England, 1694
    29. Slingsby Bethel, A Whig View of Trade and Geopolitics, 1680
  Revolution in the Church
    30. George Hickes, Criticism of Religious Nonconformity, 1685
    31. Gilbert Burnet, Divisions within the Church, 1713
    32. James IIs Declaration of Indulgence, April 4, 1687
    33. James Johnston,Letters regarding Nonconformist Opinion, 1687
    34. Roger Morrice, A Londoners View of Nonconformist Sentimen, October 29, 1687
    35. Catholic Attitudes toward the Religious Policies of James II, January 12, 1688
    36. James Wellwood, Treatment of Catholics after the Revolution, July 3, 1689
  Roger LEstrange and John Locke as Case Study
     37. Roger LEstrange, The Case for Royal Power, 1681–1683
     38. Roger LEstrange, The Economics of Fisheries, 1674
     39. John Locke, A Defense of Toleration, 1689
     40. John Locke, Treatises on Political and Economic Arrangments, 1689
    A Chronology of the Origins and Consequences of the Glorious Revolution (1649–1694)
    Questions for Consideration
    Selected Bibliography

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